Patent Ochsner - Trybguet - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Patent Ochsner - Trybguet - Live

Trybguet - Live
Trybguet - Live
Die nacht überchunnt scho wieder roseroti
The night is turning rosy again
Franset uus & fädlet die nächschti wuchen y
Pulls out and weaves the next week
Mir hei nid pennet, aber si wäg däm no lang
We haven't slept, but it's still not
Nid wach
& Zyt geit tic-tac-tic-tac viel z schnäu ver-
& Time goes tick-tac-tick-tac a bit too fast
By, we mir zäme si
When we're together
I bi wie nes trybguet trybe, hals über chopf
I'm like a driftwood, rushing headlong
I dr schtrömig
In the rapids
Wyt äwäg vom ufer & vor auem wyt äwäg
Far away from the shore and above all far away
Vo dir
From you
Ewigi ebbe & fluet, im schturm isch jede
Eternal ebb and flow, in a storm every
Hafe guet
Port is good
Aber dyne isch dä, won i scho ha vermisst,
But yours is the one I've missed,
Won no nüt vo dir ha gwüsst
When I didn't know anything about you
Du chasch cho & du chasch gah
You can come and you can go
Du chasch aues vo mir ha
You can have everything from me
Du chasch di uf mi verla
You can rely on me
I bi immer für di da - ei tag länger aus für
I'm always there for you - one day longer than for
Schryss mi über ds näscht ab
Scratch me over the next one
Füehr mi hinger ds liecht
Lead me into the light
Mir isch jedes mittu rächt
Every Wednesday is fine with me
Mach mi figefertig & sug mi uus
Make me fig-ready and suck me out
I leischte dir ke widerschtand
I offer you no resistance
I la mir aus vo dir la gfaue
I let myself be seduced by you
Schteue nume ei bedingig im voruus
Only one condition upfront
La mäntigmorge nid zu üs i ds huus!
Don't let this Monday morning into our house!
Du chasch cho & du chasch gah
You can come and you can go
Du chasch aues vo mir ha
You can have everything from me
Du chasch di uf mi verla
You can rely on me
I bi immer für di da - ei tag länger aus für
I'm always there for you - one day longer than for
I liebe se meh aus mi ei tag länger aus für
I love them more than me - one day longer than for

Writer(s): Büne Huber

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