Paraziții - Reacții adverse - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Reacții adverse

Reacții adverse
Side Effects
(Din sceneta "N-am alta rima", cu Toma Caragiu si Mircea Diaconu)
(From the skit "N-am alta rima", with Toma Caragiu and Mircea Diaconu)
"...Este si dumneataaa... tragi!"
"You too... you're shooting!"
"Nu trag... cum o sa trag?"
"I'm not shooting... how could I shoot?"
"Cum nu tragi? Dar ce faci? Tragi, tragi, hahahaha!"
"What do you mean you're not shooting? What are you doing then? You're shooting, you're shooting, hahahaha!"
Cu un sound venit de pe vinilu' plin de praf atac,
With a sound coming from the dusty vinyl, I attack,
FDD a picat rupt rau lnga pick-up.
The floppy disk crashed hard near the pick-up.
Ombladon e torpilat grav...
Ombladon is severely torpedoed...
Parazitii live, ridicati la rangu' de anti-eroi!
Parazitii live, elevated to the rank of anti-heroes!
Nu fac hip-hop sa ma ard n chec
I don't do hip-hop to burn myself out in a check,
Pe 3 lei negri la CEC,
For 3 black lei at the CEC,
S-ajung umflat, infect,
To end up swollen, infected,
Cu datorii la Mac.
With debts at Mac.
N-o frec n vorbe moi... Pai cum ar fi
I don't rub it in soft words... How would it be
Sa plng n piese dupa pizde ca sa va iau banii?
To cry in songs after pussies to take your money?
Cunosti problema, dar datele sunt eronate,
You know the problem, but the data is wrong,
Nu cnt tumori primate deprimate,
I don't sing depressed primate tumors,
Vizual muzical ma satisface culoarea curvei strangulate.
Visually musically, the color of the strangled whore satisfies me.
E minunat sa fii taran n capitala, ce noroc!
It's wonderful to be a peasant in the capital, what luck!
Sa fii nascut si crescut lnga porc la bloc.
To be born and raised next to a pig in a block.
Ooo! Sa va pititi toti la "Mina Minovici",
Ooo! May you all hide at "Mina Minovici",
Ncep sa cred ca locul meu nu e aici, printre localnici.
I'm starting to believe that my place is not here, among the locals.
Sunt un sensibil
I am a sensitive
Pe cale de-a deveni credibil,
On the way to becoming credible,
Prost si fericit, cazut n penibil,
Stupid and happy, fallen into the ridiculous,
Cu saliva-n tricou, tocnd ultimul ban,
With saliva on my T-shirt, playing the last penny,
O sa va cnt cu trandafiru-n dinti iubirea pe la geam.
I will sing you love at the window with a rose in my teeth.
N-am pierdut nici un fan, caci de-un an
I haven't lost any fans, because for a year
CNA-ul e un urias cu fata de cur pensat si complexe de nan.
The CNA is a giant with the face of a shaved ass and dwarf complexes.
Nu exista cuvinte mari, ci doar capete mici,
There are no big words, just small heads,
Nu sunt aici sa va educ copiii si nici sa fac din cacat bici.
I'm not here to educate your children or make a whip out of shit.
Deschide bine ochii, nu casca gura, nene,
Open your eyes wide, don't open your mouth, man,
Ce vezi la mine nu e burta, am o boala de piele.
What you see on me is not a belly, I have a skin disease.
Controlez atent undele radio, ca Robocop,
I carefully control the radio waves, like Robocop,
Va iau n pula tot neamu' de la maimuta la Pentium 8.
I'll fuck your whole family from monkey to Pentium 8.
Depui efort sa ai confort,
You make an effort to have comfort,
Esti jumatate mort,
You're half dead,
Da' sub sistem nu mai esti la gndire nici ca sa sufli-n tort.
But under the system you're no longer thinking enough to even blow on the cake.
Plutesc pe beat-uri
I float on beats
Pe lnga ziduri
Next to walls
Scrise - se stie - deja
Written - it's known - already
Bagabontii cu spray-uri scriu istoria.
Vagabonds with sprays write history.
Romnii fericiti nu traiesc n Romnia,
Happy Romanians don't live in Romania,
E mai mediatizat cannabis-ul ca Biblia.
Cannabis is more publicized than the Bible.
Nu-mi las amprente pe piesa asta,
I don't leave my fingerprints on this track,
Ca port manusi totusi, ti cade masca d-asta,
Because I wear gloves anyway, your mask falls off this,
Esti nervos,
You're nervous,
Mesaju' meu e canceros,
My message is cancerous,
Da-te-n sloboz!
Get out of here!
Cum pula mea mixati manele cu Dr. Dre-n 2003?
How the fuck do you mix manele with Dr. Dre in 2003?
Regret ca nu-i albumul meu, ca n-as fi vrut sa-nchei.
I regret that it's not my album, because I wouldn't have wanted to end it.
Ne-auzim pe albumul meu solo cnd o sa am la mine gloante
We'll hear each other on my solo album when I have bullets with me
Si-n loc de "La multi ani!" o sa va cnt condoleante.
And instead of "Happy birthday!" I'm going to sing you condolences.
Cheloo, Ombladon:
Cheloo, Ombladon:
N efect!
No effect!
Parazitii 2003, Cheloo - "Sindromul Tourette"!
Parazitii 2003, Cheloo - "Tourette Syndrome"!
Sa-mi dai 50 de mii ca ti-am facut reclama.
Give me 50 thousand because I made you an advertisement.
Cheloo: Toate femeile...
Cheloo: All women...
Ombladon: Ce pula mea!
Ombladon: What the fuck!
Cheloo: Se cred neveste,
Cheloo: They think they're wives,
Dac-au stat o noapte dedesupt
If they stayed one night underneath
Cheloo, Ombladon: Si doua peste.
Cheloo, Ombladon: And two on top.
Cheloo: Trateaza totu'
Cheloo: Treat everything'
Ombladon: Sa mori tu!
Ombladon: Fuck you!
Cheloo: Exact ca pe un joc
Cheloo: Just like a game
Si te trezesti ca ai ajuns precum un coi sub plop.
And you wake up and you've become like a dick under a poplar.
Cheloo: Toate femeile...
Cheloo: All women...
Ombladon: Ce pula mea!
Ombladon: What the fuck!
Cheloo: Se cred neveste,
Cheloo: They think they're wives,
Dac-au stat o noapte dedesupt
If they stayed one night underneath
Cheloo: Si doua peste.
Cheloo: And two on top.
Cheloo: Trateaza totu'
Cheloo: Treat everything'
Ombladon: Sa mori tu!
Ombladon: Fuck you!
Cheloo: Exact ca pe un joc
Cheloo: Just like a game
Si te trezesti ca ai ajuns precum un coi sub plop.
And you wake up and you've become like a dick under a poplar.
Pusa pe treaba
Put to work
Orice pizda bolnava se-ntreaba
Any sick bitch wonders
De ce cnd suge pe degeaba ceva nu se leaga.
Why when she sucks for free, something doesn't connect.
Majoritatea neaga
Most deny
Ce banuim de-o viata-ntreaga,
What we've suspected all our lives,
Ca-ntre pula si bani femeile nu poa' s-aleaga.
That between dick and money, women can't choose.
The rags,
Aceste creaturi terestre,
These earthly creatures,
Se regasesc n patu' tau drept neveste oneste.
They find themselves in your bed as honest wives.
Adevaru' este -
The truth is -
O spun si revistele -
The magazines also say it -
Ce vrea pula ta, nu-ti darm eu visele.
What your dick wants, I won't give you your dreams.
Ntreaba-te nainte sa-ti permiti sa-ti placa
Ask yourself before you allow yourself to like it
Daca-n spatele doamnei nu se-ascunde-o vaca.
If behind the lady there isn't a cow hiding.
Orice dans de societate
Any society dance
Duce mai departe,
Leads further,
Dansatoarea ta detine prea multa dexteritate?
Does your dancer have too much dexterity?
Roaga-te sa n-ajungi sclavu' curvelor,
Pray that you don't become a slave to whores,
Caci devii usor
Because you easily become
Investitia lor pe viitor.
Their investment for the future.
Ramn adorabil pentru surde si amnezice,
I remain adorable for the deaf and amnesiac,
Orice-as zice,
Whatever I say,
Nu ma contrazice.
Don't contradict me.
El tre' sa aiba bani, sa aiba vila,
He must have money, he must have a villa,
Obligat masina,
Obligatory car,
Sa munceasca zi-lumina,
To work day and night,
Original, s-o ntretina.
Original, to maintain her.
Ea? Ea sa faca tot ce vrea, fara discutii,
She? She can do whatever she wants, without discussion,
Si sa-si rupa ruju-n pula satisfacnd necunoscutii.
And break her lipstick in dick, satisfying strangers.
Ti s-a ntmplat? E bine! Sa o bati n timp ce bei,
Did it happen to you? It's good! Beat her while you drink,
Dar sa nu te traga-n teapa, sa dea coltu'. Heei!
But don't let her cheat on you, let her give the corner. Hey!
Nc-un bot lezat la catalog, sa nu ti para rau,
Another injured snout in the catalog, don't feel bad,
Se va gasi mereu un fraier s-o repare-n locu' tau.
There will always be a sucker to fix it instead of you.
Tot raul e spre bine, esti barbat! Pna la urma
All evil is for good, you're a man! In the end
Rolul tau ca individ e sa gasesti alta mai buna.
Your role as an individual is to find another better one.
Materialu' de futut tre' sa-l futi sau se raceste,
The fucking material must be fucked or it gets cold,
Poa' sa fie a cinspea mna! Asta chiar nu ma priveste.
It can be the fifth hand! That really doesn't concern me.
Nu ofer solutii optime cnd treaba candeste,
I don't offer optimal solutions when things get tough,
De-aia lumea ma iubeste
That's why the world loves me
Ca pe Doamne-Fereste.
Like God forbid.

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