Paraziții - Dulce autodistrugere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Dulce autodistrugere

Dulce autodistrugere
Sweet Self-Destruction
O, tu, dulce autodistrugere,
Oh, sweet self-destruction,
Ma apropii, te-apropii mult prea repede.
I'm getting closer, you're approaching way too fast.
Am facut mereu doar dupa capul meu
I've always done things my way,
Si mi-e frica de ziua-n care n-am sa mai fiu eu.
And I fear the day I'm no longer myself.
[Tac-tu-i la munca]
[Your dad's at work]
[34, 72]
[34, 72]
[Tu stai si-nvata, mânca-mi-ai pula!]
[You sit and study, suck my dick!]
[S-a strigat linie]
[Line's been called]
[2, 2]
[2, 2]
Tac-tu-i la munca, ma-ta-i acasa, tu stai si-nvata,
Your dad's at work, your mom's at home, you sit and study,
Asa ar trebui sa fie, dar poate-n alta viata.
That's how it should be, but maybe in another life.
Acum tac-tu-i mort, ma-ta-i zdreanta, îti bagi-n vena,
Now your dad's dead, your mom's a mess, you shoot up,
Sunteti o familie moderna într-o lume moderna.
You're a modern family in a modern world.
Te uiti la cei de lânga tine, te apasa fericirea lor,
You look at those around you, their happiness weighs you down,
Tu esti fericitul câstigator al unui loz necâstigator. [Aia e!]
You're the lucky winner of a losing lottery ticket. [That's it!]
Te uiti pe vizor sa nu te ia garda în catuse,
You peek through the peephole, hoping the cops won't take you away in cuffs,
Cu ochii dupa garda ti-a intrat foamea-n casa, pe sub usa.
With your eyes on the lookout, hunger crept into your home, under the door.
Te roade foamea? Mai bine te-ar suge,
Hunger gnawing at you? You'd be better off sucking,
Asa ai da si tu o muie, fii fericit, nu vezi, nu plânge.
At least you'd give a blowjob, be happy, don't see, don't cry.
Nu-l suport p-ala care-mi spune
I can't stand the guy who tells me
Ca toti copiii sunt drogati în afara de fi-su. Pe bune?
That all kids are drug addicts except his son. Really?
Ia spune,
Come on, tell me,
Ca tot le stii pe toate,
Since you know it all,
De unde stii tu
How do you know
Ca seringile din holul blocului nu-s ale lui fi-tu, ba?
That the syringes in the hallway aren't your son's, huh?
Deschide ochii sa cazi pe spate, he,
Open your eyes and fall on your back, hey,
Crezi ca tata stie ca io le-am încercat pe toate, ba?
Do you think Dad knows I've tried them all, huh?
Îti explic atâtea de m-apuca greata,
I'm explaining so much it makes me sick,
Stau sa-ti vorbesc despre viata în loc sa-mi traiesc viata.
Talking to you about life instead of living my own.
Refren (x2)
Chorus (x2)
E la-ndemâna sa ceri, sa vrei, sa pice din stele,
It's easy to ask, to want, to wish upon a star,
Dati-mi doua mâini va rog - sa-mi bag pula-n ele.
Give me two hands please - to shove my dick in them.
Orice tâmpit sinistru
Any sinister idiot
Poate ajunge ministru
Can become a minister
Exista riscul sa mori deziluzionat ca umoristu'.
There's a risk of dying disillusioned as a comedian.
Am pus atâta ura-n versuri, acum torn venin,
I poured so much hate into lyrics, now I pour venom,
Sunt un pesimist convins, vreau sa te deprim.
I'm a convinced pessimist, I want to depress you.
Ai sters la cur 2-3 copii si-ai întretinut o casa
You wiped the asses of 2-3 kids and supported a house
Si-o grasa botoasa,
And a fat bitch,
De care de mult nu-ti pasa.
Whom you haven't cared about for a long time.
Strângi din cur sa bagi în gura, îti tremura mâna,
You scrape together to put food in your mouth, your hand trembles,
Cauti un mod original sa te sinucizi, te ucide ura.
You're looking for an original way to kill yourself, hate consumes you.
Singura ta bucurie e clar legata
Your only joy is clearly linked
De incultura televizata,
To televised ignorance,
Esti o fiinta complexata.
You're a complex-ridden being.
Dac-ai gheata la inima sau macar gheata-n pahar
If you have ice in your heart or at least ice in your glass
Recunoaste ca ce spun te-ngheata iar.
Admit that what I'm saying chills you again.
Obsesiile adevarate se-ntretin,
True obsessions are nurtured,
They become
Pe zi ce trece mai rece,
Colder with each passing day,
Îmi pare rau, nu cred în destin.
I'm sorry, I don't believe in destiny.
Sting în mine orice urma de compasiune
I extinguish any trace of compassion within me
Ca un infractor încarcerat, satul de lume.
Like an imprisoned criminal, fed up with the world.
Refren (x2)
Chorus (x2)
[Ma apropii, te-apropii] (x2)
[I'm getting closer, you're approaching] (x2)

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