Pau Riba - Cuatre Barres Blanc I Negre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pau Riba - Cuatre Barres Blanc I Negre

Cuatre Barres Blanc I Negre
Four White and Black Bars
Com se't fan lentes les hores!
How slow time becomes!
Com se't fan grisos els pensaments!
How gray my thoughts get!
Se't va endolcint la memòria,
Your memory becomes sweeter,
Se't va fent patent l'avorriment.
Boredom appears evident.
Tens en un racó de terra
In a corner of the earth you have
La burilla humida encesa
The moist cigarette butt
D'una cigarreta eterna
Of an eternal cigarette
Viscuda un instant
Lived for a moment
Pots seguir el fum com s'enlaira
You can follow the smoke as it rises
Pots mirar-la, trepitjar-la
You can look at it, step on it.
Escopir-la, esmicolar-la o
Spit on it, crush it or
Pots deixar-la estar
You can let it be
Com d'aquelles parets altes
How those high walls
Se'n va fent la teva habitació!
Become your room!
Com d'aquelles quatre barres
How those four bars
Se'n fan els barrots del teu balcó!
Become the bars of your balcony!
Tens enfront homes que riuen
In front of you are men who laugh
Que enraonen, que somnien
Who talk, who dream
Criden, beuen, o caminen
They shout, drink, or walk
Com óssos tancats
Like caged bears
Pots mirar-los i admirar-te
You can look at them and admire them.
Pots sentir-te com a casa
You can feel at home
I oblidar que el temps no passa o
And forget that time is not passing or
pots girar el cap
Turn your head.
Com, però, els somnis s'apaguen
But how do dreams fade
I com els moments es fan moments!
And how do moments become moments!
Se't van entumint les natges,
Your buttocks become numb
Se't va omplint el cos d'ensopiment.
Your body fills with drowsiness.
Tens un banc estret de pedra
You have a narrow stone bench
On no hi cap ni cul ni esquena
Where there is no room for an ass or a back
On la tripa s'hi humiteja i
Where the belly gets wet and
S'hi refreda el cap
The head gets cold
Pots pensar coses boniques
You can think of beautiful things
Jeure, seure, no adormir-te
Lie down, sit down, don't fall asleep
Estar dret i fer el sofista o
Stand up and play the sophist or
Anar amunt i avall
Walk up and down.
Com la ignorància se't menja!
How ignorance eats you up!
Com la ment s'embruteix lentament!
How the mind gets dirty slowly!
Sols inconscientment esperes
Unconsciously you just wait
El que desesperes conscientment!
For what you desperately hope for consciously!
Tens unes ratlles a terra
You have some lines on the ground
Rectes, llargues, travesseres
Straight, long, crosswise
Tens les quatre barres fredes
You have the four cold bars
I uns tubs rovellats
And some rusty pipes
Pots comptar-los, pots tocar-les
You can count them, you can touch them.
Resseguir-les, netejar-les
Follow them, clean them.
Buscar merda per tapar-les
Look for shit to cover them up with
O intentar el descans.
Or try to rest.

Writer(s): Pau Riba Romeva

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