Paraziții - Sub influență 2 (feat. Raku) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Sub influență 2 (feat. Raku)

Sub influență 2 (feat. Raku)
Under the Influence 2 (feat. Raku)
Ref: Bagabontii doar trag, trag, trag
Chorus: Vagabonds just pull, pull, pull
Visele se sparg, sparg, sparg
Dreams shatter, shatter, shatter
N-am sa mor io bag bag bag
I won't die, I stuff, stuff, stuff
Ai sa razi nu cad, cad, cad
You'll laugh, I won't fall, fall, fall
Cheloo: In direct transmit dintr-o oarecare bomba
Cheloo: Broadcasting live from some kind of bomb
Treaz nu sunt sub nici o forma
I'm not sober in any way
P-aia de sub masa tin de cap, nu de vorba
Those under the table are holding their heads, not talking
Pe nota mea de plata scrie: "Ai sa mori, ba!"
On my bill it says: "You're gonna die, man!"
Nici o secunda nu sunt sub influenta cica
They say I'm not under the influence for a second
Doua tigari de marijuana se uita fix la mine si yo mor de frica
Two marijuana cigarettes are staring right at me and I'm scared to death
N-am gasit nici un mesaj in nici un fel de sticla
I didn't find any message in any kind of bottle
Cred ca nu exista
I don't think it exists
Dar prietenii imi zic "insista!"
But my friends tell me "insist!"
Yeee! Sunt un criminal in serie
Yeee! I'm a serial killer
Femeile urate-ar trebui-mpuscate ca ne sperie
Ugly women should be shot because they scare us
Orice stramba cu fatza-n punga
Any bitch with a face - in the bag
Alearga dupa pu*a cu 10 metri pe secunda
She runs after the dick at 10 meters per second
Am un ochi pe ceas, un ochi pe ce-a ramas de tras - n-o s-ajunga
I have one eye on the clock, one eye on what's left to pull - it's not gonna be enough
Din punctul de vedere-al orbului mi-a fugit punctu' de fuga
From the blind man's point of view, my vanishing point has vanished
Cu frica
With fear
Cred ca iar am incurcat baru' cu circa.
I think I mixed up the bar with the circus again.
Refren X2
Chorus X2
Raku: Raman meditator ca Yoda cand gasesc fortza
Raku: I remain a meditator like Yoda when I find the force
Cu-n pahar de gin cu soda influentzez moda
With a glass of gin and soda I influence fashion
Bolnavii sa ia pastile, yo pe stil subtil le sting - aprinzand fitile
The sick should take pills, I subtly extinguish them - by lighting the wicks
Si de pe la doispe-n sus apare cate-o zglobie
And from twelve upwards, a naughty girl appears
Care vrea sa ma imbie la pedofilie, fie!
Who wants to entice me to pedophilia, so be it!
Abia daca sta in fusta, susta-i ca gurista gusta
She barely stays in her skirt, her support is like a mouthy girl's taste
De ma crucesc ca se suceste rau de tot la microfon
I cross myself as she twists badly at the microphone
Ca cei? laba trista-n pantalon
Like what? A sad paw in his pants
Io trag sfori la greu, umblu-n portomeu
I pull strings hard, I walk in my wallet
Sparg banii de lumanari, bag licori mereu
I break candle money, I always put in liqueurs
Visele se sparg, merg, c-am trecut de prag
Dreams break, I go, because I have crossed the threshold
La toaleta scot la aer tot ce-a fost mai drag
In the toilet I air out everything that was most dear
N-am sa cad decat din pat, fredonand baut
I won't fall except from bed, humming drunk
Consum mereu de la-nceput, n-am nimic de pierdut
I always consume from the beginning, I have nothing to lose
Pervers, pe vers, mereu lovesc - s-acresc muraturile
Perverse, on verse, I always hit - to increase the pickles
Cascati gura cand apar, de parc'-ati vazut facturile!
Open your mouths when I appear, as if you've seen the bills!
Refren X2
Chorus X2
Ombladon: Bate, bate, bate inima - ti-e rau?
Ombladon: Beat, beat, beat your heart - are you sick?
Nu te bate gandu' cum te bat yo!
Don't let the thought beat you like I do!
Mai nou m-am apucat sa scriu o carte:
Lately I've started writing a book:
"Micile mu*ste fac bot cu ghiozdanu-n spate"
"The little flies are making faces with their backpacks on"
Era un ultim joint uitat pe etajera
There was one last joint forgotten on the shelf
(Vorbit) Ahhhh... Sa moara fetele mele cat poate?
(Spoken) Ahhhh... May my girls die as much as they can?
Cine stiu eu se taie pe coa*e
Who do I know cuts themselves on the edges
Pinnocchio se imperecheaza cu usa de la baie
Pinocchio mates with the bathroom door
Nu-mi placi tu, nici femeile proaste (ca-n filme)
I don't like you, nor stupid women (like in movies)
Am incredere in voi asa cum am in mine
I have faith in you as I have in myself
Mie nu mi-as da 100 de parai pana maine
I wouldn't give myself 100 bucks until tomorrow
Tzi femeia de mana, da tzi-o f*t altii, esti de treaba!
Hold your woman's hand, let others fuck her, you're cool!
Baga niste iarba ca sa pleci pe targa
Put in some weed to leave on a stretcher
Sti ceva? Nu-mi place atitudinea ta!
You know what? I don't like your attitude!
Daca femeile se bucura si dau din cur pe Candy
If the women are happy and shake their asses on Candy
Invitam totzi bagabontii sa dea din cap pe Bamby!
We invite all the vagabonds to nod their heads on Bamby!

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