Paraziții - Nu Ma Schimbi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Nu Ma Schimbi

Nu Ma Schimbi
You Can't Change Me
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
De cand te-am vazut mi-ai rupt reflexele
Since I saw you, you've broken my reflexes
Am vazut la tine ce n-am vazut la altele
I saw in you what I haven't seen in others
Am crezut ca-ai sa-ntelegi da' m-am ars
I thought you'd understand, but I got burned
Am fost obligat sa-ti arat un zambet fals
I was forced to show you a fake smile
Ai fost rece dar eu te-am inghetat
You were cold, but I froze you
Si frumos fara sa vrei te-ai dat in fapt
And beautifully, without wanting to, you gave yourself away
Zile si nopti doar pentru noi au fost
Days and nights were just for us
Ai incercat insa sa schimbi, n-ai inteles ca n-are rost
You tried to change, you didn't understand it's pointless
Nimeni nu ma schimba, nici chiar tu macar
No one changes me, not even you
Ma faci sa cred ca si tu gandesti dupa tipar
You make me think you also think according to the pattern
Ai fi bine sa intelegi si tu
You'd better understand too
Cum te-nteleg si eu mereu, te-nteleg cand dai de greu
How I always understand you, I understand when you're in trouble
Am nevoie de tine, de lovele, de zile
I need you, money, and days
Banii nu ma fac, inca fac bani
Money doesn't make me, I still make money
Ai incredere in mine, tot ce am e pentru tine
Trust me, everything I have is for you
Si din suflet vine...
And it comes from the heart...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
Nu vreau sa ma schimb, sa ma intelegi
I don't want to change, understand me
Am nevoie doar de tine, de lovele si de zile
I only need you, money, and days
Banii nu ma fac, o sa te tin pentru maine
Money doesn't make me, I'll keep you for tomorrow
Si cand o fi mai rau sa ne mearga asa de bine.
And when it's worse, let it be so good for us.
Singurii in care am incredere
The only ones I trust
Sunt prietenii mei cu care imi beau mintile
Are my friends with whom I drink my mind
Ei m-ajuta sa gasesc cand nu-mi gasesc vena
They help me find my vein when I can't
Cu ei seara de seara se repeta scena
With them, the scene repeats itself every night
Te simt ca vrei sa ma desparti de ei
I feel like you want to separate me from them
Si la fel sa scapi de fiecare prost obicei
And in the same way, get rid of every bad habit
Nu inteleg, nu te cred, zi-mi daca stii
I don't understand, I don't believe you, tell me if you know
Cum vrei sa fiu, cum vrei sa fii
How you want me to be, how you want to be
Zece mii de ganduri, zece mii de fetze
Ten thousand thoughts, ten thousand faces
Intre noi sunt zece mii de vorbe sterse
Between us are ten thousand erased words
N-am nimic in comun cu Sfantu'
I have nothing in common with the Saint'
Nu ma face sa iti spun 'Te iubesc', urasc cuvantu'
Don't make me say 'I love you', I hate the word
Spui 'Nici o problema' cand nimic nu merge
You say 'No problem' when nothing works
Insa n-ai sa schimbi nimic din ce nu se poate sterge.
But you won't change anything that can't be erased.
Banii nu ma fac, ii fac, nu-i iubesc
Money doesn't make me, I make it, I don't love it
Atunci cand se duc, se duc cu un simplu gest
When it goes, it goes with a simple gesture
Cauti cuvinte ce nu po' sa exprime
You're looking for words that can't express
Ce inevitabil se intampla maine
What inevitably happens tomorrow
Sufletul stie, numai tu nu vrei sa crezi ca ti se poate intampla tie
The soul knows, only you don't want to believe it can happen to you
Te lasi de data asta in fiecare zi,
You let yourself down every day,
Nu te mai crezi tu, nu te mai crede nimeni
You don't believe in yourself anymore, nobody believes in you anymore
Intre alcool si droguri, sitir si ignoranta
Between alcohol and drugs, feeling and ignorance
Atarna prea usor in balanta un cuvant numit speranta
A word called hope hangs too lightly in the balance
Dedic acest vers fetelor de care-mi este drag
I dedicate this verse to the girls I care about
Si baietiilor ce beau si trag pana se pun in cap.
And the boys who drink and shoot until they're wasted.
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...
A sunat ceasul...
The clock has rung...

Writer(s): Paraziții

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