Paraziții - Orice-ar fi (Cheloo b-side remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Orice-ar fi (Cheloo b-side remix)

Orice-ar fi (Cheloo b-side remix)
It's Whatever (Cheloo b-side remix)
Imagineaza-ti ca te operezi pe semnatura
Imagine you are getting a signature surgery
Doctoru' e beat, executa o alta taietura
The doctor is drunk, makes another incision
Imagineaza-ti ca dimineata te trezesti cu o alta fata in alta viata
Imagine you wake up in the morning with a different face in a different life
Femeia ta sta cu tine din lipsa de imaginatie
Your woman stays with you out of lack of imagination
Nu pentru ca e bine
Not because it's good
Toti vor sa gandeasca in locul tau
Everybody wants to think for you
Nu te cred in stare, te cred sandilau
They don't believe you can do it, they think you're weak
Imagineaza-ti ca fumezi cam multa marijuana
Imagine you smoke a lot of marijuana
Ai alcool industrial in pahar, tu bei cu cana
You have industrial alcohol in your cup, you drink by the mug
Stai in dubii nu vrei nimic nou
You're in doubt, you don't want anything new
Poate ca mai ai 10 minute si nu-ti pare rau.
Maybe you have 10 more minutes and you don't care.
Chorus: (2X)
Toti sa faca spume ca la capatul berii
Let everybody froth like they do at the end of a beer
Sa ard precum tigara, de viata nu ma sperii
I'll burn like a cigarette, I'm not afraid of life
Eu produc panica,
I'm causing panic,
Eu produc datorii (si nu imi pare rau de nimic) orice-ar fi.
I'm creating debt (and I don't care about anything), whatever happens.
Imagineaza-ti cum ar fi sa fi ceea ce vrei tu sa fii macar o zi
Imagine what it would be like to be who you want to be, even for a day
Visezi mereu cum ar fi daca n-ai fi,
You always dream about what it would be like if you weren't who you are,
Adu-ti aminte de primii ani de liceu,
Remember the first years of high school,
La romana in loc de emotii aveai 7 beri in mana
Instead of emotions, you had 7 beers in your hand in Romanian class
Imagineaza-ti produc panica, tu datorii,
Imagine I'm causing panic, you're creating debt,
Poti sa faci spume ca la capatul berii,
You can froth like they do at the end of a beer,
Bei un pahar la jumate sa se verse
Take a glass and drink half of it until it spills
Dupa 2 beri ai reactii adverse
After 2 beers you have adverse effects
Ai numai ganduri inverse, sterse
You only have inverse, erased thoughts
Imagineaza-ti ca stau in casa la umbra patului
Imagine I'm sitting in the shade of my bed
Eu azi am declarat razboi ficatului.
Today I declared war on my liver.
Chorus: (2X)
Toti sa faca spume ca la capatul berii
Let everybody froth like they do at the end of a beer
Sa ard precum tigara, de viata nu ma sperii
I'll burn like a cigarette, I'm not afraid of life
Eu produc panica,
I'm causing panic,
Eu produc datorii (si nu imi pare rau de nimic) orice-ar fi.
I'm creating debt (and I don't care about anything), whatever happens.
Imagineaza-ti ca n-ai imaginatie
Imagine you don't have any imagination
Si n-ai nevoie sa dai vreo ezplicatie
And you don't need to give any explanation
Imagineaza-ti ca te arde pe instalatie
Imagine you're being electrocuted
Un top model de 300 de kile face aglomeratie
A 300-kilo top model is getting crowded
La aparat parca te bate delicat
At the apparatus, it seems to beat you gently
Cu dansul elefantului te lasa fara predicat
With the elephant dance, it leaves you without a predicate
Da cheile de la boschet vreau program complet fa balet.
Give the keys to the tramp, I want a complete program, do ballet.
Refren (2X)
Chorus (2X)

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