Paraziții - Îmi pare rău - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții - Îmi pare rău

Îmi pare rău
My Apologies
Unde ai fost? Ce ai facut?
Where have you been? What have you done?
Sunt intrebari care ma seaca
Questions that bore me to death
Dimineata mi-le torn degeaba intr-un pahar cu apa
In the morning I pour them in a glass with water
Recunosc fapta si n-o regret
I acknowledge the deed and I don't regret it
Daca ai aflat, sa sti, ma doare
If you found out, know that it hurts me
Nu sunt criminal tu nu esti codu' peneal
I am not a criminal, you are not the penal code
Ce tare! Pot sa iau pedeapsa maxima cu suspendare
How great! I may get the maximum sentence, suspended
Ti-am zis ca nu stiu cand vin, n-am mai venit
I told you I don't know when I'd come, I didn't come
Devina ii vinu', nu mai fi tare in gura ca te ard si-ti rup iar filmu'
The bottle's talking, don't get smart with me or I'll burn you and tear up your film
S-a intamplat, doare in capu' tau si te iubesc atat de rau
It happened, it hurts your head and I love you so much
De fapt, doar mi-e rau.
Actually, I just feel bad.
2x Refren:
2x Chorus:
Imi pare rau, nu stiu ce am facut aseara
I'm sorry, I don't know what I did last night
Am zis de nu stiu cate ori Jur ca e ultima oara
I've said it I don't know how many times, I swear it's the last time
Imi pare rau, nu stiu ce am facut aseara
I'm sorry, I don't know what I did last night
Sti mai bine dacat mine a nu e ultima oara.
You know better than I that it's not the last time.
Nu stiu cum e in viata dar eu parka te-am tras la loz
I don't know how life is but I think  I drew you in a raffle
Si am ajuns sa stau in casa cu pantera roz
And I ended up staying home with the Pink Panther
In fiecare zi doar tu ma intrebi unde mi-e capu'
Every day, only you ask me where my head is at
Unde dracu am fost? Am fost chiar la dracu'
Where the hell have I been? I've been to hell
Am stat cu bagabonzii la o bere 8 ore
I spent 8 hours drinking beer with vagrants
Si vreo 4 zile la munte cu 2 minore
And about 4 days in the mountains with 2 minors
N-am stat deloc pe loc si n-o sa stau vreodata
I didn't stay still at all and I never will
Din lipsa de cuvinte iti spun: Niciodata
For lack of words, I tell you: Never
Te umpli de figuri si nu-mi raspunzi la interfon
You're acting up and you're not answering the intercom
Deschide, eu sunt, sunt matol imi pare rau.
Open up, it's me, I'm an idiot, I'm sorry.
2x Refren:
2x Chorus:
Ti-am spart toti banii si nu-mi pare rau
I spent all your money and I don't feel bad
Lasa ca ti dau eu, sa ti iau din nou
Don't worry, I'll give it to you, so I can just take it again
Imi place sa fiu cel care se preface ca face
I like being the one who pretends to do things
Nu se poarta la 4 ace
It's not fashionable to be proper
N-am de ce si toti golanii sunt la fel, suntem o specie
I don't have any reason and every thug is the same, we're a species
Nu pot si nu suport sa stau aiurea nici de frica
I can't and I can't stand to just sit around, not even out of fear
Atunci cand am lovele parca intru intr-o moarte clinica, fizica, imi pare rau
When I have the loot, it's like I go into a clinical, physical death, I'm sorry
Aseara, m-ai dat afara.
Last night, you threw me out.
Am baut la jumate ca n-aveau bere la litru
I was drinking half-pints because they didn't have beer by the liter
Cand am ajuns in bloc am incurcat scara cu liftu'
When I got to the building, I mixed up the stairs with the elevator
Ce zici tu? Ca nu ma crezi, mi-e-mi convine
What do you think? That you don't believe me, that's fine with me
Sa fuga pamantu' de sub mine
Let the earth run away from me

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