Paraziții - Mambo Nr. 9 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Mambo Nr. 9 - Parazițiitraduction en anglais

Mambo Nr. 9
Mambo No. 9
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen
Plecam de la idea ca toate femeile-s la fel
Let's start with the idea that all women are the same
Cand le intinzi un deget, iti pun verigheta pe el
When you offer them a finger, they put a wedding ring on it
Vino mai aproape, sa-ti arat ceva
Come closer, let me show you something
Hai sa ne jucam de-a mama si de-a tata
Let's play mommy and daddy
Tu o sa stai acasa, iar eu o sa ies la bere
You'll stay at home, and I'll go out for beers
O sa merg la curve, tu o sa plangi la telenovele
I'll go to prostitutes, you'll cry watching soap operas
O sa-mi faci scandal cand o sa vin acasa beat
You'll make a scene when I come home drunk
O sa te ignor, o sa te ascult, o sa te-njur, o sa te bat
I'll ignore you, I'll listen to you, I'll swear at you, I'll hit you
Sa fim si noi ca toate celelalte cupluri
Let's be like all other couples
Sa-mi mananci zilele, sa nu-ti dau motive sa te bucuri
Let you eat my days, give you no reason to be happy
N-ar fi frumos, cand te intorci de la servici
Wouldn't it be nice when you come back from work
S-o am pe alta in sifonier, iar tu sa nu te prinzi
To have another woman in the closet, and you wouldn't even notice
S-avem doi copii frumosi, pe care sa-i cresti numai tu
To have two beautiful children, which you'll raise alone
Sa stau beat, urcat pe baruri, tu la ma-ta si tac-tu
Me staying drunk, climbing on bars, you at your parents'
Sa rupem patu' cand te dau cu capul de recamier
Let's break the bed when I slam your head against the headboard
Ca ma minti, ca ma inseli, ca-ti faci de cap prin cartier
Because you lie, you cheat, you fool around in the neighborhood
Asta-i ce-ti ofer, sunt regulile jocului
This is what I offer, these are the rules of the game
Eu zic sa ne-ncercam norocul, ca suntem da-ti dracului
I say let's try our luck, we're damn crazy
Nu-mi place cum te imbraci, imi place cum te dezbraci
I don't like the way you dress, I like the way you undress
Si fa-mi un semn discret cu ochiu', daca vrei sa te bagi
And give me a discreet wink if you want to get in
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen
Mambo, mambo, o sa te bat rau, bagaboanto
Mambo, mambo, I'm gonna beat you bad, you b*tch
Surzii o sa zica ca iei lectii de canto
The deaf will say you're taking singing lessons
Pumnul meu bate la ochi si tine de foame
My fist hits your eyes and is hungry
Avem aici, la tratament, Pinochio cu silicoane
We have here, in treatment, Pinocchio with silicone
Ai un suflet mare, de pasare migratoare
You have a big heart, like a migratory bird
Orice ar fi, tu esti de vina, pe cuvant de onoare
Whatever happens, it's your fault, on my word of honor
Te-am slobozit in gat, cu gandul la banii lu' Vantu
I let you go with the thought of Vantu's money
Si acum sunt pregatit moral sa salvez pamantul
And now I'm morally prepared to save the Earth
Sunt eroul tau, femeie, sclavul iubirii la cheie
I'm your hero, woman, the slave of love at your service
Dau inapoi din stoc sculament si gonoree
I return from stock impotence and gonorrhea
Cand incerc sa patrund adanc in sufletul doamnei
When I try to penetrate deep into the lady's soul
Ii dau s-o suga doua zile, in Parcul Icoanei
I make her suck it for two days, in Icoanei Park
Fut fumat sau beat, ca treaz mi-e frica
I f*ck when I'm drunk or high, because when I'm sober, I'm scared
In gatul ma-tii, simulant tonul, spune ca-i mica
F*ck your mother, fake the tone, say it's small
Tata m-a invatat, mi-a zis exact cum se face
Dad taught me, he told me exactly how it's done
O futi in cur, o bati, o arunci pe scari, se intoarce
You f*ck her in the ass, you beat her, you throw her down the stairs, she comes back
Am si-o vorba inspirata de fosta nevasta
I also have a saying inspired by my ex-wife
Mie imi place la curve, ma simt ca acasa
I like prostitutes, I feel like I'm at home
Iti dau reteta succesului cu ochii inchisi
I'll give you the recipe for success with my eyes closed
Asculta piesa asta magica, cand nu poti sa te pisi
Listen to this magical song when you can't pee
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen
Mambo, mambo, m-a-mbolnavit una
Mambo, mambo, one of you made me sick
Samba, samba, samba, sa-mi bag pula
Samba, samba, samba, I don't give a f*ck
Rupe pieptanul si arde feonul
Break the comb and burn the hairdryer
Tine lopata in mana, cum tin eu creionul
Hold the shovel in your hand, like I hold my pen

Writer(s): bogdan ionut pastaca, petre urda, stefan catalin ion

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