Paraziții - Necomercial - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Necomercial

Refren (x4):
Chorus (x4):
Zi pu (uh!) - la la (ah!)
Say pu (uh!) - la la (ah!)
Zi pulalala-lala-laa!
Say pulalala-lala-laa!
Desfacut la slit
Unbuttoned to the slit
Va contrazic când zic
I contradict you when I say
Sângele apa nu se face, dar se face sprit.
Blood is thicker than water, but it becomes alcohol.
N-am probleme sau semne de dependenta
I have no problems or signs of addiction
C-am câstigat într-un capac de bere - experienta.
Because I won a beer cap - experience.
Agresez pustoaice de liceu
I assault high school girls
Ce vor sa-nvete,
What do they want to learn,
Facem un 69 sau un 62 - 10?
Should we do a 69 or a 62 - 10?
Te-a cautat Politia la usa,
The police looked for you at the door,
Ce chestie!
What a thing!
Ma chemau la un pahar de declaratii la sectie.
They called me for a glass of statements at the station.
Prima lectie la care-am fost prezent:
The first lesson I attended:
Anularea tulburarilor violente din comportament.
Cancelling violent disturbances in behavior.
Sare tabla de pe umar când va râd scârbos, în fata,
The blackboard jumps off my shoulder when I laugh disgustingly in front of you,
Doar prostii au noroc în viata.
Only idiots have luck in life.
În lupta mea cer
In my fight I ask
Spatiu vital - merg
Vital space - I go
Pe teren minat în razboiul muzical, cred
On a minefield in the musical war, I believe
Ca sunt un om bun cu intentii rele
That I am a good man with bad intentions
Detest figurile de trei lovele.
I hate the three-hearted figures.
Trei femei bune de pula sa-mi care bagajele,
Three women good for fucking to carry my luggage,
Preferabil o trupa care-anima plajele.
Preferably a band that animates the beaches.
Refren (x4)
Chorus (x4)
Orice argument irefutabil tine
Any irrefutable argument holds
Ar trebui sa fac azi,
I should do it today,
Lasa ca fac mâine.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Nu conteaza rezultatul cât ideea-n sine,
It doesn't matter the result as the idea itself,
S-ar alege praful daca toti ar fi ca mine.
Everything would go to dust if everyone was like me.
Pui femeia la loc de cinste
You put women in a place of honor
Fac cinste cu bani
I pay for drinks with money
Mergem la botaniste de 5 stele,
We go to botanists of 5 stars,
Le rupem gurile.
We break their mouths.
N-au simtul umorului dezvoltat,
Don't have a developed sense of humor,
În rest
La coada la buletine doar discutii despre sex.
In the queue for identification cards, only discussions about sex.
Întreb un tonomat de muie fara educatie:
I ask a juke box of uneducated women:
Ai avut un lindiciu sau o refelatie?
Did you have a clue or a revelation?
Am un mesaj pentru voi care conduceti muzica:
I have a message for you who are driving music:
Pretul târfelor voastre nu include TVA.
The price of your hookers does not include VAT.
Vrei porno, rezulta horror, fetis bizar,
You want porn, horror, bizarre fetish results,
Chiar tre' sa spui mereu ceva comercial?
Really, do you always have to say something commercial?
Ai pus la punct în final cel mai mic detaliu
You finally perfected the smallest detail
Si te-ai cacat asupra ta dupa un lung travaliu. (Îîîî!)
And you shit on yourself after a long labor. (Oh!)
Fac trafic de rime cu impact major,
I traffic rhymes with major impact,
Ramân acelasi agresor
I remain the same aggressor
Îti dau în exterior în posterior -
I give you in the outside in the posterior -
Sa simti în interior.
Feel it inside.
Refren (x4)
Chorus (x4)
Refren (x4)
Chorus (x4)

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