Parni Valjak - Molitva - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Parni Valjak - Molitva

K'o da nemam snage da nastavim
As if I have no strength to continue
Kao da je pjesmi kraj
As if it is the end of the song
Lagano se topim i nestajem
I slowly melt and disappear
I moje pjesme više nisu ljubavne
And my songs are no longer about love
Gubim vjeru, a ona mi je sve
I am losing faith, and it is everything to me
A onda svane novi dan i ja se zaljubim
But then a new day dawns and I fall in love
U ovo nebo iznad nas
With this sky above us
I sunce što se smiješi k'o kad majka oprašta
And the sun that smiles like a mother forgiving
Djeci što su bila nestašna
Her naughty children
Al' kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači
But tell me how to go on when, when the sky darkens
Kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi
When the clouds descend, when the sun is not visible
Al' kaži kako dalje kad, ljubav nestane
But tell me how to go on when, love is gone
Kad se riječi istroše, kad se natrag ne može
When the words are worn out, when there is no going back
Mama, zar si lagala?
Mama, did you lie?
Kad si govorila
When you said that
Da dobro uvijek pobjeđuje
Good always triumphs
I kada ne znaš kojim putem treba putem ljubavi
And when you don't know which way to go, love
I da l' smo ispred Boga isti svi?
And are we all the same before God?
(Kaži kako dalje) kad, kad se nebo zamrači
(Tell me how to go on) when, when the sky darkens
Kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi
When the clouds descend, when the sun is not visible
Al' kaži kako dalje kad, ljubav nestane
But tell me how to go on when, love is gone
Kad se riječi istroše, kad se natrag
When the words are worn out, when there is
Kad se natrag više ne može
When there is no going back
Tako malo vremena nam ostaje
So little time is left for us
Kada stisnu godine
When the years close in
Bez ljubavi sve prestaje
Without love, everything ends
Al' kaži kako dalje kad, kad se nebo zamrači
But tell me how to go on when, when the sky darkens
Kad se spuste oblaci, kad se sunce ne vidi
When the clouds descend, when the sun is not visible
Al' kaži kako dalje kad, ljubav nestane
But tell me how to go on when, love is gone
Kad se riječi istroše, kad se natrag
When the words are worn out, when there is
Kad se natrag više ne može
When there is no going back
Tako malo vremena nam ostaje
So little time is left for us
Kada stisnu godine
When the years close in
Bez ljubavi sve prestaje
Without love, everything ends
Bez ljubavi sve prestaje
Without love, everything ends

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