Paraziții - Te sparg la buci - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Te sparg la buci

Te sparg la buci
I'll Smash You to Pieces
2- 10,
2- 10,
Vreau de proba controlul,
I want control as a test,
Prin efractie
Through a break-in
Ti-am penetrat difuzorul.
I penetrated your speaker.
Vino sa vorbim despre erectii
Come let's talk about erections
Prea multe pretentii,
Too many demands,
Zero intentii,
Zero intentions,
Gandul meu acum e sa ti-o pun,
My thought now is to put it in you,
Jur pe al meu platfus ca am cum,
I swear on my flat foot I can,
Si te vad cand te vad, nu prea stiu ce vad, sigur ai un cur.
And when I see you, I don't really know what I see, you definitely have an ass.
Nu sunt sigur...
I'm not sure...
("lasa-ma sa-mi demonstrez dragostea...")
("let me show my love...")
Tu la intuneric
You in the dark
Arati ca o regina,
Look like a queen,
La lumina de neon,
In the neon light,
Parca esti ruina
You look like a ruin
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Nu stiu cum te cheama
I don't know your name
Dar pe usa ta scrie:
But on your door it says:
"Nicu + Aneta = pedofilie"
"Nicu + Aneta = pedophilia"
Sunt matol,
I'm drunk,
Nu pot sa m-abtin
I can't help myself
Vreau sa te combin
I want to pick you up
Ca te vad inalta cat sticla de vin
Cause I see you as tall as a bottle of wine
(Sau de gin)
(Or gin)
Te-am vazut spre Vegas
I saw you towards Vegas
Pa Pegas erai;
You were on Pegasus;
Aveai o mana-nfita-n gura sau ce-aveai?
Did you have a hand stuck in your mouth or what?
Oricum pedalai...
Anyway you were pedaling...
Stii din filme ca se face fara dinti
You know from the movies it's done without teeth
Iti zic: "Ia mana de la gura daca vrei sa te mariti!"
I tell you: "Take your hand out of your mouth if you want to get married!"
Pune-te-n genunchi si reprezinta-te,
Get on your knees and represent yourself,
Get up,
Sterge-te la gura
Wipe your mouth
Si-acum prezinta-te...
And now introduce yourself...
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Nu vrei sa consumi alcool ca nu ie bine,
You don't want to drink alcohol because it's not good,
O dai din Cola-n Fanta
You switch from Coke to Fanta
Si din Fanta-n Sprite cu mine?
And from Fanta to Sprite with me?
Nu tine, vrei sa fugi?
It doesn't hold, do you want to run?
Ti-am zis: o-ncurci!
I told you: you'll mess it up!
I chase you,
Te prind,
I catch you,
Te sparg la buci (prin blugi)
I smash you to pieces (through your jeans)
Pun cognac in vodca
I put cognac in vodka
Si vodca pun in bere.
And vodka I put in beer.
Prevad coma,
I foresee a coma,
Dezastru-n creiere
Disaster in the brain
Zambetu′ tau galben imita hepatita
Your yellow smile imitates hepatitis
Din greseala prin eroare am ales:
By mistake, by error, I chose:
Raman cu sticla
I'll stay with the bottle
Nu pot sa desfac capacu' de deasupra berii
I can't open the beer cap
Ma sperii,
I'm scared,
Chemati copiii
Call the kids
S-o vada pe "Tom si Jerry"
To see "Tom and Jerry"
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Original ma vad ca p-un aeroport NASA
I see myself original like at a NASA airport
Zboara masa
The table flies
Zboara mata, ti-arde casa;
The cat flies, your house is on fire;
Bag iarba, bag bere, baga herxxxxina
I put in weed, I put in beer, put in herxxxxina
Tu-mi tipi in ureche ca heterodina
You're yelling in my ear like a heterodyne
Nu bea tu ca bem noi
Don't you drink like we do
De gat sa se verse
Let it pour down your throat
Pana chiar si mata o s-o dea in "diverse".
Until even the cat will give it in "various".
Pentru dobitocii care stau la fereastra
For the idiots who stand at the window
Vreau picioare lungi
I want long legs
Sa ma pish la ei in casa;
To pee in their house;
Revin la subiect ca te-am intors
I return to the subject because I turned you
Pe dos
Inside out
Ai o fata dura
You have a hard face
De calendar
Of a calendar
Si arati ca dupa 4 ani de box
And you look like after 4 years of boxing
(Auzi? aaaa... poti sa fi prietena mea?...)
(Hear? aaaa... can you be my girlfriend?...)
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces
Poti sa fugi, poti sa fugi,
You can run, you can run,
Ca o-ncurci, o-ncurci
Cause you'll mess it up, you'll mess it up
Oricum te-alerg, te prind, te sparg la buci
Anyway I'll chase you, catch you, smash you to pieces

Writer(s): paraziții

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