Paraziții - Total dubios - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Total dubios

Total dubios
Totally shady
Ehhh Word Wu Tang Killa Beez
Ehhh Word Wu Tang Killa Beez
Th′ we doin .
Th′ we doin .
Sa-mi pun voal ca moartea
I'll put on a veil like death
Toata lumea sus, ma returnez de dragul rimelor
Everybody up, I'm returning for the sake of rhymes
Atentie scarbelor
Attention, scumbags
Va las fara bani, fara vin, fara haine, fara ceas, lant, mobil la Cina de Taina
I'll leave you without money, without wine, without clothes, without a watch, a chain, a cell phone at the Last Supper
Nu dau dedicatie, ba, muri-v-ar cioara, cand ma p*s pe manele se inunda tara
I don't give a dedication, b*tch, may the crow die when I p*ss on manele, the country is flooding
Sunt piciorul care impinge scara
I'm the foot that pushes the ladder
Vocea care strica seara
The voice that ruins the evening
Ca pe ... va petrece fanfara
Like on... your fanfare will play you off
N-am profil de martir, o dau in sictir
I have no martyr profile, I'm going to go crazy
Stai pe fir in delir, sunt la gratar in cimitir
Stay on the edge in delirium, I'm at the barbecue in the graveyard
Du-ti tarfa la remat, adu-ti calugarite in pat
Get your hooker to the scrapyard, bring nuns to your bed
Nu pierde timpul ca nu-i sanatos sa-i dai in cap
Don't waste your time because it's not healthy to hit her on the head
Fa-mi un test cu poligraful si o sa iasa ca dracu'
Give me a polygraph test and it'll come out like the devil
Da-ma tare in difuzoare sa-ti omor babacu′
Hit me hard in the speakers to kill your old man
Nu joc biliard ca joc prost
I don't play billiards because I play badly
Si-ti rup in cap tacul si te leg de nu intelegi
And I'll break the cue in your head and tie you up so you won't understand
Ca sa-mi pazesti copacul
To watch over my tree
Detest praful din strada si frigul din casa
I hate the dust in the street and the cold in the house
Ca sa-mi pierd umorul obliga-ma sa car o plasa
To lose my sense of humor, force me to carry a bag
Cand ma simt cetatean inseamna ca sunt deprimat
When I feel like a citizen, it means I'm depressed
Studiez niste ierburi si ma joc pac-pac
I'm studying some herbs and playing bang bang
Stai, te iau cu japca, ramai fara grai
Wait, I'll take you by surprise, you'll be speechless
Te-nfasor in carpeta cu rapirea din serai
I'll wrap you in the carpet with the abduction from the seraglio
Te-arunc pe geam, te-ntrebi ce am
I'll throw you out the window, you wonder what I have
Nu intelegi deloc, iti dau foc pentru ca n-am bani deloc sa te ingrop
You don't understand at all, I'm setting you on fire because I have no money to bury you
Deschide beciu, ce-i de facut intelegi tu, fa liniste-n m**tii m*tii ca vreau sa vad meciul
Open the cellar, you understand what to do, keep quiet in the name of the f**king hell because I want to watch the match
Copilul plange dupa tine, frumos ca tine
The child cries for you, beautiful as you
Sa nu planga degeaba, ii dau eu motive
So that he doesn't cry in vain, I'll give him reasons
Vroiam sa pun bomba la Miss Piranda, vecine
I wanted to put a bomb at Miss Piranda, neighbor
Dar daca mai asculti manele, o s-o pun la tine
But if you listen to more manele, I'll put it at your place
Iti tai capul de pe umeri sa-ti iau cravata
I'll cut your head off your shoulders to take your tie
Sa fiu baiat frumos, asa cum zice tata
To be a handsome boy, just like my father says
Pe ritmuri de lambada fac rucada bine
On lambada rhythms I make a good relationship
Sa-i fac o baie cu bule de acid unei vecine
To give a neighbor girl a bubble bath with acid
Mai iau doua pastile, in fine, daca eram asa
I'll take two more pills, in short, if I was like that
De unde p**a mea sa am atatea rime
Where the hell would I get so many rhymes
Sunt perfect normal, dar nu vor sa ma inteleaga
I'm perfectly normal, but they don't want to understand me
Ca sunt iubit prin vecini ca buba neagra
Because I'm loved by my neighbors like a black bug

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