Pavel Stratan - Foc La Ghete - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pavel Stratan - Foc La Ghete

Foc La Ghete
Fire in My Boots
Seara cand apare luna
When the moon appears in the evening
Fetele-s una ca una
The girls are one and the same
Dac-te uiti la dansele, ingheti.
If you look at them, you freeze.
Stiu ca deseara, chiar de tata
I know that tonight, even if dad
O s-ma-ncuie cu lacata,
Locks me up with a padlock,
Eu, oricum, din casa evadez.
I will escape from the house anyway.
Stiu ca fetele frumoase
I know that beautiful girls
Seara nu prea stau pe-acasa
Don't really stay at home in the evening
Mai ales, acele cu ochii verzi
Especially those with green eyes
Dar mie imi place, oricum de tati
But I like it, no matter what dad says
Nu conteaza ochii fetii
The color of the girl's eyes doesn't matter
Tanara sa fie, asta-i just.
As long as she's young, that's just right.
Numai ca, chestia, uite care-i!
The thing is, here's the deal!
Care-i tanara, nu are
Those who are young don't have
Tot aceleasi gusturi. Da' am spus:
All the same tastes. But I said:
Oricat nu s-ar tinea de tare,
No matter how strong they hold on,
Dupa doua-trei pahare
After two or three drinks
Gustul lor se face-aceleasi gust
Their taste becomes the same
Tot e bun. Dar unde-i fata
Everything is good. But where is the girl
Care sa ma-nteleaga tata
Who will understand me, dad
Ca pentru dansa eu ma dau in vant?
That I'm head over heels for her?
Si de dim'neata pana seara
And from morning till evening
Stau in mana cu chitara
I hold the guitar in my hand
Si numai pentru dansa vreau sa cant.
And only for her I want to sing.
Dar la noapte, "nani-nani"
But tonight, "nighty-night"
Faca cine n-are anii,
Let those who are not old enough do it,
Dar eu sa ma culc nu am de gand.
But I have no intention of going to bed.
Uite, Zina trece drumul,
Look, Zina is crossing the road,
Repede ma strecor ca fumul
I quickly sneak like smoke
Si-o intampin, dar intamplator:
And I meet her, but by chance:
"-Cum cu viata?"
"-How's life?"
"-Parca-i bine, dar la tine?"
"-Seems good, but how about you?"
"-Dar la mine tot e bun. Dar uite ca mai am un dor"
"-Everything is good with me too. But I have one more desire"
Ea-mi intinde mie mana
She reaches out her hand to me
Dar ce vreau eu nu vrea Zina,
But what I want, Zina doesn't,
Stie ea ce toti baietii vor
She knows what all the boys want
Cand ma uit pe drum la vale,
When I look down the road,
Veronica mergea-agale
Veronica was walking slowly
O ajung si-n dreptul ei ma tin-
I catch up and keep up with her-
Eu ma uit si ea se uita,
I look and she looks,
Eu vorbesc, ea ma asculta
I talk, she listens to me
Dar de-aicea... sta cu frica-n san.
But from here... she stands with fear in her chest.
Eu cu dansa, mi se pare
With her, it seems to me
Ca ne cunoastem din nascare
That we have known each other since birth
Dar se vede, ca asta e putin.
But it seems that this is not enough.
Oare cine-i fata asta
I wonder who this girl is
Care seamana cu Nastea?
Who looks like Nastya?
Merge-ncet, cu ochii aplecati.
She walks slowly, with her eyes downcast.
Numai daca ridica ochii
If she just raises her eyes
Fac un pas si ma apropii
I'll take a step and approach
Suta de procente-mi cade-n lat
One hundred percent she'll fall for me
Am atata bucurie!
I have so much joy!
Vrei si tu? Iti dau si tie, daca vrei.
Do you want some too? I'll give you some too, if you want.
Dar daca nu vrei, nu n-at'".
But if you don't want it, I won't force it".
Una pleaca, alta vine
One leaves, another comes
Bine ii, dar nu-i prea bine
It's good, but it's not that good
Toate is grabite, nu stiu cum.
They are all in a hurry, I don't know how.
Parca-mi pare mie saga,
It seems strange to me,
Dar ceva aici nu leaga
But something doesn't fit here
Timpul trece, da' eu stau in drum.
Time passes, but I stand in the way.
Ori ca eu nu fac ce trebu'
Either I'm not doing what I should
Cum nu dau, nu cade gherbu'
If you don't give, you don't receive
Tot ii bun, da' nu chiar tot ii bun.
Everything is good, but not everything is good.
Repede ma intorc acasa
I quickly return home
Stiu ca mai exist-o sansa
I know there is still a chance
Timp de-ajuns mai este pana-n zori.
There is still enough time before dawn.
Fac orice numai sa fie
I'll do anything just to be
Bine lor si bine mie.
Good for them and good for me.
Asa-i viata cand nu vrei s-te-nsori.
That's life when you don't want to get married.
Si de la mama din gradina
And from mom's garden
Rup vreo trei din radacina,
I'll pick three from the roots,
Cele mai mari si mai frumoase flori.
The biggest and most beautiful flowers.
Da' din dulapul plin cu haine
And from the closet full of clothes
Mi le-aleg pe cele mai faine,
I choose the coolest ones,
De n-am sa ma cunosc pe mine eu:
So that I won't recognize myself:
Pantalonii cei cu dunga,
The pants with the stripes,
Camesuta cu maneca lunga
The long-sleeved shirt
Si cravata tatei de flacau.
And my dad's tie from when he was a young man.
Dac-asa va merge treaba,
If things go like this,
Iat-acum au dat de naiba
Now they've gone crazy
Toate fetele din satul meu
All the girls in my village
Zica ce n-ar zice tata,
Whatever dad may say,
Nu ma las batut, si gata!
I won't give up, and that's it!
Nici un pas in urma nu mai dau.
I'm not taking a step back.
Las' s'mai steie el acasa
Let him stay at home
Daca nimic nu-l deranjeaza.
If nothing bothers him.
Eu, de-o vorba-acasa nu mai stau.
I won't stay home for a word.
Si daca m-am pornit la fete
And if I'm going after girls
Nu stiu decat: "foc la ghete!"
I only know one thing: "fire in my boots!"
Asta-i tot ce-am vrut si tot ce vreau.
That's all I wanted and all I want.

Writer(s): pavel stratan

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