Patxi Andión - Con Toda La Mar Detrás - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Patxi Andión - Con Toda La Mar Detrás

Con Toda La Mar Detrás
With the Whole Sea Behind
Sólo él tiene el derecho
Only he has the right
De tutearle a la mar.
To address the sea informally.
Le parieron mar adentro
He was born out at sea,
Y se le quedó la sal
And the salt stuck with him,
Lamiéndole los orígenes,
Licking at his origins,
Enseñándole el cantar
Teaching him the song
Que interpreta en la cubierta
That he performs on deck
El furor del vendaval.
The fury of the gale.
Treinta y seis y él treinta y siete,
Thirty-six and he's thirty-seven,
Que salieron a la mar
Who went out to sea
Una mañana de marzo
One morning in March
Poco antes de clarear.
Just before dawn.
Trabajadores del agua
Workers of the water
Que no se saben marear,
Who don't know how to get seasick
Masculinos como el viento,
Manly like the wind
Bruñidos en temporal.
Burnished in the storm.
Mirad, ahí van.
Look, there they go.
Mirad, ahí van
Look, there they go
Los que en tierra firme no saben andar
The ones who don't know how to walk on dry land
Que beben vino y no saben nadar
Who drink wine and don't know how to swim
Porque el destino no les quiso enseñar.
Because fate didn't want to teach them.
Miradles bien.
Look at them closely.
Miradles bien.
Look at them closely.
Son treinta y siete y antes eran cien.
There are thirty-seven and there used to be a hundred.
Son orgullosos,
They are proud
Son gentes de fe.
They are people of faith.
Eran pescadores antes de nacer.
They were fishermen before they were born.
Se levantó la arbolada
The grove rose up
Sin quererlos avisar
Without wanting to warn them,
Y al entrar en la ensenada
And when they entered the cove,
Comenzaron a zozobrar.
They began to capsize.
El piloto está borracho
The pilot is drunk
Y lo tienen que amarrar
And they have to tie him up,
Y naufragaron despacio,
And they were shipwrecked slowly
Como intentando esperar.
As if trying to wait.
Sólo el piloto ha quedado
Only the pilot has survived
Para poderlo contar.
To be able to tell the story.
Desde ese día borracho,
From that day on, drunk,
Ya nunca sale a la mar.
He never goes out to sea again.
Y no hay suficiente vino
And there is not enough wine
Para comprarle la sed
To quench his thirst,
Y busca un verdugo amigo
And he seeks a friendly executioner,
Y nadie lo quiere ser.
And no one wants to be it.
Mirad, ahí va.
Look, there he goes.
Mirad, ahí va
Look, there he goes
El que en tierra firme no sabe andar,
The one who doesn't know how to walk on dry land,
Que bebe vino y no sabe nadar
Who drinks wine and doesn't know how to swim
Porque el destino no le quiso enseñar.
Because fate didn't want to teach him.
Miradle bien.
Look at him closely.
Miradle bien.
Look at him closely.
Eran treinta y siete y sólo queda él.
There were thirty-seven and only he remains.
Es orgulloso, es hombre de fe.
He is proud, he is a man of faith.
Era pescador antes de nacer.
He was a fisherman before he was born.
Que nadie levante un vaso.
Let no one raise a glass.
Que nadie se atreva a hablar.
Let no one dare to speak.
Que está pasando un marino.
For a sailor is passing by.
Que está pasando un borracho,
For a drunkard is passing by
Con toda la mar detrás.
With the whole sea behind him.

Writer(s): Patxi Andion

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