Paraziții - Shoot Yourself (video edit) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Shoot Yourself (video edit)

Shoot Yourself (video edit)
Shoot Yourself (video edit)
Împuscã-te si gata
Shoot yourself, that's it
FREAKADADISK: scratch "playback la Mamaia"
FREAKADADISK: scratch "playback at Mamaia"
Într-un concert de zile mari pe litoral
At a big-time concert on the coast
Vin 10 trupe pe 200 de dolari.
10 bands come for 200 dollars.
La cel mai mare festival piese furate se prezintã
At the biggest festival, stolen songs are presented
Dar mamaia e prea bãtrânã si prea proastã se prindã.
But Mamaia is too old and too stupid to catch on.
Ce vezi pe scenã e la limita decentei
What you see on stage is borderline decent
Aici se toarnã filmul "Ziua incompetentei".
Here they shoot the movie "Incompetence Day".
Spuneti iubiti publicul si fanii
You say you love the audience and the fans
Dar de fapt iubiti doar playback-ul si banii
But you really only love playback and money
Si când faceti playback e mare riscul:
And when you do playback, there's a big risk:
faceti de cãcat prin concerte când sare discul.
You make a fool of yourself at concerts when your disc skips.
Banii zboarã în orice directie
Money flies in every direction
Tu te-nchini la suta de mii cu douã mâini.
You bow down to a hundred thousand with both hands.
Producãtorul tãu spune: "Nu cânta! Dezbracã-te!"
Your producer says: "Don't sing! Get naked!"
Pentru box-office faci bot în office.
For box office, you act like a bot in the office.
Interzis minorilor vadã
Minors are forbidden to see
Cum apare pe TV un nou pretext de labã.
How a new excuse for pawing appears on TV.
Ai ochii ca cafeaua da' te freci în cur ca nesul,
Your eyes are like coffee but you rub your ass like instant coffee,
Vezi tu: live nu poate 3SE-ul. Nici restul.
You see: 3SE can't do it live. Neither can the rest.
Se trage de la prefix
It's shot from the prefix
Cei mai tari în playback: ZOOFIL X.
The best at playback: ZOOFIL X.
Refren: Te-am pierdut, stii ce-ai de fãcut:
Chorus: I lost you, you know what you have to do:
Una micã fãrã lovele la scurt.
A little one without money, short and sweet.
Muie tie si celor care te ascultã!
Fuck you and those who listen to you!
Playback poa' facã si o surdomutã.
Even a deaf-mute can do playback.
Ai furat bara de streaptease! Du-o-napoi urgent
You stole the striptease pole! Take it back urgently
La martorii lui Ebola. (no comment)
To the witnesses of Ebola. (no comment)
Organizãm oficial, eficient, un alt eveniment:
We officially, efficiently organize another event:
MICROFONUL DE LEMN, un mic amuzament.
Voltaj ies pe interval: cinci lorzi
Voltaj come out on the break: five lords
Fãrã chitãri in priza, prindeti degetele-n corzi.
Without guitars plugged in, you catch your fingers in the strings.
La categoria mimã piesa e reprodusã.
In the mime category, the song is reproduced.
Ai cântat, dar nu pe gurã ci pe partea opusã.
You sang, but not with your mouth, but with the opposite side.
Bagaboantelor de loc de lux, dau un dolar
To the cheap whores in the luxury seats, I give you a dollar
Mãcar sa cântati la microfon, nu la celular.
At least sing into the microphone, not your cell phone.
Noapte de vis compromis
Dream night compromised
Muzical sãriti din pulã-n penis.
Musically you jump from dick to penis.
Luati premiu din tezaur:
You take a prize from the treasury:
Dinti în gurã din pulã de cerb de aur.
Teeth in your mouth from a golden stag's dick.
Sincroane de cãcat, texte ca-n telenovelã:
Shitty lip-syncing, lyrics like in a soap opera:
"Fãrã tine/mi-e dor de tine/întoarce-te la mine/
"Without you/I miss you/come back to me/
Vreau fiu cu tine/într-un scaun cu rotine"
I want to be with you/in a chair with routines"
DESPOT: (bã, cu rotile)
DESPOT: (yo, with wheels)
OMBLADON: aha, cu rotile.
OMBLADON: aha, with wheels.
Te uiti în buzunare si-n oglindã dimineata:
You look in your pockets and in the mirror in the morning:
Pentru femeia ta ai bani da' nu te-ajutã fata.
You have money for your woman, but your face doesn't help.
Sunteti persoane publice
You are public figures
si WC-urile ecologice, amice.
Make the toilets ecological too, buddy.
La interviuri ne vorbiti de ambitii, aparitii
In interviews you talk to us about ambitions, appearances
Ne dati definitii
You give us definitions
CHELOO: pânã când o sã-ncepeti pierdeti dintii.
CHELOO: until you start losing your teeth.
DESPOT: superproductii nu atrag mãcar un fan
DESPOT: super productions don't attract even one fan
În numele vostru se aruncã bani pe geam.
Money is thrown out the window in your name.
Te ia mã-ta-n brate si îti spune: "bravo mamã!"
Your mom takes you in her arms and says: "Good job, mama!"
Da' nu stie esti curvã-n prostitutia muzicalã.
But she doesn't know that you're a whore in musical prostitution.

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