Paraziții - Pabibabum - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Pabibabum

Sarut mainile, sunt de la firma Pabi .babum SA.
Excuse me, my lady, I'm from the Pabi .babum SA company.
S cum?
S mata
You, my dear
Vrei de baut, nu-ti dau
You want a drink, I won't give you one
Ce p**a mea, ca n-am eu chef, ce sunt sef la Crucea Rosie sau patron la UNICEF
What the f**k, I'm not the boss of the Red Cross or the owner of UNICEF
Tine usa ca nu-I bec si alunec
Hold the door because there's no light and I'll slip
Nu prea stau drept, daca tot ma pis, vreau sa ma pis in chiuveta direct
I can't stand up straight, if I'm gonna piss, I'm gonna piss directly in the sink
Nu-i asa ca sunt frumos, sunt barbatul perfect, p****le ma ocolesc, mi se pare de-a dreptul
Don't you think I'm handsome, I'm the perfect man, women avoid me, it seems to me
Accept sponsorizari, punem o mie in cutia milei ca v-ajut pe viitor la dezvoltarea pornografiei
I accept sponsorships, put a thousand in the charity box so that in the future you can help me develop pornography
Ma pis pe UE a se citi Uniunea Europeana
I piss on the EU, which should be read as the European Union
Ca n-am primit de la ei alcool sau ceva de pomana
Because I didn't get any alcohol or anything for free from them
Au venit americanii, au constat ca sunt smecheri, merg cu tramvaiul de atunci, vezi soarta lui Teo Peter
The Americans came, they realized they were smart, they've been riding the tram ever since, see what happened to Teo Peter
Alo? Politia?
Hello? Police?
Inca astept un raspuns destept de ce doar pe amenzile mele scrie pretul corect
I'm still waiting for a smart answer to why only my fines have the correct price written on them
Beau si conduc spectaculos, plutesc cu rotile in aer,
I drink and drive spectacularly, I float with my wheels in the air,
Cum fac sa mut si eu zebra aia daca merlesc un fraier
How do I move that zebra if I hit a sucker
Bat cersetorii aroganti cum bate Statul demonstrantii
I beat arrogant beggars like the State beats demonstrators
Descoperind ca n-au nimic f***-i in gat de stimulanti
Discovering that they have nothing. I f*** them in the throat of stimulants
Stimulez un interes crescut pentru natiune
I stimulate a growing interest in the nation
Inchideti usile ca nu borasc, elaborez o motiune
Close the doors because I don't drink, I elaborate a motion
Deschide barul, umple paharul
Open the bar, fill the glass
Sa-mi ridici moralul ca-i la pamant pe cuvant
To raise my spirits, it's on the ground, I swear
Ca leul in lupta cu dolarul
Like a lion fighting for the dollar
Vad geamantanul ca fac cinste nu fii surprins
I see the suitcase, because I'm treating everyone, don't be surprised
Dinadins ma duc la dracu si va iau pe toti cu mine gratis
I'm going to hell on purpose and I'll take you all with me for free
Las amanet femeia si cheia de la subsol
I leave my wife and the key to the basement in pawn
Tine-le co**e si da-mi pe ele doua beri si-un Pall Mall menthol
Hold your **s and give me two beers and a menthol Pall Mall
Si acum mai toarna sa mi se indrepte privirea
And now pour me another to straighten my gaze
Fii larguta domnisoara ne dansezi ceva la bara?
Be nice, miss, can you dance something for me at the bar?
Sa ma bata vantul daca va mint,
May the wind beat me if I lie to you,
Sa mor daca inteleg cum unii sunt p***e decat p****le din Justin Timberlake
May I die if I understand how some are such p***es than the p**** in Justin Timberlake
Mentine-te in dans, in balans, si vai de curul tau ca-au pus baietii ochii pe tine sa te-ncoroneze Miss Bulau.
Stay in the dance, in the balance, and woe to your ass because the boys have their eyes on you to crown you Miss Bulau.
Pe barman il tin ostatic pana dupa miezul noptii
I'm holding the bartender hostage until after midnight
Doar stii, ca dorm mai des prin balti decat sinistratii
You know, I fall asleep in the puddles more often than I do with the homeless
Mai ca vine doamne, mai toarna o suta de...
Lord, it's almost here, pour me another hundred of...
S-o iau la goana intr-un picior ca Prigoana
To run away on one leg like Prigoana

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