Paraziții - Ultimul buletin de știri de la ora 5 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Ultimul buletin de știri de la ora 5

Ultimul buletin de știri de la ora 5
Last 5 o'clock news bulletin
3 morti si 10 raniti, acesta este bilantul unui tragic accident intamplat aseara pe
3 dead and 10 injured, this is the balance of a tragic accident that happened last night on
Autostrada. "
The highway. "
"C. N. A. a decis sanctionarea postului Atomic TV pentru difuzarea videoclipului... "
"The N. C. A. has decided to sanction Atomic TV for broadcasting the video... "
"Pana spre seara inculpatul consumase deja 1 litru de vodka impreuna cu socrul sau"
"By the evening the defendant had already consumed 1 liter of vodka with his father-in-law"
"Dupa ce a baut la carciuma din sat si-a ucis cu bestialitate familia apoi s-a sinucis"
"After drinking at the pub in the village he bestially killed his family and then committed suicide."
"Aseara un tanar si-a molestat iubita dupa ce a surprins-o intretinand relatii sexuale cu 3
"Last night a young man molested his girlfriend after he surprised her by having sex with 3
Dintre prietenii sai"
Of his friends"
Lacrimogen, cata durere oare se impaca
Tearful, how much pain does it reconcile
Daca el i-a rupt picioarele si ea n-o sa mai mearga?
What if he broke her legs and she wouldn't walk?
Se vor iubi din nou ca doi copii la picnic
They will love each other again as two children at the picnic
Cand tehnic cu mari eforturi n-o va lua la umeri craci
When technically with great efforts he will not take it to his shoulders
O va lua la umeri cioturi
Will take it to the shoulders stumps
Vad boturi care se stramba la vorba lunga (Genial)
I see snouts that are crooked at long talk (brilliant)
Un fapt real fara caracter penal intr-o zi neagra
A real non-criminal fact on a black day
Ne prezinta politistu in kkt cum baga
Shows us the policeman in kkt how to put
Stilul fluture 3 bazine de wc
Butterfly style 3 WC pools
Cautand mobilu crimei ca sa dea apel
Looking for murder cell to make call
Un domn mai rusinos dadeau o mu*e cu ochii inchisi. (Zice stirea de la ora 5. e 5??)
A more disgraceful gentleman gave a mu * e with his eyes closed. (Says the 5 o'clock news. is it 5??)
Scandal fara motiv nu exista
Scandal without reason does not exist
Cum nu exista bagabond sa se comporte ca o aventista
How there is no bagabond to behave like an aventist
Orice gurista pusa parere face omu din spital numit in????? de bere bei cafea in tribunal
Any gurista put an opinion does the man from the hospital called in????? beer drinking coffee in court
Mereu matol imbibat de alcool
Always drunk with alcohol
Lipsit de autocontrol pe microfon pun monopol
Lack of self-control on the microphone put monopoly
Doar din vorbe te trimit la sol
Just from words I send you to the ground
N-am procese de constiinta am procese pa rol
I have no processes of consciousness I have processes PA role
Vorbesti despre droguri,
Talking about drugs,
Vreau sa le incerc!
I want to try them!
Faci reclama la alcool,
You're advertising alcohol,
Bai cu care sa incep?
Which bathroom should I start with?
Si vad la stiri si nu ma pot abtine
And I see it on the news and I can't help it
Cand vorbesti despre crime ma gandesc numai la tine!
When you talk about murder, I only think of you!
"Ieri seara o bataie dintr-o discoteca a provocat distrungerea... "
"Yesterday evening a fight in a disco caused the destruction... "
Ma bucur ca e o domnisoara care prezinta stirile
I'm glad there's a lady reporting the news
Ca-ntodeauna vestile proaste le aduc femeile
That bad news always brings women
Dup-o ora de desene e ora stirilor mondene
After an hour of drawings it's the time of social news
In care vizionezi gesturi obscene in diferite fenomene de gen
In which you watch obscene gestures in different gender phenomena
Te lasa fara oxigen, ti-ating un punct erogen
They leave you without oxygen, they reach an erogenous point
Cand ii sar unei vedete tzatzele din sutien
When a celebrity jumps out of her bra
"... minore au fost rapite din... "
"... minors were kidnapped from... "
"Dupa ce a lovit-o de mai multe ori inculpatul a violat-o pe logodnica sa"
"After hitting her several times the defendant raped her fiancee"
Ma doare-n pu*a eu am altele pa cap v-ascult oral
I don't give a shit I have others on my head-I listen to you orally
Cand legalizatzi m********a sa pot sa ma rup legal
When legalizatzi M********I can legally break
Aud de bagaboante care s*g pu*a la soferi sub cerc
I hear of the b*g pu*a to the drivers under the circle
Ar trebui sa ma ingrijorez sau sa ma fac sofer
Should I worry or become a driver
Vorbiti la stiri in nestire de vesnica preamuire
Speak on the news in the news of eternal glory
A unei tinere care cere despagubire (pai e bine)
Of a young woman seeking compensation (well that's fine)
Pe asta o inteleg dar ala de fu*e octogenara? care-i treaba?
I understand that, but is that guy octogenarian? what's up?
Era omu bolnav psihic. sau arata prea bine baba?
He was mentally ill. or does baba look too good?
Limba-n piz*a, copii, a fost descoperita cu adevarat
The tongue in the piz*a, children, has really been discovered
Cu mult inainte de limbaju articulat
Long before articulated language
De fapt sa-mi platiti drepturi de autor
Actually pay me royalties
Cand faceti acest comunicat
When you make this statement
Ca va cred in stare s-o spunetzi
I think you can say it
Intr'un show televizat
In a television show
Vorbesti despre droguri,
Talking about drugs,
Vreau sa le incerc!
I want to try them!
Faci reclama la alcool,
You're advertising alcohol,
Bai cu care sa incep?
Which bathroom should I start with?
Si vad la stiri si nu ma pot abtine
And I see it on the news and I can't help it
Cand vorbesti despre crime ma gandesc numai la tine!
When you talk about murder, I only think of you!
"Parlamentu' a votat aseara o lege care interzice posturilor tv difuzarea stirile
"Parliament voted last night a law that prohibits TV stations from broadcasting news
Nejustificate. Va reamintim ca, in aceasta categorie, intra acele stiri prezentate exculsiv de
Unjustified. We remind you that, in this category, enter those news exculsively presented by
Dragul rating-ului care afecteaza dezvoltarea psihica si morala a societatii, prejudiciaza
The sake of the rating that affects the mental and moral development of society, harms
Demnintatea umana, aduc ofensa convingerilor sexuale religioase sau politice telespectatorilor, sau
Human dignity, offend religious or political sexual beliefs, or
Cele care stimuleaza comportamente daunatoare sigurantei populatiei si mediului. Stirile continua!
Those that stimulate behaviors harmful to the safety of the population and the environment. The news continues!

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