Paraziții - Circulă Zvonul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Circulă Zvonul

Circulă Zvonul
The Rumor Has It
Circula zvonul in oras ca ne cam sugeti pla
The rumor has it, you all suck our dicks
Suntem aici sa va verficam daca v-ati luat pilula
We're here to check if you took your pill
V-am ciuruit, v-am gaurit armura
We riddled you, pierced your armor
Caci gura bate crul si pla bate gura
Cause mouth beats ass, and dick beats mouth
Circula zvonul in oras ca ne cam sugeti pla
The rumor has it, you all suck our dicks
Suntem aici sa va verficam daca v-ati luat pilula
We're here to check if you took your pill
V-am ciuruit, v-am gaurit armura
We riddled you, pierced your armor
Caci gura bate crul si pla bate gura
Cause mouth beats ass, and dick beats mouth
Am o nicovala ca push up atasata de caie
I got an anvil like a push-up attached to my balls
Si un transplant de pla de robot cu aer de fraier
And a robot dick transplant with a sucker's air
Ma incaier pe vorbe, nu ma dau vandut
I fight with words, I don't sell out
Cand pe orice striper scrie: Bun de ftut
When on every stripper it says: Good for fucking
Esti prost de bubui, eu sunt prost crescut
You're stupid as fuck, I'm ill-bred
Si-mi ragai succesul ca ariciul la rut
And I crave success like a hedgehog craves rut
I-am dat mie lu Dracu', a cazut si a borat
I gave it to the Devil, he fell and puked
Caci am fost mai la obiect ca ciomagul la mut
Cause I was more on point than a club to a mute
Nu cant pentru bani, totusi, din asta traiesc
I don't sing for money, yet, that's how I live
Si n-o lua ca pe o scuza, ca nu prea glumesc
And don't take it as an excuse, cause I'm not really kidding
Sunt ala care nu vrea sa fie exact ca inainte
I'm the one who doesn't want to be just like before
Si, cand promite, se jura cuminte, pe juraminte
And when I promise, I swear obediently, on oaths
Tu rulezi cand imi aud prostia pusa in cuvinte
You roll when you hear my stupidity put into words
Recunosc, nu cunosc jefuitori de morminte
I admit, I don't know any grave robbers
Dau la sac, fac muzica, fumez, asta e
I punch the bag, make music, smoke, that's it
Garcea se uita ca ciclopul la filme 3D
The cop stares like a cyclops at 3D movies
Am 7 ani de acasa, am 12 de scoala
I got 7 years of home, 12 of school
Am 20 de ani pe scena, fara scutire medicala
I got 20 years on stage, without medical exemption
Mintea mea intunecata e mai curata ca o boala
My dark mind is cleaner than a disease
Am doar vise vesele de natura penala
I only have happy dreams of a criminal nature
Cu baieteii din hip hop, chiar nu pot sa ma cert
With the boys from hip hop, I really can't argue
Va pupa tata, fiti cuminti si poate o sa va iert
Daddy kisses you, be good and maybe I'll forgive you
Mai concret, ne mai vedem la concert sau discret
More concretely, see you at the concert or discreetly
Visinescu e pistol cu apa, aratati-mi respect
Visinescu is a water pistol, show me respect
Circula zvonul in oras ca ne cam sugeti pla
The rumor has it, you all suck our dicks
Suntem aici sa va verficam daca v-ati luat pilula
We're here to check if you took your pill
V-am ciuruit, v-am gaurit armura
We riddled you, pierced your armor
Caci gura bate crul si pla bate gura
Cause mouth beats ass, and dick beats mouth
Circula zvonul in oras ca ne cam sugeti pla
The rumor has it, you all suck our dicks
Suntem aici sa va verficam daca v-ati luat pilula
We're here to check if you took your pill
V-am ciuruit, v-am gaurit armura
We riddled you, pierced your armor
Caci gura bate crul si pla bate gura
Cause mouth beats ass, and dick beats mouth
Cu fruntea sus, c-am pus pla pe multe slute
Head held high, cause I put my dick on many sluts
Care aveam multe de spus, dar n-avea cine sa le asculte
Who had a lot to say, but no one to listen
Multimea sufera de minte ingusta, iese, se-ntinde, degusta
The crowd suffers from a narrow mind, comes out, stretches, tastes
Biserica, pac pac, mafia in fusta
The church, bang bang, the mafia in a skirt
Statu-i stat de atat stat, e o pzda batrana, bolnava
The state is a state of so much state, it's an old, sick cunt
Dezinteresati, asteptam sa cada
Uninterested, we wait for it to fall
Nu dau doi bani pe un guvern de doi lei
I don't give two cents for a two-bit government
Si nici doi penny pe genii gen Elvis Presley
And not two pennies for geniuses like Elvis Presley
Guvernul ne tot fte, dar se intoarce roata, jur
The government keeps fucking us, but the wheel turns, I swear
Il ftm la creieri pana o sa si-o doreasca-n cr
We'll fuck their brains until they want it in the ass
Constati contrariat ca viata-i dura
You realize, annoyed, that life is hard
Cand ma-ta sta pe strada la ia-ma nene-n pla
When your mom stands on the street to "take it, mister, in the ass"
Sunt total de acord cu gandirea
I totally agree with the thinking
Sa fii bun cu toata lumea e un lucru stupid ca iubirea
Being nice to everyone is stupid like love
Te pierzi cu firea ca Firea, cand pe arginti te vinzi
You lose your temper like Firea, when you sell yourself for money
Ca un viol cu talharie, lovesc ca un cataclism
Like a robbery with rape, I strike like a cataclysm
Pun pupila pe pile, pilesc toporul
I put my pupil on batteries, I sharpen the axe
Aprind fitile incontinuu, sa pot sa va duc dorul
I light the fuses continuously, so I can miss you
Armez si trag, imi plac armele periculoase
I arm and shoot, I like dangerous weapons
Si nu ma prefac cand ratez tinta, ca Nastase
And I don't pretend when I miss the target, like Nastase
Cu fruntea sus, c-am pus pla pe multe slute
Head held high, cause I put my dick on many sluts
Care aveam multe de spus, dar n-avea cine sa le asculte
Who had a lot to say, but no one to listen
Multimea sufera de minte ingusta, iese, se-ntinde, degusta
The crowd suffers from a narrow mind, comes out, stretches, tastes
Biserica, pac pac, mafia in fusta
The church, bang bang, the mafia in a skirt
Cu fruntea sus, c-am pus pla pe multe slute
Head held high, cause I put my dick on many sluts
Care aveam multe de spus, dar n-avea cine sa le asculte
Who had a lot to say, but no one to listen
Multimea sufera de minte ingusta, iese, se-ntinde, degusta
The crowd suffers from a narrow mind, comes out, stretches, tastes
Biserica, pac pac, mafia in fusta
The church, bang bang, the mafia in a skirt

Writer(s): bogdan ionut pastaca, stefan catalin ion

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