Paraziții - Fără tine (feat. Bitza) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Fără tine (feat. Bitza)

Fără tine (feat. Bitza)
Without You (feat. Bitza)
Refren: Tot ce spun acum, uita pana maine
Chorus: Forget everything I say, tomorrow
Vorbeste vinul pentru mine
The wine's talking for me
Nu mai lua in seama tot ce zic, ce fac
Don't mind anymore what I say, what I do
Fara tine...
Without you...
Cheloo: Fara texte, pretexte, te vad prea des
Cheloo: No more talking, no more excuses, I see you much too often
Nu m-auzi, oricum acum asculti fara interes
You don't hear me, anyways you listen with no interest
Cel mai bine iti vorbesc cand nu esti de fatza
I can talk to you best when you're not around
N-am talentul tau de-a vorbi de geaba despre viata
I don't have your talent to talk uselessly about life
Calculezi ca-i mai rau acum cu mine ca-nainte
You calculate that with me it's worse than before
Nu te-am invatat eu sa ma calculezi in cuvinte
I didn't teach you to calculate me in words
Pe prietenele tale-o sa le ard fara s-o ceara
I'll burn your friends without asking
Proaste n-am vazut pana-acum - e prima oara
I've never seen a bunch of dumb girls - it's the first time
Tot ce-mi spui parc-ai citit si sti pe dinafara
Everything you say, it's like you've read and learned it by heart
Pe tine si pe-ai tai am boala
I hate you and your friends
Probabil c-am sa-i bat pe amandoi in fatza ta diseara
I'll probably beat the both of you in front of you tonight
Ultimul meu cuvant, pe cuvat, e o directa
My last word, I swear, is a straight blow
Ramai tu cu tine, faceti o pereche perfecta
You stay with you, you make a perfect couple
Sti ce-i frumos?
You know what's beautiful?
Nici macar nu stiu dac-am vorbit serios.
I don't even know if I was talking seriously.
Chorus X4
Ombladon: Te-astept sa vi, tu nu vi, nu-mi pare rau
Ombladon: I'm waiting for you to come, you're not coming, I don't care
Daca n-ajungi tu azi, ajunge alta-n locu' tau
If you don't come today, another will come in your place
N-am inteles de ce mereu ai spus "Bine"
I didn't understand why you always said "Ok"
Cand ti-am spus ca ti-ai pus cenusa-n cap cu mine?
When I told you that you screwed up with me?
Acum vreau sa te prefaci ca nu poti sa vorbesti prea mult
Now I want you to pretend that you can't talk too much
Iar eu am sa ma prefac de azi ca nu pot sa te-aud
And I'll pretend from today that I can't hear you
Multi ani au trecut de-atunci, ani grei
Many years have passed since then, tough years
Iar tu continui sa strici anii pe banii mei (hei)
And you keep wasting the years with my money (hey)
Mai sunt zile, nu te da la fund
Some days are still left, don't give up
Oricum daca era sa fie - eram morti de mult
Anyways if it was meant to be - we would have been dead long ago
Totu' s-a terminat (bine) lumea sa stie
It's all over (ok), let the world know
Ca am fost si ti-am furat tampoane din farmacie
That I was the one who stole your tampons from the pharmacy
Nu mai conteaza anii care-au trecut
The years that passed don't matter anymore
Mi-am luat sapca, hanoracu', te-am pupat, ma mut!
I took my cap, my hoodie, I kissed you, I'm moving out!
N-ai sa ma mai vezi, n-am nevoie de chei (hei)
You won't see me anymore, I don't need the keys (hey)
Ca te las acasa cu prietenii mei.
Because I'm leaving you home with my friends.
Chorus X4

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