Paraziții - Vreau Să Vă Doara - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Vreau Să Vă Doara

Vreau Să Vă Doara
I Want You to Hurt
Venim spre voi din periferiile orasului
We come towards you from the city's outskirts
Cu bata ce vi se-ndreapta spre moalele capului
With a bat aimed straight at the back of your head
Satui sa stam ca pe ace, de parca calcam pe becuri
Tired of walking on eggshells, as if we tread on lightbulbs
Ne-ati bagat in cap de mici ideea ca nu avem drepturi
You've drilled into our heads since childhood that we have no rights
Lasati sarmanii sa-si creasca copii fara o casa
Let the poor raise their children without a home
Luati-ne tot ma, ca stam si-n p**a goala in fata voastra
Take everything from us, ma, we'll stand naked before you
Cu p**a-n sus, va rasfatati cu creme
With our dicks up, you pamper yourselves with creams
Iar cei ce v-au ales se scalda intr-un ocean de probleme
While those who elected you bathe in an ocean of problems
Omul de rand, sta-n vant, rozand la oase
The common man stands in the wind, gnawing at bones
Iar promisiunile voastre-s, diamante false
And your promises are nothing but fake diamonds
Cereti s-avem rabdare, avem, dar stiti ceva?
You ask us to be patient, we are, but you know what?
Pentru tot ce faceti nu va iertam, sa va ierte altcineva!
For all you do, we won't forgive you, let someone else do it!
Pe banii nostri stati, tolaniti la soare
With our money, you lounge around in the sun
Ati uitat ca multi, v-au votat lihniti de foame
You've forgotten that many voted for you while starving
Si doare. Precum hidoasele hiene
And it hurts. Like hideous hyenas
De-o vreme va hraniti din deceptiile noastre cu placere
For a while now, you've been feeding on our deceptions with pleasure
Cerem din cer dreptate, dar cine sa ne-o dea?
We demand justice from the heavens, but who will give it to us?
Daca existi, te rog, da-i Doamne, iarta-ma, in p**a mea
If you exist, please, God, forgive me, fuck it all
V-as coase la gura cu sfoara, vreau sa va doara!
I'd sew your mouths shut with string, I want you to hurt!
Sa ne mintiti doar din priviri, pentru ultima oara
To lie to us only with your eyes, for the last time
Iubiti-ne, cum iubiti parfumurile tari
Love us, like you love strong perfumes
Cand va numim tarfe politice, calai si mercenari
When we call you political whores, executioners, and mercenaries
Serbati Anu′ Nou de Paste, caci Craciunu' e o gluma
Celebrate New Year's on Easter, because Christmas is a joke
Si daca sufla foamea dragii mei, mestecati guma
And if hunger blows, my dears, chew gum
Cand toate se-aduna, inca sperati, stati dupa gard ca la zoo
When everything adds up, you still hope, standing behind the fence like at the zoo
Prea multi romani isi pun speranta-n 6 din 49
Too many Romanians put their hopes in the lottery
Satui de viata sarmanii, vor sa se stinga
Tired of life, the poor want to fade away
Spre disperarea copiilor se-atarna de grinda-n oglinda
To the despair of their children, they hang themselves from the beam in the mirror
Cei bogati, testeaza ranjind coca pe limba
The rich, grinning, test cocaine on their tongues
Plini de falsa compasiune cand incepe sa ninga
Full of false compassion when it starts to snow
Singuru′ iad real e pe Pamant, noi suntem rezidenti
The only real hell is on Earth, we are its residents
Dati-ne ploaie, dati-ne vant, suntem ai dracu' de rezistenti
Give us rain, give us wind, we are damn resilient
Contruiti biserici reci, cand e lipsa de locuinte
You build cold churches, when there's a lack of housing
Ca nu ies bani din scoli, adaposturi si gradinite
Because there's no money to be made from schools, shelters, and kindergartens
Dumnezeu e cu noi, ne vegheaza cand cautam in gunoi
God is with us, he watches over us as we search through the trash
Ni se spune pe-un ton parintesc ca suntem rai
We are told in a parental tone that we are evil
Politica-i frumoasa, degustati sampanie
Politics are beautiful, you taste champagne
De ce-ati ajuns in parlament si n-ati murit in campanie
Why did you end up in parliament and not die during the campaign?
Oamenii intreaba "Cand?"
People ask "When?"
Voi spuneti "Nu asa curand."
You say "Not so soon."
Si vi se scoala p**a doar cand aveti scaunu' sub fund
And your dicks only get hard when you have the chair under your asses
Respiram, contam, doar cand vreti sa va votam
We breathe, we matter, only when you want us to vote for you
Si suntem foarte prosti cand spunem "Ee. mai incercam"
And we are very stupid when we say "Eh, let's try again"
Existam doar in statistici, nici macar in sondaje
We exist only in statistics, not even in surveys
Si-avem dreptu′ sa maraim doar creem avantaje
And we have the right to grumble only when we create advantages
V-as coase la gura cu sfoara, vreau sa va doara
I'd sew your mouths shut with string, I want you to hurt
Sa ne mintiti doar din priviri, pentru ultima oara
To lie to us only with your eyes, for the last time
Iubiti-ne, cum iubiti parfumurile tari
Love us, like you love strong perfumes
Cand va numim tarfe politice, calai si mercenar
When we call you political whores, executioners, and mercenaries

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