Partizan - Fata Mea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Partizan - Fata Mea

Fata Mea
My Girl
Am cu ce, mă!
I've got something to brag about, baby!
Mă, am cu ce, mă!
Baby, I've got something to brag about!
Mă, măăă...!
Baby, baby, baaaaby...!
Mă, am cu ce, mă!
Baby, I've got something to brag about!
Am cu ce, mă!
I've got something to brag about, baby!
Am cu ce, măăă!
I've got something to brag about, baaaaby!
Oh, yeah, oh yeah!
Oh, yeah, oh yeah!
Am cu ce lăuda
I've got something to brag about
știe toată lumea
Let the whole world know
V-o prezint pe fata mea,
Let me introduce you to my girl,
E model și mai ceva
She's a model and more
I-e frică de Dumnezeu
She fears God
C-așa-am educat-o eu
'Cause that's how I raised her
Fata mea este de vis,
My girl is a dream,
A luat locu-ntâi la Miss.
She took first place in Miss.
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Oh yeah, oh yeah!
Oh yeah, oh yeah!
Mâine este ziua ei
Tomorrow is her birthday
Doamne, ce cadou să-i iei?
God, what gift should I get her?
Un cadou mai special
A more special gift
Mercedes ar fi banal
A Mercedes would be баналь (banal - keep original word for emphasis)
Are deja două tipuri
She already has two types
Vile și alte nimicuri
Villas and other little things
Sunt precis ce i-ar plăcea
I'm sure what she would like
Vrea salveze lumea.
She wants to save the world.
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
[Și a luat premiul Nobel, măăă].
[And she won the Nobel Prize, baaaaby].
Fata mea la toți le place
Everyone likes my girl
Că-l are pe vino-ncoace Fata mea este de top
'Cause she's got the "come hither" look My girl is top notch
Se bate pe primul loc Merge la Roland Garros
She's fighting for first place She goes to Roland Garros
Ca s-aducă banu' gros Fata mea e manager
To bring in the big bucks My girl is a manager
Urcă firma pân' la cer. Fata mea este model
Takes the company to the sky. My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
Fata mea este model
My girl is a model
[Și a mea este la fel, măăă].
[And mine is the same, baaaaby].
Fata mea este model...
My girl is a model...
Fata mea este model...
My girl is a model...
[Și a mea este la fel, măăă].
[And mine is the same, baaaaby].
Am cu ce, mă!
I've got something to brag about, baby!
Mă, am cu ce, mă! Mă, mă, măăă!
Baby, I've got something to brag about! Baby, baby, baaaaby!

Writer(s): Moldovan Razvan

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