Paraziții - Praf - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Praf

Ia-ti femeia de buci, fa-te muci si baga bine in cap
Grab your woman by the boobs, get wasted, and get this straight
Mesajul meu neortodox livrat in ritm de rap
My unorthodox message delivered in a rap beat
Am inspirat un fum ciudat, depresiile le-am aruncat
I inhaled some strange smoke, threw away the depressions
Ma vad in ochii tai, ce *** mea, sunt praf.
I see myself in your eyes, what the fuck, I'm dust.
Bem alcool, nu racoritoare in beci la soare
We drink booze, not soda, in the basement under the sun
Sau oricum departe de soare
Or anyway, far away from the sun
Cand trag prea tare ma misc in reluare
When I pull too hard, I move in slow motion
Si vad fetze care imi cer sa spun vorbe murdare
And see faces asking me to say dirty words
Nu stimulez colectionare de vibratoare
I don't encourage collecting vibrators
In Rai n-am rezervare, acolo platim sa plutim sau stam in picioare
In Heaven, I don't have a reservation, there we pay to float or stand
Par mereu pe picior de plecare, e fals ca falsa mea pudoare
I always seem to be leaving, my false modesty is a lie
Sunt preocupat de vin si gratare
I'm preoccupied with wine and barbecues
Sunt inca in stare de functionare
I'm still in working order
Orice zi s-o facem sarbatoare
Let's make any day a holiday
Cu pahare sparte, nu confetti si inimioare
With broken glasses, not confetti and hearts
Esti tare suparat sau mi se pare,
You seem really upset, or is it just me,
Frate, curva ramane curva si la a 10-a reincarnare
Brother, a bitch stays a bitch even after the 10th reincarnation
Avem o iarba rea, s-o terminam e-o provocare
We have some bad weed, finishing it is a challenge
Si-o s-aprind un mare joint direct din lumanare
And I'm gonna light a big joint straight from the candle
Da, sunt aici din pura intamplare si-n continuare dau la fel de lent rime ametitoare.
Yeah, I'm here by pure chance and I keep spitting slow dizzying rhymes.
Nu renunt la practicile mele barbare,
I'm not giving up my barbaric practices,
Pentru un cerc de cacat pe cap si-n set de aripioare
For a shitty halo and a set of wings
Prezicandu-mi sfarsitul in saracie mare, o clarvazatoare croncane gretos si moare
Predicting my end in great poverty, a clairvoyant croaks disgustingly and dies
Hai sa ne-mbatam, ce *** mea, e vreo suparare?
Let's get drunk, what the fuck, is there something wrong?
Evit multimea in viteza, lovit cumplit de vin,
I avoid the crowd at speed, badly hit by wine,
Va invit in paradisul lichid, colind
I invite you to the liquid paradise, caroling
Cu doua palme in loc de arme nu sunt multe
With two palms instead of weapons, there aren't many
Dar bat omu′ cat e cald ca daca e rece pute (beah...)
But I beat a man while he's warm because when he's cold he stinks (beah...)
In curtea vilei lui tactu-ti borasc pe caine si-ti pis pomu'
In your dad's villa's yard, I piss on your dog and your tree
In timp ce 3 curve impart o ***-n3 ca Ciomu
While 3 whores share a dick in 3 like Ciomu
Pute a vaca incinsa si scoti fum
Smells like a pregnant cow and you're smoking
Ai har cand te pun capra si ti-apas fatza pe gratar (ha-ha)
You have talent when I call you a goat and press your face on the grill (ha-ha)
Sar scantei din boxe, casa-ti arde, tu te misti pe beat,
Sparks fly from the speakers, your house is burning, you're moving drunk,
Rupta-n gura si in arcade, tavanu′ cade
Torn in the mouth and in the arches, the ceiling falls
Il tin in lant si-n suturi pe frat-tu' ala bun care zice
I keep your good brother in chains and kicks who says
'Uite tati, bum bum, am un tanculet in cur!′
'Look daddy, boom boom, I have a little tank in my ass!'
Oh, degenereaza totul cand ma-ta pune botu! (Iarba.)
Oh, everything degenerates when your mom puts her snout! (Weed.)
Ii indes in bot iarba si se comporta ca o coarda
I shove weed in her snout and she acts like a rope
Imi pune in pieptul un martisor negru (ce tare!)
She puts a black trinket on my chest (how cool!)
Si mi-arata o poza cu ma-ta mare luminata cu o lumanare
And shows me a picture of your big mom illuminated with a candle
Arunca cu coliva, eu cu saliva
She throws coliva, I throw saliva
Ah, ma dati afara... De unde *** mea era sa stiu ca nu e bairam si e pomana!
Ah, you're throwing me out... How the fuck was I supposed to know it wasn't a feast but a wake!

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