Paulie Garand feat. Kenny Rough, Nerieš & Separ - Kolem stolu (feat. Separ & Nerieš) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paulie Garand feat. Kenny Rough, Nerieš & Separ - Kolem stolu (feat. Separ & Nerieš)

Kolem stolu (feat. Separ & Nerieš)
Around the Table (feat. Separ & Nerieš)
Kolem stolu
Around the table
Všichni kolem stolu, kolem stolu
Everybody around the table
Kolem stolu
Around the table
Všichni kolem stolu
Everybody around the table
Všichni kolem stolu
Everybody around the table
Mám kodex Al Pacino, al dente navaříno
I've got the code of Al Pacino, al dente cooked
Pijem pravdu, takže víno
I drink the truth, so it's wine
Ta banda co je kolem tu proto svoje místo
The gang that's around has their place here for a reason
Všichni co jsou fejk, pá, pakuj bágly
All the fakes, goodbye, pack your bags
zmátly mátohy, namátkou si sáhly
Ghosts confused me, they reached out at random
Na místo mí, kde vede přísloví
To my place, where the proverb holds true
Že nevidíme víc než rodinný příměří
That we can't see more than a family truce
Podělim se o chleba, jak to dělá Drake
I'll share the bread, like Drake does
Porcuju klip, jako by to byl steak
I carve the clip like it was a steak
Podělim se o to jenom s těma co chtěj
I'll only share it with those who want it
Zbytek si čumí na svý přes displej
The rest can watch over themselves through the screen
Nechci bejt sám, jsem s váma
I don't want to be alone, I'm with you
V sobě nosim pokoru, žádnou hru na čáva
I carry humility within me, no game to play
Jsem hrdej, na to jak vychovala máma
I'm proud of how my mother raised me
A crew těch drzejch
And a crew of audacious types
Typů co lítali ulicema jako vrána
Who flew through the streets like a crow
A dali rady, který vyformovali v pána
And gave me advice that shaped me into a master
Za náma je dost, ale před náma je svět
There's a lot behind us, but the world lies ahead
A kolem kulatej stůl, kde je rap, rap, rap
And around a round table where there's rap, rap, rap
Kterej se točí jako film, jsme jak casino
Which spins like a movie, we are a casino
Jsem maniak do bijáku, Tarantino
I'm a maniac for cinema, Tarantino
Rodinu a lidi kolem znáte dávno
You've known the family and the people around for a long time
Ty charaktery co jednou otisknu na plátno
Those characters I'll once print on a canvas
Jedu jak De Niro, Joe Pesci, za roky
I ride like De Niro, Joe Pesci, over the years
Mnoho se změnilo
A lot has changed
Musíš si najít ty hady ve svý chýši
You have to find those snakes in your hut
Jakoby to bylo točený mistrem ve svý věci
As if it was shot by a master of his craft
Scorsesim, mistrem Scorsesim
Scorsese, master Scorsese
Vždycky jsem si navzájem říkali good fellas
We always called each other good fellas
Je to jako, když někomu řeknete
It's like when you tell someone
Ten se ti bude líbit. Je to správnej chlap
You'll like him. He's a good guy
Je to good fella, je to jeden z nás
He's a good fella, he's one of us
Get it?
Sedíme tam spolu, yeah yeah
We're sitting there together, yeah yeah
Všetci sme si rovni
We are all equal
Keď vstaneme od stolu, yeah yeah
When we get up from the table, yeah yeah
Nikto nikomu neni dlžný
No one owes anyone anything
Nerieš drbo
Don't worry about it
Yeah, stále sme voči sebe lojálni
Yeah, we are still loyal to each other
Yeah, yeah, pre tých čo s nami zostárli
Yeah, yeah, for those who have grown old with us
Poznám ich, tých podstatných
I know them, those who are important
V mojom živote pre mňa top
In my life they are the top
Nemôžem to nechat tak a ostať iba sám stáť
I can't leave it like this and just stand there alone
Moji naokolo medzi nami neni bastard
Mine all around us, there is no bastard among us
Rap je poslanie a zároveň aj moja práca
Rap is a mission and also my job
Najlepším team okolo seba nemusim báť sa
I don't have to be afraid of the best team around me
Doma zapáli, spanikári, letí ako kanárik
Light up at home, the stoners, flying like a canary
Samý starý fella, žiadne ucho čo tam nemá byť
Only old fellas, no ears that don't belong there
Medzi nami ťa kryje, len vtedy keď sa zadarí
Protects you among us, only when things go well
Zažiari vedla teba, ale je to nula čo ťa iba lanarí
Shines next to you, but is a zero that only lures you in
A motá, zavri ten zobák, kde tie hodnoty, noták
And spinning, close your beak, where are those values, come on
My sedíme okolo stolu a v stopách
We are sitting around the table and in the footsteps
Čo zostali za nami, počuješ kopak
What is left behind us, you hear a kick
Spolu sedíme dnu, dom stráži nechutný bandog
Together we sit inside, a nasty bandog guards the house
Nechoď na pozemok, cez tu tmu
Don't enter the property, through that darkness
Lebo pristane rovno na tvoju hruď
Because he lands straight on your chest
Oni vraj s nami, ale to fámy
They say they are with us, but that's gossip
Nesedíme pri stole s takýmito hovnami
We don't sit at the table with such crap
Sedíme tam spolu, yeah yeah
We're sitting there together, yeah yeah
Všetci sme si rovni
We are all equal
Keď vstaneme od stolu, yeah yeah
When we get up from the table, yeah yeah
Nikto nikomu neni dlžný
No one owes anyone anything
Nerieš drbo
Don't worry about it
Yeah, stále sme voči sebe lojálni
Yeah, we are still loyal to each other
Yeah, yeah, pre tých čo s nami zostárli
Yeah, yeah, for those who have grown old with us
Po známych, tých podstatných
For the acquaintances, the important ones
V mojom živote pre mňa top
In my life they are the top

Writer(s): Pavel Harant, Marek Nemec, Michael Kmet, Matej Straka, Matej Gabris

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