Paraziții - Fuck You Romania - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Fuck You Romania

Fuck You Romania
Fuck You Romania
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romania
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romania
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania
Din 10 vibratii, 9 sunt negative,
Out of 10 vibrations, 9 are negative,
Descarc pareri subiective cand n-am alternative
I unload subjective opinions when I have no alternative
Nu sunt o papusica mica pe baza de ac
I'm not a little doll on an acid trip
Vreti sa faceti ceva pt mine faceti infarct
If you want to do something for me, have a heart attack
Ironizez presedentia, satirizez politia
I ironize the presidency, satirize the police
Constant incerc sa-mi depasesc conditia
Constantly trying to overcome my condition
Stresant financiar va ruinez armonia
Financially stressful, I ruin your harmony
Azi platforma program devine Fuck you Romania
Today, the program platform becomes Fuck you Romania
La parlament iei masa cu 60.000 portii duble
In parliament, you eat a meal with 60,000 double portions
Aveti reduceri si cand mergeti la curve
You get discounts even when you go to prostitutes
Vezi pe tv judecatori la curul gol dansand nasol
You see judges dancing badly on TV naked
Fara control dupa o supradoza de prostamol
Out of control after an overdose of stupidity
Mori in spital pe hol
You die in the hospital hallway
Daca te accidenteaza serios un politist matol
If you get seriously injured by a drunk cop
Votati coruptia, publicitatea decide
Vote for corruption, advertising decides
Cine inca 4 ani de acu ucide minti lucide
Who will kill lucid minds for another 4 years
Ceri de la mine ce nu-mi poate de nimeni si
You ask from me what no one can give me and
Stiu ca tre' sa menti dorinta de a trai
I know I have to maintain the desire to live
Putem discuta elevat sau sa ne dam in cap
We can have an elevated discussion or bang our heads
In **** sa ramanem corecti nu pare elevat
Staying polite in this **** doesn't seem elevated
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romania
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romania
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania
In aceste vremuri tulburi
In these troubled times
Ridic mainile in cluburi
I raise my hands in clubs
Si in colturi de blocuri
And in corners of blocks
Unde o ardem toti in focuri
Where we all burn in fires
Inebuneste primaria, politia, presedentia
The mayor's office, the police, the presidency are going crazy
Cand tot mai multi striga "fuck you romania"
When more and more people shout "fuck you Romania"
O sa o luam la m. u. i. e. in u. e. repede
We're going to f. u. c. k. it up in the E. U. quickly
Deci cum sa ne pese de p. s. d. ah?
So how can we care about the s. h. i. t. huh?
Vad popi hoti, beti morti, nu poa' sa se abtina
I see thieving priests, dead drunks, they can't help themselves
Trag de **** pustoaice in timp ce se inchina
They pull girls' hair while they pray
Privesc cu lupa cum imi sare in brate supa
I watch with a magnifying glass as the soup jumps into my arms
Cand se aud manele de la taranul de deasupra
When I hear gypsy music from the peasant above
N-am dat jos de pe steag stema
I didn't take the coat of arms off the flag
Sa fim condusi de minti luminate cu lanterna
To be led by minds illuminated with a flashlight
Guvernul a omis nepermis ce a promis din nou
The government has unacceptably omitted what it promised again
Nici azi nu stie cat costa o cartela de metrou
Even today it doesn't know how much a subway ticket costs
Copii consumatori in scoli de corn + lapte
Child consumers in schools of corn + milk
In scupt timp egal seringi + vene sparte
In no time equal syringes + burst veins
Statul frate, te rupen **** te dezbraca
The state, brother, breaks you, undresses you
Ma doare-n **** atata timp cat pielea mea alba inca ma imbraca si...
I don't give a **** as long as my white skin still clothes me and...
Si toti se poarta de parca sunt adormiti,
And everyone acts like they're asleep,
Poftiti un scaun electric sa va odihniti
Here's an electric chair for you to rest
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romania
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania
Vreau sa dau bani falsi de pomana
I want to give out fake money as charity
Sa fac trafic legal cand stati geana
To deal drugs legally when you're watching
Vreau sa fac politica ma cheama datoria
I want to enter politics, duty calls
Sloganul meu electoral e: fuck you romana
My electoral slogan is: fuck you Romania

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