Paraziții - Milionari de weekend (remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Milionari de weekend (remix)

Milionari de weekend (remix)
Weekend Millionaires (remix)
-Ba, da' mai vine ala?
-Yo, is that guy coming or what?
-A zis ca vine, vine!
-He said he's coming, he's coming!
-Pai sa vina in pula mea ca ma [ish pe dioptriile lui!
-Well, he better get his ass over here, I'm [pissed off] with his delays!
-Ba, da' tu chiar nu te-ai saturat de tine, asa?
-Dude, haven't you gotten tired of yourself yet?
Il asteptam pe om... a zis ca vine, vine. Ce *** mea!
We're waiting for the man... he said he's coming, he's coming. What the ***!
Numaram 70 de oi frecate de graniceri.
Counting 70 sheep shagged by border guards.
Parazitii, 2004
Parazitii, 2004
La caterinca...
Just kidding...
Milionari de weekend...
Weekend Millionaires...
Ma poti privi cu admiratie, te rog de jos in sus
You can look at me with admiration, from the bottom up, please
Caci milionul meu de parai ma face mai frumos, ti-am spus
Because my million bucks makes me more handsome, I told you
Redus la ceea ce sunt, fara ceea ce am
Reduced to what I am, without what I have
Ai sa vrei sa ma masori pana la ultimul ban
You'll want to measure me down to the last penny
Te vad praf stationand in statie la tramvai
I see you dusty, waiting at the tram stop
Stai, caci high-life inseamna sa stai, o viata ai
Stay there, because high-life means staying put, you have one life
Sunt efectiv dusmanul tau instinctiv
I am effectively your instinctive enemy
Fara simtul binelui colectiv sau doar un nativ naiv
Without the sense of collective good, or just a naive native
Imi plimb in suturi cainele caci sunt un excentric
I kick my dog around because I'm eccentric
Gandesc egocentric ca un domn autentic
I think egocentrically like a true gentleman
Ai o sansa in viata, arunca-te in fatza
You have one chance in life, throw yourself in front
Sterge gandul ca exista sansa sa-ti rupi degeaba gatul
Erase the thought that there's a chance you'll break your neck for nothing
O ard la sto', totusi spun lucruri serioase
I'm messing around, yet I say serious things
Caci cele mai mari detectii in viata par caterincoase
Because the greatest detections in life seem like jokes
Va intru in case ca frigu-n oase chiar daca-i vara
I'll enter your homes like chills in your bones, even if it's summer
Decartand opera mea bizara
Dealing out my bizarre work
Urmareste-ti visul, nu te lasa urmarit de vis
Follow your dream, don't let yourself be followed by a dream
Daca visezi urat te frigi, nu ti-am zis?
If you dream ugly, you get chills, didn't I tell you?
'Vreau sa am bani... bani multi...'
'I want to have money... lots of money...'
'Bani,? banii,? bani.'
'Money,? money,? money.'
-Ce? (Toate buzunarele imi sunt astupate!)
-What? (All my pockets are stuffed!)
-Nu mai sunt banii...
-There's no more money...
(Unde sunt banii?)
(Where's the money?)
'Vreau sa am bani...'
'I want to have money...'
-Ce sa-nteleg? Mai baieti, voi ati vazut prea multe filme
-What am I supposed to understand? Guys, you've seen too many movies
D-alea cu... Hai, terminati cu prostiile, da? Apucati-va
Those ones with... Come on, stop with the nonsense, okay? Get to
De munca! Apucati-va ma de munca... Daca stati degeaba
Work! Get to work... If you just sit around doing nothing,
Incepeti sa inventati idei.
You start inventing ideas.
Visez la aur, Mercedesuri, conturi, vile nu blocuri
I dream of gold, Mercedes, accounts, villas not blocks
Droguri fine trase in linii, nu bile pentru tine
Fine drugs snorted in lines, not pills for you
Femei sofisticate, bijuterii, nevasta sa nu fie curva
Sophisticated women, jewelry, wife not to be a whore
Viata-i distractiva doar daca esti senil, ba!
Life is only fun if you're senile, man!
Verifica semnele ce ti se dau?, deschide umbrelele
Check the signs you're given, open the umbrellas
Cum pula mea sa nu fie frig in casa daca frig caloriferele
How the hell can it not be cold in the house if I turn off the radiators
Cand simti miros de bani te umpli de bale, te duci la baie
When you smell money you drool, you go to the bathroom
Cand o sa fii pe moarte, din putinii mei bani iti cumpar eu portocale
When you're dying, I'll buy you oranges with my little money
Alergi dupa bani mereu, chitros mereu ca un evreu
You always chase money, always stingy like a Jew
Te-ai apucat deja de karate de frica sa nu te bata Dumnezeu
You've already started karate for fear of God beating you up
Ti-au luat ochii banii, esti acru, vezi, nu-i vezi, e-un lucru sacru
Money blinded you, you're sour, you see, you don't see, it's a sacred thing
Nu stiu ce-ai in cap, probabil am sa ti-l sparg sa aflu
I don't know what's in your head, maybe I'll break it to find out
Ai impresii de gentleman, ai, dar creier n-ai
You have gentlemanly impressions, you do, but you have no brain
E adevarat ca esti milionar, bai boule, dar esti milionar in lei...
It's true that you're a millionaire, you idiot, but you're a millionaire in lei...
'Vreau sa am bani... bani multi...'
'I want to have money... lots of money...'
'Bani,? banii,? bani.'
'Money,? money,? money.'
'Vreau sa am bani...
'I want to have money...'
-Eu sunt Satar, Fane Satar, da?
-I'm Satar, Fane Satar, okay?
-Ai facut comanda, cumperi!
-You made the order, you buy it!
'Vreau sa am bani... bani multi...'
'I want to have money... lots of money...'
'Bani,? banii,? bani.'
'Money,? money,? money.'
-Nu-ntelegi ca sunt anumite lucruri care fac o femeie
-Don't you understand that there are certain things that make a woman
Sa se simta marfa...
Feel like a hot commodity...
-Ce credeai, ma? C-o sa stau sa joc barbut toata viata
-What did you think, man? That I would sit around playing backgammon all my life
Cu voi? Sa-mi dai tu o frimitura ca la milogi? A?
With you guys? For you to give me a crumb like a beggar? Huh?
Am vrut sa fie sluga, a murit ca o sluga.Eu-s de actiune,
I wanted to be a servant, she died like a servant. I'm all about action,
Ba, intelegi? Tu esti depasit, bai...
Man, do you understand? You're outdated, dude...
-Ce faci, ma? Unde e geanta?
-What are you doing, man? Where's the bag?
-Am luat bonusu'!
-I took the bonus!
-Pe cuvant? :))
-Seriously? :))

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