Paraziții - Lasă-Mă Să Beau - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Lasă-Mă Să Beau

Lasă-Mă Să Beau
Let Me Drink
Spunem unu′ la suta din tot ce gandim.
We say one percent of what we think.
Din unu' la suta jumate mintim.
And half of that one percent, we lie.
Poti sa afirmi ca nu-s infirm.
You can say I'm not infirm.
Va p**a mea, va nu stiu ce.
F**k you, I don't know what.
Va respectam si va iubim.
We respect and love you.
Voi. ne omorati cu zile, iar noi va chinuim.
You kill us slowly, and we torture you.
Ai cumparat un suc, ai inchiriat un film.
You bought a juice, you rented a movie.
Suna brici.
Sounds great.
Si o sa stam aici cuminti, in casa, sa te caut de purici.
And we'll stay here quietly, at home, searching for fleas on you.
Te-mping in jos de cap, te-mpingi in maini. ce plictiseala.
I push you down by your head, you push back with your hands, what boredom.
Noi doi si-un cos de gunoi in alta seara banala.
Us two and a trash bin, another banal evening.
Nu-mi spune ce te doare, unde doare. ca nu sunt medic.
Don't tell me what hurts you, where it hurts, I'm not a doctor.
Si-o sa-ti rup genunchii intr-un experiment ortopedic.
And I'll break your knees in an orthopedic experiment.
Lasa-ma sa beau si-am sa-ti spun adevaru′.
Let me drink and I'll tell you the truth.
O sa pun paie pe foc cand o sa-ti arda paru'.
I'll put straw on fire when your hair burns.
Vezi? Nu mi. am pierdut umoru'.
See? I haven't lost my humor.
Vreau cu baietii la bere, nu la TV pe canapea.
I want to be with the boys, drinking beer, not on the couch watching TV.
Vreau alcool ieftin si iarba, in p**a mea.
I want cheap alcohol and weed, damn it.
Acorda-mi douaj′de secunde sa m****s pe capac, nu. ti face iluzii.
Give me twenty seconds to piss on the lid, don't get your hopes up.
Iti comunic, o fac intentionat.
I'm letting you know, I'm doing it on purpose.
Refren: Hai. lasa. ma sa beau sunt beat, fumat si beau de ieri
Chorus: Come on, let me drink, I'm drunk, smoked up, and been drinking since yesterday
De ce mai speri ca vin. uite nu vin
Why do you still hope I'll come? Look, I'm not coming
N. ai ce sa-mi oferi.
You have nothing to offer me.
Nu ma-ntrerupe ca mi se rupe... jointu′ de tine
Don't interrupt me, I don't give a f**k about you, like a broken joint
Cu berea-n bot si baietii la bloc fac scandal si mi-e bine.
With beer in my gut and the boys at the block making noise, I'm feeling good.
Lasa-ma sa beau, sa beau cat vreau, tu nu ma auzi
Let me drink, drink as much as I want, you don't hear me
Imi numar banii doar beat, sunt foarte beat, doar beat par mai multi
I only count my money when I'm drunk, I'm very drunk, only when I'm drunk it seems like more
Pe bordura cu multi, beat, cocosat de munca vreau o femeie demna de mine
On the curb with many, drunk, hunched over from work, I want a woman worthy of me
Bai. 2, 3 si: O CUUURVAA!
Guys, 2, 3 and: A WHOOORE!
Apari ca o floare, ca o raza de soare
You appear like a flower, like a ray of sunshine
Da' te doare ca te izbesti cu putere de ochelarii mei de soare. ce tare!
But it hurts you to crash hard into my sunglasses, how cool!
Din banii tai de portocale si de mancare, fufo
From your orange and food money, fatty
Mi. am luat o vodka, jointuri si inca
I bought myself vodka, joints, and also
2, 3 si: O CUUURVAA!
2, 3 and: A WHOOORE!
Paseaza jointu′, umple paharul, pune-l sec, ca plec
Pass the joint, fill the glass, drink it dry, I'm leaving
Si auzi, frate Freaka, fa-mi un break ca ma-nec *bleaaa*
And hey, brother Freaka, give me a break, I'm drowning *blegh*
Vreme trece, vreme vine. stii bine
Time passes, time comes, you know it well
C-avem de pierdut timpu', de spart seminte si de f****t copile.
That we have to waste time, crack seeds, and f**k girls.
Suntem un cuplu frumos, sa moara Jamaica si Suzuki
We are a beautiful couple, may Jamaica and Suzuki die
Te tin de dupa gat, nu ca mi-esti draga, da′ m-au lasat genunchii
I'm holding you by the neck, not because I care, but my knees gave out
Ai ochii mari, inchisi. parca vineti. si pleci
You have big eyes, closed, looking purple, and you leave
N-am sa uit, promit, cat de frumoasa esti atunci cand pleci, deci:
I won't forget, I promise, how beautiful you are when you leave, so:
Refren: Lasa-ma sa beau. sunt beat, fumat si beau de ieri
Chorus: Let me drink, I'm drunk, smoked up, and been drinking since yesterday
De ce mai speri ca vin. uite nu vin
Why do you still hope I'll come? Look, I'm not coming
N. ai ce sa-mi oferi.
You have nothing to offer me.
Nu ma-ntrerupe ca mi se rupe. jointu' de tine
Don't interrupt me, I don't give a f**k about you, like a broken joint
Cu berea-n bot si baietii la bloc fac scandal si mi-e bine.
With beer in my gut and the boys at the block making noise, I'm feeling good.
Hai. vorbesc in numele barbatilor c-un minim un coi
Hey, I'm speaking on behalf of men with at least one testicle
Despre cum percepem, cu siguranta, orbeste viata-n doi
About how we perceive, for sure, blindly, life as a couple
P**a n-are creier si ne mandrim cu asta
D**k doesn't have a brain and we're proud of it
Daca am gandi cu pula nu si. ar mai fute nimeni nevasta
If we thought with our d**ks, nobody would f**k their wives anymore
Suntem beti, fluieram dupa toate strambele
We're drunk, whistling at all the crooked ones
Si ne gandim cu spaima c-ar vrea sa ne ucida unele
And we think with fear that some would want to kill us
Esti urata cu spume, stiu ca stii
You're ugly as hell, I know you know
Nu te mintii, ne doare. n pula ca ai suflet
Don't lie to yourself, we don't give a f**k that you have a soul
Noi nu futem stafii!
We don't f**k ghosts!
Teoretic ce am spus e rautatea gratuita
Theoretically, what I said is gratuitous malice
In masura-n care iubiti voi barbatu′ urat, sarac si cu pula mica!
To the extent that you love an ugly, poor man with a small d**k!

Writer(s): Ailenei Razvan-adrian

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