Vin bine-dispus de la o inmormantare de lezbiene unde mai devreme m-am intins la bere. te abordez diplomatic, esti antipatic, ce pula mea, n-am ajuns un clasic. sant nascut in zodia in care a murit de ras jigodia. simplu meloman care-ti prezinta melodia. caut senzatii in fumuri mult prea tari sa moara fapta, unde ma toarna ziua ma prinde noaptea.
I arrive in good spirits, fresh from a lesbian funeral where I just had a beer. I approach you diplomatically, you're unfriendly. What the hell, haven't I become a classic yet? I was born in the zodiac sign where the scumbag died laughing. Just a music lover presenting you the melody. Seeking sensations in smokes too strong, may the deed die, where the day pours me out, the night catches me.
Te provoc, trage daca te tenteaza, vei fi unul dintre noi care palmat, fumeaza.
I challenge you, take a drag if you're tempted, you'll be one of us who's gone, smoking.
Sistematic, sparg petreceri comuniste, de cand traseistele au devenit artiste.
Systematically, I crash communist parties, ever since the hustlers became artists.
Tuturor celor cu un mare creier in minus, le doresc un elegant "pennys captivus".
To all those with a major brain deficit, I wish them an elegant "pennys captivus".
-----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
-----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
Un gram de creier, sau un gram de marfa pura.
A gram of brain, or a gram of pure stuff.
Viata iese prin pizda, dar se duce pe pula.
Life comes out through the pussy, but goes away through the dick.
Subsemnatu' on-bladon, declar: -jur sa spun adevaru' si numai adevaru' in declaratia asta macar. cand ma-ntalnesc cu garda in fiecare zi, imi ascund in ghete pastilele de extasy, zii! femeia sa-mi ia banii face-appeal la sex-appeal. n-am bani la mine pentru ca n-am multi de fel. ridic cuvantul pentru^%&*(prea sus, plus, pentru toti rapperi care de mult in jos s-au dus vad ca, multe-alearga dupa bani cu tupeu. ce pula mea, proastelor, pula are alt gust intr-un bmw. e greu a fost mereu, dar nu ca azi 50% canta, 50%-s bodyguarzi.
The undersigned, on-bladon, declares: -I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this statement at least. When I meet the cops every day, I hide the ecstasy pills in my shoes, say it! To take my money, the woman appeals to sex appeal. I don't have money on me because I don't have much anyway. I raise the word for ^%&*(too high, plus, for all the rappers who went down a long time ago. I see that many chase money with audacity. What the fuck, fools, pussy tastes different in a BMW. It's always been hard, but not like today 50% sing, 50% are bodyguards.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
E super iarba, m-am dedublat, vorbesc cu mine. liber pe strada, tre' s-o trag! ruleaz-o bine! nimeni nu te prinde! arde-o, draku-o ia! nu ma numar printre cei ce dau in paranoia.
The weed is great, I'm seeing double, talking to myself. Free on the street, gotta smoke it! Roll it well! Nobody will catch you! Burn it, damn it! I'm not among those who fall into paranoia.
Stau retras in tras atras de vinul ars ramas in sticla de jack daniels fals.
I stay withdrawn, attracted by the burnt wine left in the fake Jack Daniels bottle.
Stau pe-un nor si cant la harpa, fredonand un hit zic chelu' on-bladon freak da disk rebel-music.
I sit on a cloud and play the harp, humming a hit, saying bald on-bladon freak gives rebel-music disk.
Fetele ard, jointu' arde, totu' arde. bag termometru-n cana, hmmm, prea multe grade. umbla vorba ca-mi terorizez femeia, am dubla personalitate si-o dezvolt p-a treia!
The girls are burning, the joint is burning, everything is burning. I put a thermometer in the cup, hmmm, too many degrees. The word is I terrorize my woman, I have a double personality and I'm developing a third!
Sant anti vedete, perfect promovata, sistemul de valori n-o sa mi-l schimb niciodata.
I'm anti-celebrity, perfectly promoted, the system of values I will never change.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
----vreau sa vad acum doar partea frumoasa! mainile in aer care inca fumeaza. daca cineva intreaba, o ard in focuri, 002, doar alcool sex, droguri.
----I want to see only the beautiful side now! Hands in the air for those still smoking. If anyone asks, I'm burning it in flames, 002, just alcohol, sex, drugs.
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