Paraziții - Dușmăniți-mă toți - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Dușmăniți-mă toți

Dușmăniți-mă toți
Enmity me all
Freaka, ai niste aplauze?
Freaka, you got some applause?
Daca nu ne aplauda nimeni, sa ne aplaudam singuri, ce p**a mea...
If no one's cheering us on, let's clap ourselves, what the fuck...
Iti vine sa vomiti cand m-auzi, invinge-ti teama
You want to vomit when you hear me, overcome your fear
Strange tare din dinti si da afara doar zeama
He clenches his teeth hard and gives out only the juice
Toti copiii de 15 ani isi dau pe net cu parerea cu privire la p**a mea
All 15-year-olds are tweeting their opinion on my p**
Si cum percep eu durerea
And how I perceive pain
2-10, 2, 02 2 receptie
2-10, 2, 02 2 reception
Va iau la toti mortii in p**a, fara exceptie
I'll take you to all the dead in p**a, without exception
Fetelor, n-ati inteles, binenteles, mai dati un tur
Girls, you didn't understand, of course, give another tour
Nu va citim gandurile, noi va f***m in c*r
We don't read your mind, we will f *** m in c * r
Sa moara licra, da-mi sticla sau te pun in atele
Let licra die, give me the bottle or I'll put you in splints
Dorm atat de bine in sant, ca-ntr-un hotel de 4 stele
I sleep so well in the ditch, like in a 4 star hotel
Va-aduc la cunostinta ca nu trec in nefiinta
I'll let you know I'm not going to die
Si n-am regrete ca n-am procesor de constiinta
And I have no regrets about not having a conscience
Ma numesc idealist, vreau o lume mai buna
I call myself an idealist, I want a better world
Dar-mi fac poze cu casa ta cand arde sub clar de luna
But I take pictures of your house burning under the moonlight
Ca sa fiu in trend cand o sa-l vad pe Scaraoschi
To be in trend when I see the Scaraoschi
O sa imi bat in p**a cateva cristale Swarovski
I'm gonna beat the shit out of some Swarovski crystals
Daca rap-ul inseamna bling-bling
If rap means bling-bling
Straluciti la comanda sa ma criticati ca n-ati facut nimic
Shine on command to criticize me for doing nothing
E o idee riscanta
It's a risky idea
Pune in doua cuvinte ce ai gandit o viata
Put in two words what you thought for a lifetime
Si am sa iti spun in 200 ce-am borat de dimineata
And I'll tell you in 200 what I borat this morning
Am o fata falsa trasa peste fata mea reala
I have a fake face pulled over my real face
Si pot discuta decent cand imi sterg o bala
And I can chat decently when I delete a ball
Am boala pe tot ce nu-mi place
I have the disease on everything I do not like
Asta ma face isteric, dar nu sunt indiferent
That makes me hysterical, but I'm not indifferent
Si ce am, am pe merit
And what I have, I have on merit
Inca mai pot, ca-s potent
I still can, I'm potent
Dusmaniti-ma toti, cand v-aprind la misto o lumanare la morti
Enmity me all, when I light a candle for the dead
Deformez realitatea, n-am nevoie de povesti
I distort reality, I don't need stories
Cand societatea te invata sa nu spui ce gandesti
When society teaches you not to say what you think
Inca mai pot, ca-s potent
I still can, I'm potent
Dusmaniti-ma toti, cand v-aprind la misto o lumanare la morti
Enmity me all, when I light a candle for the dead
Deformez realitatea, n-am nevoie de povesti
I distort reality, I don't need stories
Cand societatea te invata sa nu spui ce gandesti
When society teaches you not to say what you think
Am doua jointuri sau poate 4, iti rup bilete la intrare sau poate capul
I have two joints or maybe 4, I break tickets at the entrance or maybe the head
Am doua sticle sau poate una
I have two bottles or maybe one
Te las sa-mi iei toti banii sau poate p**a
I'll let you take all my money or maybe p ** a
Renasc din propria cenusa, sa lupt sunt gata
I'm reborn from my own ashes, to fight I'm ready
Ca sa-ti inchid ochiul, iti deschid arcada
To close your eye, I open your arch
Cu barda iti crap mansarda
With barda you carp attic
Iti fac leziuni interne cu aceiasi placere
I give you internal injuries with the same pleasure
Cu care imi bat p***a cu perne
Who beat my P** * a with pillows
Am o herghelie de curve, de urme pe net
I have a herd of whores, of traces on the net
Cand va-ntalnesc, va salut cu cel mai al dracu respect
When I meet you, I greet you with the most fucking respect
Stai in primul rand, ne-njuri si apoi fugi ma
Sit in the first row, hold us and then run me
Esti Deceneu din Tecuci, sa te culci cu mata, ba
You are the Deceneu of Tecuci, to sleep with mata, ba
Ne facem prea mult de cap, e parerea ta
We're getting too fucked up, it's your opinion
Si e de rau, ca o sa ne facem de cap cu capul tau
And it's bad, we're gonna mess with your head
Nu ma luati in seama cand va tulbur apele
Don't mind me when I disturb your waters
Cand vreau sa va f*t in gura, tratati-ma cu spatele
When I want to fuck you in the mouth, treat me with your back
Pentru toate p*****e oripilate de ce creez
For all the p * *** * s horrified by what I create
Daca voi nu ma vreti, eu va vreau, deci va violez
If you don't want me, I want you, so I rape you
Daca va simtiti sparte in noapte, frate,
If you feel broken in the night, brother,
Stai linistit ca eu nu exist in realitate
Rest assured that I do not exist in reality
Inca mai pot, ca-s potent
I still can, I'm potent
Dusmaniti-ma toti, cand v-aprind la misto o lumanare la morti
Enmity me all, when I light a candle for the dead
Deformez realitatea, n-am nevoie de povesti
I distort reality, I don't need stories
Cand societatea te invata sa nu spui ce gandesti (bis)
When society teaches you not to say what you think (encore)

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