Paraziții - DEX 2000 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - DEX 2000

DEX 2000
DEX 2000
Editia de azi a emisiunii noastre are ca invitati 8 personalitati de marca
My baby, today's edition of our show has as guests 8 well-known personalities,
Impreuna cu care vom explica succint cateva cuvinte foarte uzitate
Together with whom we will briefly explain some very common words.
Cred ca ar fi o idee buna sa incepem cu cuvantul
I think it would be a good idea to start with the word,
Unicul cuvant care te umple in gura
My girl, the unique word that fills your mouth.
Membrul de sub patura de natura dat
The member under the covers naturally given,
Element bizar il are in pantaloni orice cacanar
A bizarre element, every asshole has it in his pants.
Un cuvant sumar care atarna greu baza evolutiei
A short word that weighs a lot, the basis of evolution.
Din epoca de piatra spre epoca de fier
From the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Pare a fi taraie buca cu ochii reci
It seems like bran, a piece with cold eyes.
Ai un setar de dinti demonstrativ te ineci
You have a set of demonstrative teeth, you drown.
2 silabe de carne intre 2 palme am explicat cuvantul pula,
2 fleshy syllables between 2 palms, I have explained the word cock,
Trecem mai departe.
Let's move on.
Substanta care apare des in coltul gurii
A substance that often appears at the corner of the mouth,
Reprezinta rezultatul lipicios al dracu
It represents the sticky result of the devil.
Inghitit in sila slobozit din mila
Swallowed in haste, spit out of kindness.
Cimenteaza clar o relatie stabila
It clearly cements a stable relationship.
Foarte indicat in tratamentul pentru ten
Highly recommended in the treatment of acne.
Vindeca rapid complicatiile de orice gen
Quickly cures complications of all kinds.
E obtinut in graba prin laba de isterice din vremuri istorice
It is obtained in a hurry by the paw of hysterics from historical times.
Un conducator de boli venerice (ce pula mea)...
A conductor of venereal diseases...
Reprezint zona zoster (futi tare) si te fut la creier
I represent the herpes zone (fuck hard) and I'll fuck your brain,
Reprezint zona zoster (futi tare) am sa-ti bag in gura doar dictionare
I represent the herpes zone (fuck hard) I'll put only dictionaries in your mouth,
Buze pe mat si voie buna
Lipstick on matte and good mood,
Ai genunchii la urechi si-o pula-nfipta-n gura
Your knees are at your ears and a cock is stuck in your mouth.
Lumina lunii te bate in ceafa
Moonlight hits you in the back of the head,
Stai aplicata de unde si expresia faci beregata
You stay bent over, hence the expression "you're a cunt".
Ai probleme de mandibula
You have jaw problems,
Vezi abdomen la orizont
You see an abdomen on the horizon,
Te iei in gura in pula cu un vagabont
You take it in the mouth and fuck with a bum.
In direct de la poarta cortului
Live from the tent gate,
Relatare de la baza gatului
Report from the base of the neck,
Un copil de 9 ani te-njura ca la scoala
A 9-year-old kid curses you like in school,
De mama care de fapt i-o doamna
About his mother who is actually a lady.
Un personaj integru face dragoste nu fute
An upstanding character makes love not fucks,
Nu se scarpina la coaie se maseaza incet in baie
He doesn't scratch his balls, he massages them gently in the bath.
Modul meu de exprimare brevetat in cartier
My way of speaking patented in the neighborhood,
Oare sunt obscen
Am I being obscene?
Pentru noi ati inventat vocabular pervers... de lemn.-
For us, you invented perverse vocabulary... of wood.

Writer(s): paraziții

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