Pavel Stratan - La City - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Pavel Stratan - La City

La City
La City
Odata seara
One night
De pasca lunec un tarnic,
At Easter, a young guy, is passing by,
Aprind tigara,
Lights a cigarette,
La nime-o buchie nu zic,
He doesn't say no to an occasional joint,
Si stau cuminte,
And keeps quiet,
Eu vreau la City′.
I want to go to City′.
Numai acolo se-ntampla tot din tot ce vreu,
Only there happens everything I want,
Numai acolo
Only there
Te duci si tu, ma duc si eu.
You go too, I go too.
Papusi ca floarea
Dolls like flowers
Cand vad, in doua ma indoi,
When I see them, I'm doubled over,
Ma ia 'salvarea′,
The ambulance takes me,
Dar ma aduce inapoi.
But it brings me back.
Acolo unde, nu ai cand,
There, where you don't have time,
Cand macar s te gandesti in gand
When you even think in your mind
Ce se intampla-n tampla-atunci
What happens at the temple then
Cand vrei s-ajungi
When you want to get there
Acolo unde, nu numai se uita,
There, where they don't just look,
Da s te vad,
But they see you,
Acolo, unde nu numai te-asculta,
There, where they don't just listen to you,
Da s te cred,
But they believe you,
Acolo unde, nu numai te-ntreaba,
There, where they don't just ask you,
Da si-ti dau raspuns,
But they give you an answer,
De unde singur te-ai pornit
Where you started from alone
Si unde ai ajuns.
And where you ended up.
Acolo unde, n-ai pentru ce sa te feresti,
There, where you don't have to hide,
Cand esti la 'City',
When you're at 'City',
Tu esti mai liber decat esti,
You're freer than you are,
Acolo unde, n-ai pentru ce s′te dai in dos,
There, where you don't have to back down,
Acolo unde, toti se duc,
There, where everyone goes,
De unde numeni nu s-a-ntors.
From where no one has returned.
Cu bani?
With money?
De unde?
Where from?
Odata-n piata
Once at the market
Cu o tiganca cap in cap,
With a gypsy woman, cap to cap,
Ea: ′Hai la siti!',
She: 'Come to the site!',
Sa-i zic ceva? Mai bine tac.
Should I say something? I'd rather keep quiet.
Te pui cu dansii!
You're messing with them!
Dar parca nu m-a luat in ras,
But she didn't seem to laugh at me,
Eu nu stiu unde,
I don't know where,
Da-mi pare ca la ′City'-a zis.
But it seems to me she said 'City'.
Eu is cuminti,
I'm a good boy,
Dar daca trebu′ noi 'vorbim′!
But if we need to, we'll 'talk'!
Ai vrut la 'City'?
Did you want to go to 'City'?
Deseara-acolo ne-ntalnim.
We'll meet there tonight.
Tiganca rade,
The gypsy laughs,
Si eu cand am vazut radeam,
And when I saw it, I laughed,
Ea vinde site,
She sells sites,
Dar eu la ′City′ ma gandeam,
But I was thinking of 'City',
Acolo unde, daca vrai,
There, if you want,
Traind, sa vezi ce-nseamna Rai,
Living, to see what Heaven means,
Unde si fete si baiet
Where both girls and boys
Danseaza tat!
Dance like crazy!

Writer(s): Pavel Stratan

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