Paulie Garand feat. Lyrik - Sme co sme (feat. Lyrik) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paulie Garand feat. Lyrik - Sme co sme (feat. Lyrik)

Sme co sme (feat. Lyrik)
We Are What We Are (feat. Lyrik)
Lyrik, ha ha ha ha haa
Lyrik, ha ha ha ha haa
Z toho som normálne chorý zas,
This makes me sick again,
Preboha stop, ja sa bojím Vás,
For God's sake stop, I'm afraid of you,
Dráma, horror, key, pop, gotika,
Drama, horror, key, pop, gothic,
Každý si dnes s rap popom potyká.
Everyone stumbles with pop rap these days.
Ja som starý skam,
I'm an old dog,
Hip-Hop ani nemám rád ale nútia ma to robiť po miliontýkrát.
I don't even like Hip-Hop but they force me to do it for the millionth time.
Chcú na mňa vydat zatykač,
They want to issue an arrest warrant for me,
Osobita, originalita,
Personality, originality,
Niesom leklou rybou.
I'm not a scared fish.
Leklou flow mám.
I have a scared flow.
Neni chybou keď pre flotkow dám,
It's not a mistake if I give it for the crew,
Mám predchodcou rád,
I love my predecessors,
Tak obrazy sa rynú, jak pohľad na animák.
So the images flow like watching a cartoon.
Od roku 97, fermentujem, vidím, bdiem,
Since '97, I ferment, see, exist,
A sa dištancujem,
And distance myself,
Nebojujem, nelogujem,
I don't fight, I don't log in,
Zaplatil som anielsku daň
I paid the angel tax
A zriem sám vo svojom sude
And I sleep alone in my own judgment
Môj flow je starý a drahý jak papagáj,
My flow is old and expensive like a parrot,
Žakov svet je lacný a preto ma nemáš často.
Your world is cheap and that's why you don't have me often.
Hups, som preflakol to so šestnástkou.
Whoops, I've already blown it with the sixteen.
Paulie.Fatte.Ahoj... .skončím to takto dvackou.
Paulie.Fatte.Bye... I'll finish it like this with a twenty.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Neboj se mi nezkapem.
Don't worry, I won't die on you.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Ukázat že oheň klasiky furt nevyhasnul.
To show that the fire of classics hasn't died out yet.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Neboj se mi nezkapem.
Don't worry, I won't die on you.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Tak chápeš?
So you understand?
Paulie Garand:
Paulie Garand:
Neva že neba,
It doesn't matter if they don't love you,
Vim to co vim,
I know what I know,
Ostatní je mimo,
The rest is out of it,
že i když nejsem z filmu,
That even though I'm not from a movie,
čumíš jako bych byl kino.
You stare like I'm a cinema.
Jak je libo ale pokud si si myslel,
As you please, but if you thought,
že by si vyšmelil od boha styl, si debil.
That you could bargain style from God, you're an idiot.
Asi nejsi flowtek z flow,
You're probably not the flowest of flows,
Co by stála za check a furt ty samí chabí mantinely
That would be worth a check and still the same weak boundaries
Za pár facek.
For a few slaps.
Nechci učit taktiky jak přežít 4 takty,
I don't want to teach you tactics on how to survive 4 bars,
Aby ti beat nenakopal řiť to musíš cejtit.
So the beat doesn't kick your ass, you have to feel it.
Huba je nástroj stejně jako hajtka,
The mouth is an instrument just like a hood,
Takže pokud nesekáš tak jak máš,
So if you don't cut it like you should,
Visíš jak bílá vlajka.
You're hanging like a white flag.
Uchlácholíš leda laika,
You'll only soothe a layman,
Teda pokud máš co říct
Well, if you have something to say
A nejsi strohej jako haiku.
And you're not as simple as a haiku.
Chtěl by jsi kázat ale... každej nepatří k maiku.
You'd like to preach but... not everyone belongs on the mic.
MC's jsou uvolněný jak když maj kazajku.
MC's are relaxed like they have a diarrhea.
Flow neni věc co by si vytlačil vytlačil na hajzlu,
Flow is not something you squeeze out on the toilet,
Je to balet z pajzlu, Lábus a Keiser,
It's a ballet from the toilet, Lábus and Keiser,
Ty jeblý bláboly co z huby jdou jsou mega heavy,
Those stupid babbles coming out of your mouth are mega heavy,
G-G-Gaul kvalita žádný fakeový slevy.
G-G-Gaul quality, no fake discounts.
Jsme to my umíme revitalizaci hlavy,
It's us, we know how to revitalize the head,
Občas je třeba provětrat ty nahoněný pávy.
Sometimes it's necessary to air out those chased peacocks.
Napříč křečí v rapu, co se studem krčí v dřepu,
Across the cramps in rap, that are huddled in shame in a squat,
Ze stolu smetu, v cukuletu.
I'll sweep you off the table, in a rocket.
Papír psycha nechce nosit tvoje slova,
The paper is a psyche that doesn't want to carry your words,
Chudák maik se oběsil a ty si co?
Poor mic hanged itself and what are you?
Ubulená vdova...
A grieving widow...
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Neboj se mi nezkapem.
Don't worry, I won't die on you.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Ukázat že oheň klasiky furt nevyhasnul.
To show that the fire of classics hasn't died out yet.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Neboj se mi nezkapem.
Don't worry, I won't die on you.
Sme co sme a děláme co děláme,
We are what we are and we do what we do,
Tak chápeš?
So you understand?

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