Paraziții - Suge-O - traduction des paroles en anglais

Suge-O - Parazițiitraduction en anglais

Suck It
Suck it
Cat de rap sa fie sa nu-mi placa nici mie
How rap can it be, so I also don't like it
Multi ma ameninta ca ma prind si ma fac varza
Many threaten me that they'll catch me and make me minced meat
Da ma stiu si Fuego e mafiot la baza
But I know Fuego is a mafia boss at heart
S-a gasit unul sa-mi faca piesa ce sa zic
Some guy found it to make me a song, what can I say
Credeam ca-mi da disc cu Raluka si cu Speak
I thought he'd give me an album with Raluka and Speak
Eu vorbesc urat el e destept al dracu incat
I speak ugly, he's so damn smart that
Cand e vorba de muie eu cu pula el cu capu
When it comes to women, I speak with the dick, he with the head
Si sincer sa fiu nu i-am ascultat cacatu
And honestly, I didn't listen to his crap
Caci playerul meu bengos nu recunoaste formatul
Because my edgy player doesn't recognize the format
Am prins-o pe una i-am dat leapsa pana s-a umplut de bale
I caught one, gave her a lap dance until she was filled with drool
Apoi m-am sters la pula cu fi-su unu Phane
Then I wiped my dick with her son, a weirdo
Foamea de bani va loveste fix in fata
The hunger for money strikes you right in the face
Ca pe niste pizde triste dis de dimineata
Like sad bitches early in the morning
Cand a disparut 3SE-ul ati ramas restul
When 3SE disappeared, you were the leftovers
Nu ca-s de acord dar toata lumea strica muie Guess Who
Not that I agree, but everyone ruins women, Guess Who
Noi suntem 3 deci destui sa facem presiuni
We are 3, enough to put pressure
Sa scapam lumea de resturi ca sunteit nuli
To rid the world of trash, because you're zero
Suck it
Cat de rap sa fie sa nu-mi placa nici mie
How rap can it be, so I also don't like it
Imi bag pula furtunos in incalzirea globala
I stick my dick into global warming
Am re-regasit starea mea naturala
I've rediscovered my natural state
Cu lacrimi in ochi si-o bucurie vie criminala
With tears in my eyes and a lively criminal joy
Va rog nu va indoiti de sanatea mea mentala
Please don't doubt my mental health
Nu beau Coca Cola ca de la ea faci ebola
I don't drink Coca Cola, because it gives you Ebola
Cand imi iau ceva nou ma duc la mall la Socola
When I buy something new, I go to the mall in Socola
Inca ma plimb in cimitir cu gondola
I still walk in the cemetery with a gondola
Nu te baga in filmul meu ca se termina rola
Don't get into my movie, because the roll ends
Duceti vorba c-am scos album si sunt pe aratura
Spread the word that I've released an album and I'm on the plow
Sunt o icoana in hip hop hai pupa-ma in pula
I'm an icon in hip hop, come kiss me in my dick
Sunt crestin ortodox nepracticand nu ateu
I'm an Orthodox Christian, not an atheist
Sunt acelasi pret pun pret doar pe sound-ul meu
I'm still the same, I only put value in my sound
Sunt tare ca painea lui Dumnezeu
I'm strong as God's bread
Intr-o lume nebuna in care e greu sa faci un leu
In a crazy world where it's hard to make a buck
Am cosciug antiglont au pompa de pula stas
I have a bulletproof coffin, a dick pump at the pump
Am fumuri in cap sunt tras n-are rost sa ma las
I have smoke in my head, I'm high, it's useless to quit
Viata-i coroana cu spini o sugi si te inchini
Life is a crown of thorns, you suck it and bow down
Moartea-i o curva bolnava pusa pe treaba care asteapta sa termini
Death is a sick bitch, obsessed with work, waiting for you to finish
Suck it
Cat de rap sa fie sa nu-mi placa nici mie
How rap can it be, so I also don't like it

Writer(s): bogdan ionut pastaca, stefan catalin ion

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