Paraziții - Instigare la cultură - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Instigare la cultură

Instigare la cultură
Incitement to Culture
Dak sa'nvetzi n-ai sete, O sa speli closete,
If you don't thirst for knowledge, you'll end up scrubbing toilets,
Privind aceste aspecte
Looking at things this way,
Nimeni nu o sa te respecte
Nobody will respect you
Afla ca'n acest pervers univers divers
Know that in this perverse and diverse universe
Tre sa te informezi corect si sa invetzi din mers
You gotta stay informed and learn as you go
Dak vrei sa ajungi o mare scula-n strada
If you wanna become a big shot on the streets
Bine intzeles, tzine minte ca mintea conduce pumnu' nu invers
Of course, remember that the mind leads the fist, not the other way around
Realizezi ca viata da palme celui ce doarme
You realize that life slaps those who sleep
Te duce la ignorant si incult ramas fara arme
It takes you to ignorance and leaves you unarmed
Instig la cultura, nu doar sa duci sticla la gura
I incite culture, not just putting the bottle to your lips
Cand incepi sa fii corect, competitzia e dura
When you start being correct, the competition gets tough
Invatzati copii si reinvatzatzi parintzi sa invete
Learn, children, and re-learn, parents, to learn
Ca sunt depasiti de timp, acu la batranete
Because you're outdated, now in your old age
Si n-am finete, am pierdut'o cand eram un pici
And I have no finesse, I lost it when I was a kid
Caci curiozitatea p'aici ne omoara pisici
Because curiosity around here kills cats
Nici un motiv de strazi n'ai
You have no reason for the streets
Dar mintea, alarma suna
But your mind, the alarm rings
Si suna ca incet incet
And it rings as slowly
Intrebarile s-aduna
The questions gather
E o mare minciuna
It's a big lie
Am pierdut secole
We lost centuries
Incercand sa luam mana'n mana
Trying to hold hands
Mesaju' e clar si nu se indreapta catre Marte
The message is clear and it's not heading to Mars
De dragu' diversitatii, citeste-o carte
For the sake of diversity, read a book, darling
Dak vrei sa faci lumina cand e pentru tine noapte
If you want to make light when it's night for you
Educa'te singur frate, citeste-o carte!
Educate yourself, brother, read a book!
Mesaju' e clar si nu se indreapta catre Marte
The message is clear and it's not heading to Mars
De dragu' diversitatii, citeste-o carte
For the sake of diversity, read a book, darling
Dak vrei sa faci lumina cand e pentru tine noapte
If you want to make light when it's night for you
Educa'te singur frate, citeste-o carte!
Educate yourself, brother, read a book!
Ca portzi baschetzi sau tocuri
Whether you wear sneakers or heels
Tot vezi coborand din blocuri
You still see them coming down from the blocks
Oameni tristi, incultzi, plansi
Sad, uneducated, crying people
Toti in cautare de cioburi
All searching for shards
Viata e o carte, deschisa
Life is an open book
Deschide'tzi mintea, invata
Open your mind, learn
O carte citita te ajuta
A book read helps you
Sa te descurci altfel in viata
To handle life differently
Trebuie sa stii sa legi, 2 cuvinte copile
You gotta know how to connect two words, kid
Altfel, risti sa fie cainele tau mai destept ca tine
Otherwise, you risk your dog being smarter than you
Educa'te singur, stii, nu'i greu deloc
Educate yourself, you know, it's not hard at all
NU doar cartile de joc in viatza'ti aduc norok
NOT only playing cards bring you luck in life
Alege'tzi un loc, in societate nu'i un joc
Choose a place, society ain't a game
Te rog frate, fi pregatit sa tii piept, incercarilor, toate
Please brother, be prepared to face all the trials
De fapt e sigur, sunt sigur ca te simtzi singur
In fact, it's certain, I'm sure you feel alone
Intr-o lume in care totzi incultzii viseaza numai bani desigur
In a world where all the uneducated only dream of money, for sure
Conteaza ce ai in cap cand eshti supus la probe
What's in your head matters when you're put to the test
Ai sa'i ingropi pe toti, pe rand, din vorbe
You'll bury them all, one by one, with words
Mesaju' e clar si nu se indreapta catre Marte
The message is clear and it's not heading to Mars
De dragu' diversitatii, citeste-o carte
For the sake of diversity, read a book, darling
Dak vrei sa faci lumina cand e pentru tine noapte
If you want to make light when it's night for you
Educa'te singur frate, citeste-o carte!
Educate yourself, brother, read a book!
Mesaju' e clar si nu se indreapta catre Marte
The message is clear and it's not heading to Mars
De dragu' diversitatii, citeste-o carte
For the sake of diversity, read a book, darling
Dak vrei sa faci lumina cand e pentru tine noapte
If you want to make light when it's night for you
Educa'te singur frate, citeste-o carte!
Educate yourself, brother, read a book!

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