Paraziții - Glume de căcat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Glume de căcat

Glume de căcat
Shitty Jokes
Versuri Parazitii - Glume de cacat cenzurat
Lyrics Parazitii - Shitty Jokes (censored)
Refren x2:
Chorus x2:
Pe toti fratii mei kre sunt aqu q mine
All my brothers who are here with me
Am sa'i rog din suflet sa ne fluiere
I will ask them from the bottom of my heart to whistle
Si toate femeile sa strige catre mine
And all the women to shout at me
"Ce glume de CCT ai in tine"
"What shitty jokes you have in you"
Staw intr'un bloq nasol: si ce daca?
I live in a shitty block: so what?
Sunt modelul kre n'are c sa faca
I'm the model who has nothing to do
Arat mahmur si'n buletin
I look hungover even in my ID
Da nu vin din Zona Industriala Etno-Dance, trupe?
But I'm not from the Industrial Zone Etno-Dance, bands?
De la ultimu' bloq pana'n centru
From the last block to the center
Ma sufla falimentu'
Bankruptcy blows me
Raman pentru consumu ridikt de alcool pe km
I remain for the ridiculous alcohol consumption per km
Cu mintea grav afectata am descoperit in sfarsit
With my mind severely affected, I finally discovered
Un refren kre provoaca semne de semne obscene kre n'o sa plaq
A chorus that provokes obscene signs that won't please
Refren x2:
Chorus x2:
Pe toti fratii mei kre sunt aqu q mine
All my brothers who are here with me
Am sa'i rog din suflet sa ne fluiere
I will ask them from the bottom of my heart to whistle
Si toate femeile sa strige catre mine
And all the women to shout at me
"Ce glume de CCT ai in tine"
"What shitty jokes you have in you"
Orice nefu#u#a vrea s'auda numa' piese triste
Any non-fucker wants to hear only sad songs
Ce pIm concertu'i tonomat q fise?
What the fuck is a concert with a token jukebox?
Baga'tzi toate casetele q preferinte'n c#r
Shove all your favorite cassettes up your ass
Si'ai sa fii trista pana la lacrimi: tzi'o jur
And you'll be sad to tears: I swear
Din pacate in pacat cad yo
From sin to sin I fall
Da' nu knd fur pacatuiesq
But not when I steal I sin
Knd t f#t prin gat in cr
When I fuck you in the throat in the car
Rupta'n gura itzi compui piesele
With your mouth torn, you compose your songs
Pana scoti albumu iei toate bolile q "S" posibile
Until you release the album you get all the possible "S" diseases
Sugi p#! a qm beau yo bere
Suck my dick while I drink beer
Iar yo beau mai bine dekt bate Van-Dammu'n filme knd are belele
And I drink better than Van Damme hits in movies when he's in trouble
Ma sparg tarash, stiu exact ce gandeshti: esti artista
I'm smashed, I know exactly what you're thinking: you're an artist
Sa nu dai bani p cauciuc, o s#gi prin batista
Don't give money for rubber, suck through the handkerchief
Cea mai de C#C#T gluma q adevarat e? despre cineva e barbat si?
The most fucking true joke? about someone being a man and?
Il cheama Oprea si poarta sutien
His name is Oprea and he wears a bra
Refren x2:
Chorus x2:
Pe toti fratii mei kre sunt aqu q mine
All my brothers who are here with me
Am sa'i rog din suflet sa ne fluiere
I will ask them from the bottom of my heart to whistle
Si toate femeile sa strige catre mine
And all the women to shout at me
"Ce glume de CCT ai in tine"
"What shitty jokes you have in you"
Unica ta mama q fata ei de logomana
Your only mother with her daughter, the gossip
Se uita g'eana?, mereu t toarna
Is she watching through the crack?, always snitching on you
Oare de cine te pot tzine knd aqolo unde f#tzi tu nu e nimeni?
Who can hold you when there's no one where you fuck?
Nici un cap de gonflabila nedesumflabila
Not a single head of an inflatable, non-deflatable
Nu baga'n ea muzica ta returnabila
Doesn't put your returnable music in it
Remarcabila'i nevoia ta de viteza
Remarkable is your need for speed
Travestit imi sugi p#! a mie in limba chinezza
Transvestite suck my dick in Chinese
Fara adresa trimit piesa q tot q refren dependentilor de heliu
Without an address I send the song with the chorus to helium addicts
Mwe! mwe q oxygen!!!
Mwe! mwe with oxygen!!!
Refren x2:
Chorus x2:
Pe toti fratii mei kre sunt aqu q mine
All my brothers who are here with me
Am sa'i rog din suflet sa ne fluiere
I will ask them from the bottom of my heart to whistle
Si toate femeile sa strige catre mine
And all the women to shout at me
"Ce glume de CCT ai in tine
"What shitty jokes you have in you

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