Paulie Garand - Pramen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Paulie Garand - Pramen

The Spring
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Říká se, že jediná nemožná cesta je ta, na kterou se nikdy nevydáš.
They say the only impossible path is the one you never take.
Osud je mistr ve stavění překážek
Fate is a master at building obstacles
A tohle je příběh o typovi na rozcestí,
And this is a story about a guy at a crossroads,
Takže poslouchej.
So listen up.
Na bedrech měl naloženo všechno, co jen moh'
He carried everything he could on his shoulders
Vázal to pevně, aby se mu nerozjel ten stoh.
Tied it tight so the stack wouldn't fall apart.
Od počátku věděl, že toho děsně moc,
From the beginning, he knew he had too much,
Rodina se neptala, nevěděla o tom nic
His family didn't ask, they didn't know anything about it
Kromě toho, že je synek pořád někde pryč.
Except that their son was always gone somewhere.
Nechtěl je zklamat, kord když nad nim visel pořád bič.
He didn't want to disappoint them, especially with the whip always hanging over him.
A tak hledal dveře, ke kterejm měl v ruce klíč,
And so he looked for doors that he had the key to,
Do krajin tvýho, v svojí duši ale dusil chtíč.
To landscapes of your own, but in his soul, he stifled desire.
Rozumnej natolik, aby se rozhodl hned,
Smart enough to make a decision right away,
Studium v dáli nebo hobby, co bylo jeho svět.
Distant studies or hobbies, which was his world.
A teď řekni, co teď, za jakou cenu chtít
And now tell me, what now, at what cost to want
Skloubit ty věci, naplno pro obě nejde žít.
To combine those things, you can't live fully for both.
Stíhat ten neklid a nestíhat ten klid,
To chase that restlessness and not catch that peace,
Je to, co nechce mít, ale rady ze všech míst
It's what he doesn't want, but advice from everywhere
Lítaj jak obnažený kurvy, co chtěj jen svíst
Fly like naked whores who just want to lead you astray
Na svojí cestu a ty nevíš kudy jít.
On your own path, and you don't know which way to go.
Život je jak pramen, co si vždycky cestu najde.
Life is like a spring that always finds its way.
Nestav mu hráze, nebuď blázen,
Don't build dams, don't be crazy,
Poslouchej to srdce, i když rozum zdá se pánem,
Listen to your heart, even if reason seems to be the master,
Než se zavřou všechny skuliny pro cestu za snem.
Before all the cracks for the path to your dream close up.
Život je jak pramen, co si vždycky cestu najde.
Life is like a spring that always finds its way.
Nestav mu hráze, nebuď blázen,
Don't build dams, don't be crazy,
Poslouchej to srdce, i když rozum zdá se pánem,
Listen to your heart, even if reason seems to be the master,
Než se zavřou všechny skuliny pro cestu za snem.
Before all the cracks for the path to your dream close up.
Je to tak jasný, to vůbec není jasný.
It's so clear that it's not clear at all.
Budoucnost ti nedovolí nic víc než se zasnít.
The future won't let you do anything more than dream.
Hodnoty se bijou o konvence starších
Values clash with the conventions of elders
A myslí s motivací, někde všichni vyschlí.
And minds with motivation, everyone's dried up somewhere.
Hejt na ty pravidla a lejstra,
Hate those rules and papers,
Co z tebe dělaj jenom pochybnýho mistra nad propastí.
That make you just a dubious master over the abyss.
Pokud si myslíš, že ještě pořád svíráš v hrsti střepy štěstí
If you think you're still holding the shards of happiness in your fist
A máš vizi, tak běž s ní,
And you have a vision, then go with it,
Než začneš zakopávat o trny a kameny
Before you start stumbling over thorns and stones
Jako ten, co nakonec poslechl rady rodiny.
Like the one who eventually listened to his family's advice.
Po domluvě nechal ležet svoje sny.
After the agreement, he left his dreams lying there.
Možná ti o něm někdo vyprávěl a možnás' to byl zrovna ty.
Maybe someone told you about him, and maybe it was you.
Nic není jistý, ale možností je vždycky víc,
Nothing is certain, but there are always more possibilities,
Přesto loterie štěstí nejde nikdy vstříc.
Yet the lottery of happiness never goes to meet you.
Vystoupil z rozjetýho vlaku, nemá jiskru v oku
He got off the moving train, he no longer has a spark in his eye
A čeká, co ukáže osud.
And waits to see what fate will show.
Život je jak pramen, co si vždycky cestu najde.
Life is like a spring that always finds its way.
Nestav mu hráze, nebuď blázen,
Don't build dams, don't be crazy,
Poslouchej to srdce, i když rozum zdá se pánem,
Listen to your heart, even if reason seems to be the master,
Než se zavřou všechny skuliny pro cestu za snem.
Before all the cracks for the path to your dream close up.
Život je jak pramen, co si vždycky cestu najde.
Life is like a spring that always finds its way.
Nestav mu hráze, nebuď blázen,
Don't build dams, don't be crazy,
Poslouchej to srdce, i když rozum zdá se pánem,
Listen to your heart, even if reason seems to be the master,
Než se zavřou všechny skuliny pro cestu za snem.
Before all the cracks for the path to your dream close up.
Než se zavřou všechny skuliny pro cestu za snem.
Before all the cracks for the path to your dream close up.

Writer(s): Jakub Kopecky, Pavel Harant

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