Paulie Garand feat. Adiss - Alcatraz (feat. Adiss) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paulie Garand feat. Adiss - Alcatraz (feat. Adiss)

Alcatraz (feat. Adiss)
Alcatraz (feat. Adiss)
Nevidím vás, nevidím cestu
I can't see you, I can't see the path
Nepočujem ani jedno slovo, vôkol, vôkol
I can't hear a single word, all around, all around
Necitím strach, nemám mieru
I don't feel fear, I have no peace
Všetko v kľude, ani jedno slovo, vôkol, vôkol
Everything is calm, not a single word, all around, all around
Medzitým hrá úplné ticho
Meanwhile, complete silence plays
Počuť len moje myšlenky, vôkol, vôkol
I can only hear my thoughts, all around, all around
Uteká častečka, rýchlo zavri oči
A particle escapes, quickly close your eyes
Svet je výstredný, vôkol, vôkol
The world is eccentric, all around, all around
Klesám hloub, teče mi do bot
I'm sinking deeper, water's filling my boots
Nedorazim na to místo jak Godot
I won't reach that place like Godot
Je to labyrint dnů a noc je čas, kdy se poddám snům
It's a labyrinth of days, and night is the time I surrender to dreams
Je to víc než výzva, hledat svůj přístav
It's more than a challenge to find your harbor
Bloudíme bez map po slepu bez lamp
We wander blindly without maps, without lamps
Řveme ty hesla, pak přijde vazba
We scream those slogans, then comes the bind
A ustát tu roli, navenek rovnej
And to withstand that role, outwardly straight
A vidim čím dál hloub, čím dál víc hledám temnej kout
And I see deeper and deeper, searching for a darker corner
Ale chci do duše benzín, vzít sirku a škrtnout
But I want gasoline in my soul, take a match and strike it
Život je chanson, pluju nocí - fantom
Life is a chanson, I float through the night - a phantom
Toužim, křižuju městem
I yearn, I cruise through the city
Toužim, křižuju městem
I yearn, I cruise through the city
Toužim, křižuju městem
I yearn, I cruise through the city
Veď vonku je to iba samý cvok
Because outside it's just a bunch of crazies
Nič podľa plánov, krúžim tou károu
Nothing goes according to plan, I'm circling in this car
Piatykrat idem ten istý blok
For the fifth time, I'm going around the same block
O piatej ráno, nespím v noci dávno
At five in the morning, I haven't slept at night for ages
Posadnutý v myšlienkách jak cvok
Obsessed with thoughts like a madman
Iba kvôli snom dopustim spanok
Only for the sake of dreams will I allow sleep
No nemávám ich dávno
But I haven't had them for a long time
Piaty rok ten istý blok
The fifth year, the same block
Nič podľa plánov, krúžim tou károu
Nothing goes according to plan, I'm circling in this car
Půjdu si do tmy, sejmout si masku a zachytit tóny
I'll go into the darkness, remove my mask, and capture the tones
Než se harpie slítnou, zahalený v kouři sejmout
Before the harpies flock, shrouded in smoke to take you down
Ponoř se do tmy, přenes to na plátno jak Caravaggio
Immerse yourself in the darkness, transfer it to the canvas like Caravaggio
Vlez sám do nitra, jako bych nakráčel do všivýho bistra
Step into the depths yourself, as if I'd stepped into a lousy bistro
Noc chce měnit, všechno vysát než dojdu za zenit
The night wants to change me, suck everything out before I reach my zenith
S křížem jak Jesus, vtáhnu tu výzvu
With a cross like Jesus, I'll take on the challenge
Myšlenky křivý jak?
My thoughts are crooked like what?
Každej opadá pod zem a ztratí se v mlze
Everyone falls to the ground and disappears into the fog
Zbydou holý stromy, prázdný domy, co jsou samy
There will be bare trees, empty houses that are alone
Spadly na zem, jsou nahý a bez chyb
They fell to the ground, naked and flawless
Ale stále nemaj klid
But they still don't have peace
Spadly na zem, jsou nahý a bez chyb
They fell to the ground, naked and flawless
Jsou to cesty do nitra, údolí stínů, noční let
These are paths to the inner self, valleys of shadows, night flight
Podivnej trip, hluboko v nás není cesty zpět
A strange trip, deep within us there's no way back
Jako strach, hnus v Las Vegas
Like fear, disgust in Las Vegas
Jsem Meduzin syn jako Pegas
I am Medusa's son, like Pegasus
Někdy se mi zdá, ticho je moc nahlas, nahlas
Sometimes it seems to me the silence is too loud, too loud
Křídla mám odraný bouří, klesám
My wings are torn by the storm, I'm falling
Než to skončí, náraz
Before it ends, impact
Sejmutej Boeing, zlomenej vaz
A downed Boeing, a broken neck
Z hloubi duše nezdrhneš, Alcatraz
You can't escape from the depths of your soul, Alcatraz
Nevidím vás, nevidím cestu
I can't see you, I can't see the path
Nepočujem ani jedno slovo, vôkol, vôkol
I can't hear a single word, all around, all around
Necitím strach, nemám mieru
I don't feel fear, I have no peace
Všetko v kľude, ani jedno slovo, vôkol, vôkol
Everything is calm, not a single word, all around, all around
Medzitým hrá úplné ticho
Meanwhile, complete silence plays
Počuť len moje myšlenky, vôkol, vôkol
I can only hear my thoughts, all around, all around
Uteká častečka, rýchlo zavri oči
A particle escapes, quickly close your eyes
Svet je výstredný, vôkol, vôkol
The world is eccentric, all around, all around
Veď vonku je to iba samý cvok
Because outside it's just a bunch of crazies
Samý cvok
Just crazies
Vonku je to iba samý cvok
Outside it's just a bunch of crazies
Iba iba samý cvok
Just just a bunch of crazies

Writer(s): Tomas Pechlak, Paulie Garand, Adiss Adiss

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