Paraziții - Beatbox / Din dragoste în toate felurile - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Beatbox / Din dragoste în toate felurile

Beatbox / Din dragoste în toate felurile
Beatbox / Out of all kinds of love
Toate-s la fel cand viseaza legat
All is fair in love and war
Legat de ele de casa de pat
Tied to her, to the house, to the bed
Toate te fac sa te simti vinovat
She makes you feel guilty
Si toate turbeaza ca-ti faci de cap
And she goes crazy when you act wild
Vreti pat mare cu matase si perne moi
You want a big bed with silk and soft pillows
Vreti s-aveti pareri si sa vorbiti peste noi
You want to have opinions and to talk over us
Vreti atentie, bani si sa va tinem de mana
You want attention, money and for us to hold your hand
Noi va dam promisiuni si pamant pe luna
We give you promises and castles in the air
Stati mai mult in oglinda decat stati infipte
You spend more time in the mirror than you do in bed
Si n-ati invatat sa faceti decat zile fripte
And you've only learned to make drama
Cand va parasim mancati si plangeti cat sase
When we leave you, you eat and cry for six
D-aia n-avem cum s-avem ganduri serioase
That's why we can't have serious thoughts
Toate-s la fel cand viseaza legat
All is fair in love and war
Legat de ele de casa de pat
Tied to her, to the house, to the bed
Toate te fac sa te simti vinovat
She makes you feel guilty
Si toate turbeaza ca-ti faci de cap
And she goes crazy when you act wild
Deja ma vezi prin casa in halat si-n papuci
Now you see me in the house in a robe and slippers
Crede-ma n-o sa ajung in veci cuierul tau de muci
Believe me, I'll never be your clothes hanger for snot
Sunt animal da' nu-s domestic, cand plec fac sport
I'm an animal but I'm not domesticated, when I leave I do sports
Si nu stau dupa tine cum nu stau dupa mort
And I don't follow you like I don't follow death
N-am aur, n-am lanturi, n-am povesti cu sirop
I have no gold, no chains, no stories with syrup
Daca-ti fac dosarul ai peste cu botox in bot
If I get your file, you'll have over the botox in your bot
Vrei diamante ia calmante du-te si sapa
You want diamonds, take some sedatives, go and dig
Vrei perle dezbraca-te du-te si inoata
You want pearls, undress, go and swim
Toate-s la fel cand viseaza legat
All is fair in love and war
Legat de ele de casa de pat
Tied to her, to the house, to the bed
Toate te fac sa te simti vinovat
She makes you feel guilty
Si toate turbeaza ca-ti faci de cap
And she goes crazy when you act wild
Ma vrei de vreme acasa pe sub geam cu-o chitara
You want me home at night under your window with a guitar
Sa-ti fac cate-o serenada -nfiecare seara
To make you a serenade every evening
Ma vrei cu floarea-n dinti si nu la canterinca
You want me with a flower in my teeth and not at a nightclub
Sa ne tinem in brate pe muzica lui Banica
To hold each other in our arms to Banica's music
Vreti haine de blana si ochelari de soare
You want fur coats and sunglasses
Cand noi toti barbati vrem sa va scoatem din toale
When we all, as men, want to take you out of your clothes
Vreti bani, diamante, farduri, carduri si PIN-uri
You want money, diamonds, make-up, cards and PINs
Noi va dam s-aveti sa ardeti in chinuri
We give you what you have to burn in torment
Vreti sa dam explicatie ca asa e viata-n doi
You want an explanation that it's life as a couple
Noi vrem masini cu loc sa nu aveti loc si voi
We want cars with enough space so that there's no room for you too
Vreti sa va lasam to si sa ne inchida parnaia
You want us to leave everything and for the prison to close its doors on us
Vreti pe Himalaya nu va mai place la Sinaia
You want the Himalayas, you don't like Sinaia
Vrem sa va tinem de mana sa citim in astre
We want to hold your hand and read the stars
Sentimentele noastre-s reale ca unghiile voastre
Our feelings are as real as your nails
Vor palate ca-n poveste
They dream of palaces like in a fairy tale
Si toate peste noapte se vor neveste
And they all become wives overnight

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