Paraziții feat. Bitză - Viața Bate Filmul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paraziții feat. Bitză - Viața Bate Filmul

Viața Bate Filmul
Life Beats the Movie
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
Realitatea lovește orbește cât ai zice pește
Reality hits blindly as fast as you can say fish
Oameni pe străzi parcă ieșiti din peșteri
People on the streets look like they came out of caves
Conduși de șmecheri meșteri în antreprize
Led by sly masters of enterprises
Copii trimiși cu japca la spălat parbrize
Children sent with squeegees to wash windshields
Nu mut privirea dar pierd cu firea
I don't look away, but I lose my mind
Ura ucide iubirea și e prea urâtă gândirea
Hate kills love and the thinking is too ugly
Priveliștea, firește, e așișderea
The view, of course, is the same
Cu cea de care te lovești zilnic în casa ta
As the one you encounter daily in your home
Te naști în spirit trăiești ești pielea pulii în ochii lumii
You're born in spirit, you live, you're the skin of the dick in the eyes of the world
Dacă stai și atârni la pensia lu' buni
If you just hang around and live off your grandparents' pension
Belele vin peste tine ca un val
Trouble comes over you like a wave
Aici nimic nu vine singur totu-i la plural
Here nothing comes alone, everything is plural
Totul decurge natural banii se duc în neant
Everything flows naturally, money goes into nothingness
Aștept zile mai bune în stație pe asfalt
I'm waiting for better days at the station on the asphalt
Stai la mila altora e viața ta
You depend on the mercy of others, that's your life
Dar deschide ochii în pula mea viața pe drumuri e grea
But open your eyes, damn it, life on the streets is hard
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
Grijile au față și umbră, ne strigă pe nume
Worries have a face and a shadow, they call our names
Umblă prin lume după noi ne consume
They wander the world after us to consume us
Singurătatea e un privilegiu, învață riști
Loneliness is a privilege, learn to take risks
Nu deranjezi nu exiști, n-ai bani nu miști
If you don't bother, you don't exist, if you don't have money, you don't move
Televizorul recomandă, minte și vinde
The television recommends, lies and sells
Te adoarme, te ține treaz, te uiți, te prinde
It puts you to sleep, keeps you awake, you watch, it catches you
Decorul e gri, orbii cred e roz bonbon
The decor is grey, the blind believe it's pink candy
Aici nimeni nu plânge, ne spargem dinții-n somn
Here nobody cries, we break our teeth in our sleep
E un film nasol, marea-i neagră, dracul e gol
It's a bad movie, the sea is black, the devil is naked
Când s-a dus copilăria, ești captiv în rol
When childhood is gone, you're stuck in the role
Toată lumea dansează și râde, ce mai zici
Everyone dances and laughs, what else can you say
Trăim în paradis, numai aici o sugi si câștigi
We live in paradise, only here you suck and win
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
plângi? Lacrimile-s degeaba. rog
To cry? Tears are useless. I pray
Oricum nu-i mișcă p-ăștia deloc
Anyway, it doesn't move these guys at all
Strânge tare din dinți uită-te la părinți
Grit your teeth, look at your parents
Au muncit până-au albit sărăcia n-o simți
They worked until they turned white so you wouldn't feel poverty
N-ai muncii o zi, ăsta-i misterul
You haven't worked a day, that's the mystery
D-aia trenul ce ajunge în gara ta aduce infernul
That's why the train that arrives at your station brings hell
Rămâi treaz, aici e ca-n Alcatraz
Stay awake, here it's like Alcatraz
Tot ce ai e lumina din bec si gazele din aragaz
All you have is the light from the bulb and the gas from the stove
Cunoști prietenii falși, arși,
You know fake friends, burned out,
Dar azi nu te-ncrezi în camarazi te arzi
But today don't trust comrades, you'll get burned
E mare plictiseala, vara, seara
It's a big boredom, summer, evening
Când fără bani in buzunare vizitezi alimentara
When you visit the grocery store with no money in your pockets
Devii dur ca ceara, în mii de bucăți
You become hard as wax, in thousands of pieces
Amintirile se sparg, când trăiești pe străzi
Memories shatter when you live on the streets
Trăiești singur, tu, înduri frigul, nu?
You live alone, you endure the cold, don't you?
Dacă nu muncești fură nu ești singurul.
If you don't work, steal because you're not the only one.
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood
Spune-mi nene ce vrea să-nsemne,
Tell me, man, what it's supposed to mean,
E oare prea târziu sau poate prea devreme
Is it too late or maybe too early
schimb ceva timpul nu-mi ajunge
To change something, I don't have enough time
Viața bate filmul până-l umple de sânge.
Life beats the movie until it fills it with blood.

Writer(s): bogdan ionut pastaca, petre urda, stefan catalin ion

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