Parni Valjak - Neda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Neda - Parni Valjaktraduction en anglais

Neki dan u Pasažu na popodnevoj kavi
One day in a shopping mall, over afternoon coffee
Naletjeh na Nedu, ljubav školskih dana
I ran into Neda, a love from my school days
Žarila i palila ona je tada
She had me burning with desire back then
Dosta se promijenila nakon tolikih godina
She's changed a lot after all these years
Priča mi da rinta u nekoj lijevoj firmi
She tells me she's working at some left-wing company
Da pomalo posustaje, na smrt se dosađuje
That she's getting a little tired, she's bored to death
I da je još uvijek sama i ako nemam ništa protiv
And that she's still single, and if I'm not opposed
Da svratimo na piće do njenog stana
We could stop by her place for a drink
Neda nije više tako ohola
Neda's not so prideful anymore
Neda mnogo lakše sada kaže "Da"
Neda says "Yes" much more easily now
Gledam je dok se svlači, kako to sada stručno radi
I watch her undress, how she does it so expertly now
I pitam je da l' se sjeća onih dana
And I ask her if she remembers those days
Kako nas je redom odbijala tada
How she rejected us all back then
Ona se smije i kaže "Pusti, bila sam mlada"
She laughs and says, "Oh, let it go, I was young"
Neda nije više tako ohola
Neda's not so prideful anymore
Neda mnogo lakše sada kaže "Da"
Neda says "Yes" much more easily now
Neda nije više tako ohola
Neda's not so prideful anymore
Neda mnogo lakše sada kaže "Da"
Neda says "Yes" much more easily now
Neda nije više tako ohola
Neda's not so prideful anymore
Neda mnogo lakše sada kaže "Da"
Neda says "Yes" much more easily now

Writer(s): Husein Hasanefendic

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