Paraziții - Bot In Bot Cu O Lepra Mica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Bot In Bot Cu O Lepra Mica

Bot In Bot Cu O Lepra Mica
Face to Face with a Little Tramp
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared
Unele lucruri nu se explica
Some things can't be explained
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared
Unele lucruri nu se explica
Some things can't be explained
Va iau norocul in pipeta si mortii in racheta
I'll take your luck in a pipette and your death in a rocket
Ca-mi incape cu success creierul pe o discheta
'Cause my brain fits perfectly on a floppy disk
Sunt perfect internabil pe alta planeta
I'm perfectly fit for an asylum on another planet
Si total idiot, caci caut femeia perfecta
And totally stupid, because I'm looking for the perfect woman
Ridic in p**** minciuna la rang de arta
I elevate lying to the rank of art
Ca sa-ti trag la poarta cu mingea Sparta
Just to shoot my shot at your gate with a Sparta ball
Las-o moarta si baga, nu e ultimul fum
Leave her dead and let's get high, it's not the last smoke
Noi n-am mai fumat demult asa ceva bun
We haven't smoked anything this good in a long time
O sa mor de fericire, frate, nu-mi permit
I'm gonna die of happiness, bro, I can't afford it
Sunteti martori ca pana acum nu mi-a iesit
You are witnesses that until now, it hasn't worked out for me
Spun adevarul o data la 30 de zile
I tell the truth once every 30 days
Cand am intrat in joc, n-am intrat pe pile
When I entered the game, I didn't get in through connections
Nu, nu sunt la fel sau sunt chiar mai rau
No, I'm not the same or maybe even worse
Si daca toate-s la fel, e doar in capul tau
And if everything is the same, it's just in your head
Vreau 2 zdrente mici la plan, peste program
I want 2 little rags on the plan, after hours
Cu 24 de ore de saracie pe an
With 24 hours of poverty per year
Am sarit instructia, viata se complica
I skipped the instructions, life gets complicated
Regretele sunt pentru morti
Regrets are for the dead
Nu traim cu frica
We don't live with fear
Alergam cu stil dupa cate una mica
We chase after every little one in style
Frate, f***-le de mici ca mai tarziu se strica
Bro, f*** them while they're young, 'cause later they get ruined
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared
Unele lucruri nu se explica
Some things can't be explained
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared
Unele lucruri nu se explica
Some things can't be explained
Intretin violul cu o piesa la viola
I maintain the violation with a piece on the viola
Vorbesc engleza, insa stiu sa tac in spaniola
I speak English, but I know how to keep quiet in Spanish
M-am trezit devreme sa constat ca e prea tarziu
I woke up early to find that it's too late
Nici n-am stiut, sau am stiut
I didn't even know, or maybe I knew
Si n-am stiut ca stiu
And I didn't know that I knew
Am malai, am varza, imi fac creierii muci
I have cornmeal, I have cabbage, I'm gonna make my brain mush
Dau 2 zile insorite pe o pereche mare de buci
I'll give 2 sunny days for a big pair of boobs
Doamnelor si domnilor, sunt plin de vicii
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm full of vices
Trupa vocal-instrumentala Parazitii
The vocal-instrumental band Parazitii
Acuzati ca fumam si bem
Accused of smoking and drinking
Avem o iarba care-l pune in cap si pe Superman
We have a herb that messes even Superman's head up
Stau relaxat in situatie incordata
I stay relaxed in a tense situation
Si nu fac azi ce pot sa nu fac niciodata
And I don't do today what I can put off forever
Trage aer in piept si fa-ti 3 cruci
Take a deep breath and cross yourself three times
Daca femeia te iubeste, incalta-te si fugi
If the woman loves you, put on your shoes and run
Sunt de fel infidel
I'm unfaithful by nature
Femeia isi arata coltul
The woman shows her claws
Si nu m-as insura, dar e la moda divortul
And I wouldn't get married, but divorce is in fashion
Toate-s la fel, asta e idea
They're all the same, that's the idea
Si nu inteleg de ce e mandru Dumnezeu
And I don't understand why God is proud
Ca a creat femeia
That he created the woman
Alergam cu stil dupa cate una mica
We chase after every little one in style
Frate, f***-le de mici ca mai tarziu se strica
Bro, f*** them while they're young, 'cause later they get ruined
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared
Unele lucruri nu se explica
Some things can't be explained
Bot in bot cu o lepra mica
Face to face with a little tramp
Bot in bot asa de sticla
Face to face, so wasted
Bot in bot, nu mi-e frica
Face to face, I'm not scared

Writer(s): Ion Stefan Catalin, Pastaca Ionut Bogdan

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