Paraziții - Fara Resentimente - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Fara Resentimente

Fara Resentimente
No Hard Feelings
Asta e un cantec de groaza
This is a horror song,
Baga-ti te rog copiii in casa
Get your kids inside, I implore,
Ca ne bagam p**a-n mata si nu stim ce o sa iasa
'Cause we're gonna f*ck your mother, and who knows what's in store.
Nimic nu e sigur, de aia ma p*s pe prognoze
Nothing's certain, that's why I sh*t on forecasts,
Si pot privi lumea din perspectiva unei prognoze
I can see the world from a forecast's perspective, of course.
Daca vreau sparg un geam si-mi iau Mercedes Benz
If I want, I'll smash a window and take a Mercedes Benz,
Iar tu sa-mi iei p**a-n mana ca sa poti cere ′hands'.
And you can grab my d*ck so you can call 'hands'.
Nimic nu s-a schimbat, sunt acelasi om serios
Nothing's changed, I'm the same serious guy,
Ma pregatesc sa fac copii ca sa imi spele pe jos
Getting ready to make kids just to clean my floor, by and by.
Ar trebui sa ma pocnesti ca sa imi trezesti mila
You should slap me to awaken my pity,
Ai lantul de picior, puisor, taraste-ti bila.
You got that anklet, babe, drag your balls with it, pretty.
Din mata la Paris, cu escala la Manilla
From your mom to Paris, with a layover in Manila,
Ma reintorc fumat si vesel savarsind calatoria
I'll return stoned and happy, completing the journey, thriller.
Cui p**a mea ii mai trebuie paine si sare
Who the f*ck needs bread and salt anymore,
Cand bagam iarba ascunsi dupa ochelarii de soare
When we're smoking weed hidden behind sunglasses galore.
Ma simt ca un milionar ca un c-o suta-n buzunar
I feel like a millionaire with a hundred bucks in my pocket,
Daca realitatea e cruda, o s-o pun pe gratar
If reality is raw, I'll throw it on the grill, let it rocket.
Prieteni, da-ti un semn de viata daca mai traiti
Friends, give a sign of life if you're still alive,
Si hai sa bem ca va iau banii de la piept daca muriti
Let's drink, I'll take the money from your chest if you die, jive.
Ne sta-n puteri sa uitam ce-am facut ieri
We have the power to forget what we did yesterday,
Fara resentimente am dat banii pe beri
No hard feelings, we spent the money on beers, hooray.
Ne facem praf, ne facem de cap su maine uitam
We get wasted, we go wild, and tomorrow we forget,
Sunt slabe sperante sa ne reabilitam (bis)
There's little hope for us to rehabilitate, I bet. (x2)
Am baut banii de chirie in berarie
I drank the rent money at the pub,
Sa demonstrez inca o data ca nu am nimic in chelie
To prove once again that I have nothing in my skull, just grub.
Viata e-o curva stiu bine
Life's a b*tch, I know it well,
Caut iubirea adevarata dar dau doar de curve si-mi convine
Looking for true love, but all I find are whores, and it suits me swell.
Sunt consumator, platitor, iubitor de muguri
I'm a consumer, a payer, a lover of buds,
Privind prin prisma unui dealer de droguri
Seeing through the eyes of a drug dealer, suds.
Cerem bis la cannabis
We ask for an encore of cannabis,
Cu optimism vrem un paradis promis
With optimism, we want a promised paradise, bliss.
Cand am iesit din comunism
When we left communism,
Ba, da-mi iarba, hasisul, lasa mana moale
Yo, give me the weed, the hash, leave the soft hand,
Ca fumatul dauneaza grav doar sanatatii tale.
'Cause smoking seriously harms only your health, understand?
Suntem fani Amsterdam, gram dupa gram
We're Amsterdam fans, gram after gram,
O ardem pe iarba mai rau decat soldatii din Vietnam
We burn through weed worse than the soldiers in Vietnam.
Suntem niste fiare din jungla de beton
We're beasts from the concrete jungle,
Nu stam in pom, dar iti luam banii la semafor
We don't sit in trees, but we'll take your money at the traffic light, bungle.
Intr-adevar, intr-una, ti-am spart gura
Indeed, continuously, I busted your lip,
Acuma you have a buba suck my p**a.
Now you have a buba, suck my d*ck, drip.
Ne sta-n puteri sa uitam ce-am facut ieri
We have the power to forget what we did yesterday,
Fara resentimente am dat banii pe beri
No hard feelings, we spent the money on beers, hooray.
Ne facem praf, ne facem de cap su maine uitam
We get wasted, we go wild, and tomorrow we forget,
Sunt slabe sperante sa ne reabilitam (bis)
There's little hope for us to rehabilitate, I bet. (x2)
Beat mort, ma p*s in liftul tau
Dead drunk, I piss in your elevator,
Baga-mi-as mana-n p**a
I'd stick my hand up my ass, navigator.
Beat mort fara echilibru
Dead drunk, with no balance,
Cu bagabontii
With the bums,
Ma doare-n p**a.
I don't give a f*ck, valance.

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