Paraziții - Tot Ce E Bun Tre Să Dispară - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Tot Ce E Bun Tre Să Dispară

Tot Ce E Bun Tre Să Dispară
All That's Good Must Disappear
Ahaa. lala. blablaa.
Ahaa. lala. blablaa.
Ahaa. 2. 2. enervat, ce pula mea.
Ahaa. 2. 2. I'm pissed off, what the fuck.
Daca printr.un miracol voi ramane fara glas
If by some miracle I lose my voice
O sa ma angajez DJ la radio... Trinitas
I'll get a DJ job at the radio... Trinitas
Un, doi, trei, facem sport de dimineata
One, two, three, let's exercise in the morning
Ai sa te simti de parca ai luat. o Biblie in fata
You'll feel like you got hit... by a Bible in the face
Invata. ma sa ma port, sau invata. ma sa suport
Teach me how to behave, or teach me to endure
Mirosul de porc ambalat in haine de import
The smell of a pig wrapped in imported clothes
Fiti gata pentru clisma cu câcat
Get ready for the shit enema
V-ati lasat imaginatia sa pluteasca si s. a scufundat
You let your imagination float and it sank
Va cineti de cap, de mana
You shake your head, hold hands
Vreau sa trec cu tabu' peste orice minciuna
I want to break every lie with a taboo
Prietenii mei. sunt cu adevarat elitici
My friends are truly elitist
Bai, pla mea, ne cere scuze ca inca existi
Yo, bitch, we apologize that you still exist
As da fac lumii, de dragul tau
I would give the world a fuck, for your sake
Asta nu e textul tau.
This isn't your line.
Pardon, am baut prea mult si acum mi.e rau
Sorry, I drank too much and now I feel sick
Inca nu plictisit de cantat si baut bere
I'm not tired of singing and drinking beer yet
Si nu ma culc pe scena ca omu' cu somnifere
And I don't sleep on stage like the dude with sleeping pills
Ce pla mea va bucurati. ati gasit bani pe jos?
Why the fuck are you happy, did you find money on the ground?
Ati gasit sensu' vietii intr. o pulă cu os?
Did you find the meaning of life in a dick with a bone?
Sponsorizam campionatu' de table. de la guvern
We sponsor the backgammon championship from the government
Sponsorizam in parlament grohaitul si sforaitul etern
We sponsor eternal snoring and grunting in parliament
Sponsorizam umflati cu pula mica, papagali, politicieni analfabeti si infractori penali
We sponsor inflated small dicks, parrots, illiterate politicians and criminals
Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara din aceasta tara
Everything good must disappear from this country
De unde numa' prostii ca noi. nu se mai cara
From where only idiots like us don't leave
Cu siguranta si respectul mor de foame, bai nene
Safety and respect are starving to death, man
Bagane'am pula in liniste, in lege si ordine
I don't give a fuck about peace, law and order
Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara din aceasta tara
Everything good must disappear from this country
De unde numa' prostii ca noi. nu se mai cara
From where only idiots like us don't leave
Cu siguranta si respectul mor de foame, bai nene
Safety and respect are starving to death, man
Bagane'am pula in liniste, in lege si ordine
I don't give a fuck about peace, law and order
Cine se indoia ca o sa si.o ia ca.n Troia
Who doubted that they'd get fucked like in Troy
Dupa ce am bagat cot la cot atata salam cu soia?
After we crammed so much soy salami side by side?
Ti se opreste glontu'n creier, asta ti.e voia
The bullet stops in your brain, that's your wish
Cand iti spui in mod repetat sa renunti la paranoia
When you're repeatedly told to give up paranoia
Domnu doctor ma.ntelege, nu vrea sa ma lege
The doctor understands me, he doesn't want to tie me up
Mi.a prescris zile de kile de pastile, sperand ca. mi trece
He prescribed me days of kilos of pills, hoping it will pass
Dupa zile de chin devin mai rece
After days of torment I become colder
Tensiunea. mi trece, vocile din cap nu vor sa. mi plece.
My tension passes, the voices in my head don't want to leave
Te. apasa sau nu, gandurile mele,
Do my thoughts pressure you or not,
Dar stii si tu ca tara asta exporta doar griji si probleme
But you know too that this country only exports worries and problems
Am sa plec de aici ba, dati. va.n mortii vostri
I'm gonna leave here, man, fuck you all
Ca aici toti meltenii traiesc bine pe banii nostri
Because here all the bastards live well on our money
Tinem de sase, ca mainile sunt hoate
We hold on to six, because hands are thieves
Cu foamea'n mate zdreanta face boroboate
With hunger in the guts, the ragged woman makes trouble
Ia o piatra.n mana, fa.ti dreptate si pleaca
Take a stone in your hand, get justice and leave
Daca nu. ti permiti nimic dintr. o vitrina intreaga
If you can't afford anything from an entire shop window
Se leaga. pustani sparti de gabori cu bastoane
Stoned kids get beaten by cops with batons
Politia asculta azi manele si telefoane
The police listen to manele and phones today
Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara din aceasta tara
Everything good must disappear from this country
De unde numa' prostii ca noi. nu se mai cara
From where only idiots like us don't leave
Cu siguranta si respectul mor de foame, bai nene
Safety and respect are starving to death, man
Bagane'am pla in liniste, in lege si ordine
I don't give a fuck about peace, law and order
Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara din aceasta tara
Everything good must disappear from this country
De unde numa' prostii ca noi. nu se mai cara
From where only idiots like us don't leave
Cu siguranta si respectul mor de foame, bai nene
Safety and respect are starving to death, man
Bagane'am pula in liniste, in lege si ordine
I don't give a fuck about peace, law and order
Babababam' babaaabam. Ahh. babababaam...
Babababam' babaaabam. Ahh. babababaam...
Asta e tara tuturor imposibilitatilor
This is the land of all impossibilities
Aici cine rade la urma e retardat.
Here, whoever laughs last is retarded.
Daca ai bani poti sa umbli liber prin puscarii
If you have money you can walk free in prisons
Directiva consiliului nostru este.
The directive of our council is.
Cand totu' se duce pe pla. sa nu.ti para rau ca.ti pare bine!
When everything goes to shit, don't be sorry that you're happy!
Daca nu putem sa schimbam lumea.
If we can't change the world.
Macar sa. dam foc.
Let's at least set it on fire.
Macar sa.i dam foc.
Let's at least set it on fire.
Mai zi o data.
Say it again.
Macar sa.i dam foc.
Let's at least set it on fire.
Mai zi o data.
Say it again.
Macar sa.i dam foc.
Let's at least set it on fire.

Writer(s): Ion Stefan Catalin

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