I raise the middle finger for those pathetic injustices
Výdech, nádech, zrychlenej tep
Exhale, inhale, accelerated heartbeat
Buduju věc miluju rap je to můj svět
Building things, I love rap, it's my world
A všechno kolem je to čim žiju
And everything around it is what I live for
A proto píšu další hymnu.
And that's why I'm writing another anthem.
Tak pojď!
So come on!
Uoooo uoooo
Uoooo uoooo
Uooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
Uoooo uooooo
Uoooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
Stojím na mole slov, pred nami more snov.
I stand on the pier of words, a sea of dreams before us.
Stojím na mole sám, na teba sa pozerám,
I stand on the pier alone, looking at you,
Rozmýšlám čo všetko je za námi díky mami
Thinking about everything that's behind us, thanks mom
Za mnou stoja moji chalani aj
My boys are standing behind me too
Paulie je tu dneska s námi.
Paulie is here with us today.
Zastavme ten moment na chvílu.
Let's stop this moment for a while.
V pravej mikrofón v lavej cígu.
Microphone in the right hand, cigarette in the left.
Na začiatku bol kousek papíru,
In the beginning there was a piece of paper,
Starý gramofón, boh dal silu nám bojovat.
An old gramophone, God gave us the strength to fight.
Robota, pokora potom príde pohoda.
Work, humility, then comes comfort.
Piatok, sobota, sloboda z dola do hora na mólo
Friday, Saturday, freedom from bottom to top to the pier
Pozeral nehrál pozéra dneska tu hrám buzerant.
He used to watch, didn't play the poser, today I play the poser here.
Stojím na mole snov, môj flow je hrozne slow.
I stand on the pier of dreams, my flow is terribly slow.
Hlavu mám plnú snov a v papuli tak milión slov.
My head is full of dreams and a million words in my mouth.
Stojím na mole s vámi, triezvy aj natasaný,
I stand on the pier with you, sober and ready,
Každý kdo sa chce baviť nech zakričí s námi ouu.
Everyone who wants to have fun, shout with us ouu.
Uoooo uoooo
Uoooo uoooo
Uooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
Uoooo uooooo
Uoooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
Uooo uooooo
A přístup nemám sezónní
And my approach isn't seasonal
Roky mluvím k vám sleduju jak to zní
For years I've been talking to you, watching how it sounds
A komu nevoní můj styl, nevidí drill, nevidí skills, nevidí místa kde sem byl
And those who don't like my style, don't see the drill, don't see the skills, don't see the places I've been
Nevadí dej mi šanci, my jěšte nejsme na konci
It doesn't matter, give me a chance, we're not at the end yet
Molo má dvě strany mince, zhora co obdivuju a nebo psance
The pier has two sides of the coin, from above what I admire or the outcasts
Do ksichtu pálej světla, který tě nutěj to hrotit, ne přestat, zakouřený sály vazby a řev, basy a chorály nebo ryzí zpěv
Lights are burning in your face, forcing you to push it, not to stop, smoky halls, ties and roars, basses and chants or pure singing
Je třeba začít dělit zrní od plev, je nutný vás vyvodit ze zlev, netahej kvér ale slova jsme v Čechách, nic není fér, krédo má ten co maká.
It is necessary to start separating the grain from the chaff, it is necessary to bring you out of the discount, don't pull a gun but words, we are in Czechia, nothing is fair, the credo has the one who works.
Vztahuju háro do zádu, když nejede motor tak se vracím k pádlu, dělat to co chceš je nejlepší věc i když je to občas jenom studená klec.
I pull my hair back, when the engine is not running, I go back to the paddle, doing what you want is the best thing, even if it is sometimes just a cold cage.
Jedu jak Rock'n Rolla, budu na nohou do poslednýho kola, a pak si vážim těch, co jsou k molu blíž na show a řvou: Woooou
I'm going like Rock'n Rolla, I'll be on my feet until the last round, and then I appreciate those who are closer to the pier at the show and shout: Woooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
Wooou Wooou
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