Paraziții - Needitat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Needitat

Freaka doarme, Freaka doarme
Freaka is sleeping, Freaka is sleeping
E o lume de ipocriti, de falsi pocaiti, de o lume de frustrati, ratati si de tampiti,
That is a world of hypocrites, false penitents, a world of frustrated, failed and stupid people,
Evitati contactul, copile,
Avoid the contact, boy,
Iti spun eu tot ce se teme sa iti spuna tac′tu
I will tell you everything your dad is afraid to tell you
Iar daca mint, te rog frumos sa imi distrugi compactul
And if I lie, please destroy my compact disc
Trag mai mult fum decat un gabor in intersectie
I smoke more than a policeman at an intersection
Da-s multumit, sunt fericit ca nu am ajuns la injectie
But I am glad, I am happy that I did not end up an addict
Nu erijez in profesorul de viata sa iti explic ecuatia
I do not set myself up as a life teacher to explain the equation to you
Prefer sa imi dai un baston de orb sa dirijez circulatia
I prefer you give me a blind man's cane to direct traffic
Nu ma luati de prost ca nu beau pahare goale
Don't fool me that you don't drink empty glasses
Si-o sa torn la microfon prostii monumentale.
And I will utter outrageous nonsense into the microphone.
Nu mai ies bani din pamant, acum ies bani din borduri
Money no longer grows from the ground, now it grows from curbs
Dati-mi o pila si ochelari de cal sa va las fara paduri
Give me a file and horse blinders so that I can leave you without forests
Mie sa imi dati bani furati din Trezorerie
Give me money stolen from the Treasury
Ca ma mananca palma degeaba, evit munca la meserie
Because my hand is itching for nothing, I avoid honest work
Munca innobileaza fraierii.
Work ennobles suckers.

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