Paraziții - Concentrați în metropole - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Concentrați în metropole

Concentrați în metropole
Concentrated in Metropolises
Concentrati in metropole, condusi de GPS
Concentrated in metropolises, guided by GPS
Vom renunta la creier ca se pare ca gandim prea des,
We're forsaking our brains, it seems we think too often
Nu mai exista ghetouri am dat control-alt-del
There are no more ghettos, we've hit control-alt-del
Avem sanse mari sa reusim sa fim toti la fel.
We stand a great chance of succeeding in being all the same.
O sa dam viata reala pt viata virtuala
We'll trade real life for virtual life
O sa stam cu laptopu-n WCu′ in era digitala.
We'll stay in the bathroom with our laptops in the digital age.
Conectati la net, pe mess, tot mai des
Connected to the net, on message, more and more often
O sa privim pe geam afara fara pic de interes.
We'll look out the window with no interest whatsoever.
Din carcere de lux vom evada si vom lega
From luxurious prisons we'll escape and connect
Prietenii bazate pe transfer de mega
Friendships based on the transfer of megabytes
Colega, vrei o viata sau un blog, alege
Colleague, do you want a life or a blog, choose
Curvele vor suge p*la conectate la 3G.
Hookers will suck dick connected to 3G.
O sa ne-ascundem feteledezamagiti de realitate,
We'll hide our faces, disappointed with reality,
Dezamagiti total, inconjurati de aparate.
Utterly disappointed, surrounded by devices.
O sa mancam toti pizza ascunsi dupa perdea
We'll all eat pizza, hiding behind the curtain
Dar o sa luam de jos inel, poate vorbim cu cineva.
But we'll pick up a ring from the floor, maybe we'll talk to someone.
O sa construim case ca sa stam cu lantul pus
We'll build houses to live in with chains on
O sa ne rugam la printuri digitale, cu Iisus
We'll pray to digital prints, with Jesus
In plus, vom face numai lucrurui bune, evident
Plus, we'll only do good things, of course
O sa implementam si stilul de viata din occident.
We'll also implement the lifestyle of the West.
[Refren (Ombladon) x4: ]
[Chorus (Ombladon) x4: ]
Vrem paradisul promis cand am iesit din comunism
We want the promised paradise when we left communism
Plateste 3 $, ia o mancare de ca*at
Pay $3, get a shitty meal
Urca-te-n pat, indoapa-te, baga E-uri in ficat.
Go to bed, stuff yourself, put E-Additives in your liver.
Cheama pompierii sa te scoata din casa pe geam
Call the firefighters to get you out of the house through the window
Fii constient ca faci parte din cel mai josnic clan.
Be aware that you're part of the lowest clan.
Cate drumuri, deschise, atatea perspective false
So many opened roads, so many false perspectives
In alt fel spus: fraierilor stati in case.
In other words: suckers, stay home.
Veniti la munca de la 8 la 6, ca pestii-n plase
Come to work from 8 to 6, like fish in nets
Apropos, nu vreti niste droguri intravenoase?
By the way, would you like some intravenous drugs?
Ne irita, munca cinstita, ca nu-i platita
Honest work irritates us, because it's not paid
Si cand de ca*i pe lege te duci pe p*la ca-i belita.
And when you shit legally, you go to jail because it's a crime.
Irita-ma, cand dansezi pe dance, ca n-are sens
Irritate me when you dance on the dance floor, it makes no sense
Sa te gandesti ca te fortezi sa gandesti intens.
To think that you're forcing yourself to think intensely.
Minoritatile au drepturi, majoritatea nu
Minorities have rights, the majority do not
E secolul restrictiilor, indiferent ce crezi tu.
It's the century of restrictions, no matter what you believe.
Globalizand informatii am ajuns sa cred ca sunt defect
Globalizing information, I've come to believe I'm defective
Oare de ce nu pot discrimina dupa aspect?
I wonder why I can't discriminate based on looks?
Libertatea, e un concept total depasit
Freedom is a concept that is completely outdated
Avem onoarea de a fi monitorizati prin satelit.
We have the honor of being monitored by satellite.
[Refren (Ombladon) x 4:]
[Chorus (Ombladon) x 4:]
Vrem paradisul promis cand am iesit din comunism
We want the promised paradise when we left communism

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