Pavel Stratan - Copacul vieții - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pavel Stratan - Copacul vieții

Copacul vieții
The Tree of Life
Creste, si infloreste,
It grows, and blossoms,
And ages,
Copacul Vietii,
The Tree of Life,
Dar eu stau prin crengi ascuns
But I remain hidden in its branches
Rece, prin mine trece,
Cold, it courses through me,
Cand vad cum Timpul,
When I see how Time,
Reteaza cate-o creanga.
Severs each branch.
Eu ma ridic mai sus...
I climb higher still...
Poate la jumatate,
Perhaps halfway,
Ori mai deasupra,
Or even higher,
Ori mai dedesupt ma aflu,
Or maybe I'm down below,
Oricum, sunt fericit!
Either way, I'm content!
Dar Timpul,
But Time,
El, pur si simplu,
He, quite simply,
Nici nu ma-ntreaba:
Doesn't even ask me:
Am eu treaba, am dovedit ceva, ori n-am dovedit!
Am I fulfilled, have I proven myself, or haven't I!
Se scutura florile, cad frunzele, una cate una.
The flowers fall, the leaves fall, one by one.
Dar printre frunze, cu cat mai multe cad,
But among the leaves, the more that fall,
Cu-atat mai clar se vede luna.
The clearer the moon becomes.
In sus si numa-n sus,
Up and only up,
Plus-minus, minus-plus -
Plus-minus, minus-plus -
Cand altii, cred in astre.
When others believe in stars.
Noi, restul, spunem ca,
The rest of us, we say that,
Traim azi prima zi,
Today we're living the first day,
Din restul Vietii noastre.
Of the rest of our lives.

Writer(s): Pavel Stratan

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