Paulie Garand feat. Lenny - Re-Generace (feat. Lenny) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Paulie Garand feat. Lenny - Re-Generace (feat. Lenny)

Re-Generace (feat. Lenny)
Re-Generation (feat. Lenny)
V posteli se válej notesy jak mrtvoly
Notes are strewn across the bed like corpses
Nabíjim fixu jako pistoli
I load my pen like a pistol
Chci do ran víc soli
I want to pour more salt into the wounds
Pisálci hulej cíga z voken - Jako
Writers are smoking cigarettes out of windows - like me
Než slunce donutí je mrdnout sebou o zem
Before the sun forces them to hit the ground
Tak to mám
That's how I am
Ožívám, když padne tma
I come alive when darkness falls
Pustim beaty ponořim se do nich
I drop the beats and immerse myself in them
Je to hra
It's a game
Regenerace, oči, vztahy
Regeneration, eyes, relationships
Generuju kusy mojí práce
I generate pieces of my work
I pro další generace
Even for future generations
Pokud je láska práce
If love is work
Budu otročit do konce
I will slave away until the end
Povedu ulice, dej mi šanci
I will lead the streets, give me a chance
Chci jen skrz pero vypustit duši do bloku
I just want to let my soul out onto the pad through my pen
Když vidim ten svět, tak díky bohu za muziku
When I see the world, thank God for music
Otevřeme lahev, karma
Let's open a bottle of karma
V chlastu je pravda
There's truth in booze
Náznak pro nás dva
A hint for the two of us
Rap a
Rap and me
Díky za tebe, ty víš, kdy vytáhnout
Thank you for you, you know when to pull me out
Zpátky ze stoky do hry jak cheaty
Back from the gutter into the game like cheats
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in para
We are living in para
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in
We are living in
Cause my head is sane
Because my head is sane
And my heart knows better
And my heart knows better
It's my ultimate explanation
It's my ultimate explanation
Scars of a generation
Scars of a generation
Hudba je bohyně i čůza
Music is a goddess as well as a slut
Táhnem to dlouho
We've been dragging it out for a long time
Ví, že jsem hajzl jak Dean
She knows I'm a bastard like Dean
V hubě kus lyriky
A piece of lyric in my mouth
Ne ty prvoplánový kecy
Not those blatant bullshit
sloky nejsou primitiv
My verses are not primitive
Někdy jsou jako ježek v kleci
Sometimes they are like a hedgehog in a cage
I kdyby tam nebylo víc
Even if there was nothing more
Nepotim ze sebe fake poselství
I won't sweat out fake messages
Nelakuju lží
I won't paint you with lies
rapy nerozsápeš jako hejno hyen
You won't scatter my raps like a pack of hyenas
Pronikám s nima dál do míst jako zvuky sirén
I penetrate with them further into places like the sounds of sirens
Do uší kritiků, co někdy kvičej jako ženy
Into the ears of critics, who sometimes squeal like women
nerýmuju uboze jak polovina scény
I don't rhyme like half the scene
sloky určujou můj styl
My verses define my style
Záběr, vkus i kroky
Shot, taste, and steps
Furt v Nirváně jak Kurt
Still in Nirvana like Kurt
Sny jsou moje drogy
Dreams are my drugs
Vyšli jsme s kůží na trh obnažený, hrdý zmrdi
We came to market naked, proud bastards
A dovedu si tvrdit, že jsme to zlato, oni pyrit
And I can say that we are gold, they are pyrite
Stále satori, duševní sanatory
Always satori, mental sanatoriums
Píšu tu knihu poznání
I'm writing the book of knowledge
Nesu dary
I bear gifts
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in para
We are living in para
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in
We are living in
Cause my head is sane
Because my head is sane
And my heart knows better
And my heart knows better
It's my ultimate explanation
It's my ultimate explanation
Scars of a generation
Scars of a generation
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in para
We are living in para
We are livin' in paradise
We are living in paradise
We are livin' in
We are living in
Cause my head is sane
Because my head is sane
And my heart knows better
And my heart knows better
It's my ultimate explanation
It's my ultimate explanation
Scars of a generation
Scars of a generation

Writer(s): Tomas Pechlak, Paulie Garand, Lenny Lenny

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