Patent Ochsner - Bälpmoos - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Patent Ochsner - Bälpmoos - Live

Bälpmoos - Live
Bälpmoos - Live
I schtah jede Tag da usse
Every day I stand out there
Gseh die Füger cho un gah
I watch the planes come and go
Häbe d Nase i di chauti Morgeluft
I hold my nose in the cold morning air
Wo nach Trybschtoff schmöckt
It smells like jet fuel
Un dr Näbu chläbt über dr Schtartbahn
And the neighbor lives near the runway
Un uf dr Schtartbahn hocke Möwe
And there are seagulls on the runway
Un ds Fäud isch wyss vom Ryf
And the field is white with frost
I gseh uus wie ne Pilot
I look like a pilot
I myre bruune Bomberjagge
In my brown bomber jacket
Un em wysse Sydeschal
And my white silk scarf
I weiss es haargenau
I know exactly
I ha die Type lang gnue schtudiert
I've been studying this type long enough
Scho als chlyne Giel
Even as a young boy
Bin I Samschti für Samschti
Every Saturday
Ging da usse gsi
I was out there
Un ha Modällflugzüg
And I flew model airplanes
I Himmel ufegschickt
Up into the sky
I ha′s scho denn gwüsst
I knew even then
Irgendeinisch gahn I o
Someday I'll take off too
Bälpmoos - schpick mi furt vo hie
Bälpmoos - pick me up from here
Bälpmoos - mir isch's glych wenn un wie
Bälpmoos - I don't care when or how
Es fahrt e schwarzi Limousine vor
A black limousine pulls up
Un ne gschalete Chauffeur
And a uniformed chauffeur
Schleppt Goffere un schwäri Täsche
Carries bags and heavy bags
All around
Un ne rychi runzlegi Sou im Pelz
And a rich wrinkled old woman in a fur coat
Schtygt gschtabig uus
Steps out gracefully
Dene ghört d Wäut
The world belongs to them
Bälpmoos - schpick mi furt vo hie
Bälpmoos - pick me up from here
Wenn I die Chance hätt
If I had the chance
Un ds gäut
And the money
I gieng a ds Kap der guten Hoffnung
I would go to the Cape of Good Hope
I ha ir schwyzer Illuschtrierte einisch
I saw pictures once
Bilder gseh
In the Swiss illustrated magazine
Un när chäm I nie meh zrügg
And then I would never come back
Hätt e Insle un ne Frou
I would have an island and a wife
Un alles won I miech
And everything I want
Würd I mache wüll I′s wott
I would do what I want
Un nid wüll's angeri wie
And not what others want
Ersch rächt nid wüll I müesst
Especially not what I have to do
Bälpmoos - schpick mi furt vo hie
Bälpmoos - pick me up from here
Bälpmoos - mir isch's glych wenn un wie
Bälpmoos - I don't care when or how

Writer(s): Büne Huber

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