Pavel Stratan - Adesea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pavel Stratan - Adesea

Asa-i ca dese ori iti vine sa te bati cu pumnu-n piept,
So often you want to beat your chest,
S-arati la toti: ca tine nimeni nu-i, si logic, asta-i drept.
Show everyone: no one is like you, and logically, that's right.
Tu esti ca tine!
You are like you!
Pentru ca toti ca dansii is, dar numai tu ca tine esti,
Because everyone is like themselves, but only you are like you,
De-atata coada n-are urs, de-atata tu asa te gandesti
A bear has no tail because you think so
Si asta-i bine!
And that's good!
De-aici rezulta ca tu esti tu s-acolo-i clar ca ei sunt ei,
From this it follows that you are you and it is clear that they are them,
Si-ntotdeauna ei tin cu dansii, numai tu cu tine tii.
And they always stick up for themselves, but only you stick up for yourself.
Si daca tu-ai picat, te scoli si iar o-ncepi de la-nceput,
And if you fall, you get up and start again,
Pe cine-l doare care n-are, ceea ce altii au gasit, cand tu-ai pierdut?
Who cares what others have found when you have lost, what do you care?
Dac-ai pierdut ceva tu spune
If you've lost something, you say
Anume ce si cam pe unde?
Exactly what and approximately where?
Acolo du-te, cata tu!
Go there, look for it yourself!
Pe mine lasa-ma in pace, eu am vrut sa te ajut,
Leave me alone, I wanted to help you,
Dar vezi ca nu face? Da-ti place!
But you see it doesn't work? Yes, you like it!
De parca tu ziceai ca nu!
As if you were saying that you don't!
Ti-aduci aminte cum inainte, era mai bine ca inapoi?
Do you remember how before, everything was better than later?
Traia normal bunelul cu maca, dar nu mai zic adica de mama, tata si noi!
Grandpa with a monkey lived normally, but I'm not talking about mom, dad and us!
Dimineata ne sculam cu totii, ne povesteam ce-am vaz't in vis,
In the morning we all got up, we talked about what we saw in a dream,
Si-acum te scoli dimineata, daca intr-adevar ast'noapte nimeni nu te-o ucis.
And now you get up in the morning, if indeed no one killed you last night.
Ce bine-ar fi sa fie in viata asa de simplu cum ar fi
How good it would be if life were as simple as it would be
Sa fie-n viata viata-n piata. Iti place cumpara, nu-ti place nu trai!
For life to be life in the market. If you like it, buy it, if you don't, don't live!
As intelege un lucru care ma framanta tot mai des:
I would understand one thing that has been bothering me more and more:
Eu ori traiesc sa fac parale, ori fac parale ca sa pot sa mai traiesc?
Do I live to make money, or do I make money so that I can live?
La vale, eu vreau sa merg numai la vale,
Downhill, I only want to go downhill,
C' la vale oleaca-i mai usor de mers,
Because downhill is a little easier to walk,
Si daca-i vorba de parale, eu vreau nu vorbe, dar parale!
And if we're talking about money, I want not words, but money!
Si-n vale sa ma astepte-un "Mercedes".
And a "Mercedes" should be waiting for me in the valley.

Writer(s): Pavel Stratan

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